Democrats Billionare Money Man George Soros Fined for driving Oil prices to $100


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
CNBC: Trading Group Fined for Driving Up Oil Price
The U.S. futures regulator on Monday fined a commodity trading group $12 million for pushing crude oil to $100-a-barrel for the first time in 2008...

On the first day of trading in 2008, Gavilon bid a $100 for single contract oil that changed hands on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange even as the electronic market was trading at a substantial discount...

Gavilon, which is owned by investment firms General Atlantic, Ospraie Management and Soros Fund Management, will pay the majority of the fine.
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Wow, thanks for posting. I hadn't heard this story, but not surprised. There are not many people on the planet that I will stoop to calling a scumbag, but he's on the list.
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This story is a lie. Everyone knows the evil Oil Companies raised prices all by themselves in their greed for record profits. Truth Matters will agree I'm sure.

Soros donates to the democrat party, he's as pure as the driven snow. He didn't try to destroy the English Pound either. It's all lies I tell you, LIES!
This story is a lie. Everyone knows the evil Oil Companies raised prices all by themselves in their greed for record profits. Truth Matters will agree I'm sure.

Kinda funny how it all happened during a housing crisis in the US, and right before a presidential election.;)
CNBC: Trading Group Fined for Driving Up Oil Price
The U.S. futures regulator on Monday fined a commodity trading group $12 million for pushing crude oil to $100-a-barrel for the first time in 2008...

On the first day of trading in 2008, Gavilon bid a $100 for single contract oil that changed hands on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange even as the electronic market was trading at a substantial discount...

Gavilon, which is owned by investment firms General Atlantic, Ospraie Management and Soros Fund Management, will pay the majority of the fine.
$12 million is a transaction fee for those jackholes, not any kind of punitive fine.
What annoys me the most about this administration, who I admit to voting for, is that talked an amazing game. I was hearing mostly everything I wanted to hear from a candidate prior to the election. This seemed to be the administration we were going to need at this time and at this place. They told me all of the things I believed were wrong with previous administrations and seemed to have an understanding of how we got where we are. Now that they have control they act contrary to thier pledge to us.

This is a perfect example. The told us how the Bush administration allowed speculators to drive up oil prices and that it was a practice they would end. Here they are guilty of it themselves. This is what frustrates me.
The fine, which was agreed by the CFTC and the current owners of the trading unit, comes more than two years after crude oil futures surged to a record $147 a barrel, prompting a CFTC investigation.


do you understand what this means you asshole?
What annoys me the most about this administration, who I admit to voting for, is that talked an amazing game. I was hearing mostly everything I wanted to hear from a candidate prior to the election. This seemed to be the administration we were going to need at this time and at this place. They told me all of the things I believed were wrong with previous administrations and seemed to have an understanding of how we got where we are. Now that they have control they act contrary to thier pledge to us.

This is a perfect example. The told us how the Bush administration allowed speculators to drive up oil prices and that it was a practice they would end. Here they are guilty of it themselves. This is what frustrates me.

What? It was under this administration that they fined this group for manipulating prices. Do you believe bush or mccain would have done the same? Bush apparently didn't even know that the price for gas was up to $4 a gallon.
What? It was under this administration that they fined this group for manipulating prices. Do you believe bush or mccain would have done the same? Bush apparently didn't even know that the price for gas was up to $4 a gallon.

Bush crushed these price manipulators when he opened the OCS. He is the only you are not paying over $8 a gallon right now. You are a fucking hack. It took time to legally pin these guys down with all their tricks & force them to pay a fine.
Soros hedge fund invests $811m to buy Petrobras stake
Billionaire investor George Soros bought an $811 million stake in Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras) in the second quarter 2008, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund's largest holding.

Obama Pays his Big Money Backer back with your tax dollars. He figured a pay-off deal in another country would go unnoticed.

Obama invested Billions in Brazil's Petro-Bross OCS drilling.
You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil.

The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil's planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.

The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a "preliminary commitment" letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount.
Soros hedge fund invests $811m to buy Petrobras stake
Billionaire investor George Soros bought an $811 million stake in Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras) in the second quarter 2008, making the Brazilian state-controlled oil company his investment fund's largest holding.
Obama Pays his Big Money Backer back with your tax dollars. He figured a pay-off deal in another country would go unnoticed.

Obama invested Billions in Brazil's Petro-Bross OCS drilling.
You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil.

The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil's planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.

The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a "preliminary commitment" letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount.
Hey! You're ruining our fun... with the facts! :evil:
Truthdosentmatter (who is a shit eating fly paid by Obama with tax dollars), comes on here & defends that piece of shit Soros. :cuckoo:


Soros is a Convicted Criminal who profits by stealing from hard working citizens & their families with the help of the bigger piece of shit that attracts flies Obama who Soros bought the presidency for.


And Truthdosentmatter calls me an asshole because I exposed them. Well I guess thats what us assholes do is push out & expose shit so shit eating flies like you have something to eat! :lol:

Counting the days until that POS Obama is gone!
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What I find interesting is if you take a look at the price of oil over the last 10 years you see that under the Bush tenure oil did rise to incredibly high prices it rose gradually over a period of time. Then it dropped again. It rose again very quickly when the Obama Administration came into office. The rise was very steep.
What drove oil prices up to $145.29? Here is a clue. This coincided with the "Peak Oil" media blitz. This Peak Oil scam has been going around for almost 100 years. Oil traders leased most of the oil tankers tying them up to restrict the transportation of oil to markets. They stored their oil in these tankers & parked them offshore so they would not count in inventory creating the illusion of an oil shortage. This is called "Floating Storage"

What Event Happened on the very day oil stopped climbing past $145.29 & began its decline all the way down to $33.87? That is a $112 drop in oil prices!

[ame=""]Oil Drops $112 because of this![/ame]

WOW! A $112 drop in oil prices! Amazing I Tell You, Utterly Amazing! If you think I am lying about the cause of the $112 drop, Check the date against the oil price charts. Now you see "Drill Baby Drill" worked. Don't you just hate it when Sarah Palin is smarter than you. This stuck all those traders with ship loads of oil that they lost their ass on. Now what event happened on the very day Oil Prices started to climb again from the $33 dollars. The Obama Administration took office threatening drilling restrictions to raise prices up to help his buddies make back their oil losses. Check The Charts!
If this action was illegal, then the people at the top at the time of the action, should have their total assets seized and distributed to those whom their actions harmed. A couple of cases like that would inspire some real ethics on Wall Street.

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