Democrats Benefit The Most From Impeaching Obama


Sep 23, 2010
Tea Party conservatives better hope Barack Taqiyya does not pull a Nixon and resign:

WASHINGTON — Worse than Richard Nixon. An unprecedented abuse of powers. The most un-American president in the nation’s history.

Incidentally, President Nixon was seen as a respected elder statesmen in his old age. Can anyone see the same future for Barack Taqiyya whether or not he finishes his second term?

When a big name liberal calls for impeaching the messiah you know he is up to something. In this case I think he wants to run Biden as an incumbent:

Nat Hentoff does not think much of President Obama.

And now, the famous journalist says it is time to begin looking into impeachment.

Liberal icon urges Obama impeachment
'The most destructive, dangerous president we've ever had'
Published: 16 hours ago

Liberal icon urges Obama impeachment

Moving Biden into the White House is looking good to Democrat money because they are beginning to see that Hillary Clinton is a liability:

A November 4, 2013, article by Frank Bruni of the New York Times says about Hillary:

The beginning of the end of her inevitability. It's about time, because the truth, more apparent with each day, is that she has serious problems as a potential 2016 presidential contender, and the premature cheerleading of Chuck Schumer and other Democrats won't change that.

January 21, 2014
Hillary's 'Political Football' Baggage
By Warren Beatty

Articles: Hillary's 'Political Football' Baggage

William Kristol is more precise:

Time points out that Hillary is now “able to dominate discussion of 2016 even as she sails above it.” Of course, the moment she announces, Hillary will no longer be “sailing above it.” It will be all downhill from the announcement. Why bother?

Because there’s so much she wants to accomplish as president, and only she can accomplish those things? No. Hillary has no agenda different from that of other generic Democratic candidates, or for that matter from Barack Obama, the man she would succeed. Hillary’s first term would in reality be Obama’s third. She’d be tinkering with his successes and trying to cope with his failures. Becoming president in 2009 after eight years of dastardly Republican rule, with a chance to make things anew, was an exciting prospect for a liberal.

That’s all true, but Kristol is wrong about this:

Succeeding the modern liberal president after two terms? Hillary may well decide it’s not worth the candle.

Hillary? Really?
Jan 27, 2014

Hillary? Really? | The Weekly Standard

The Clinton dream of President Hillary Clinton alongside Secretary General Bill Clinton saving the world together cancels any thought of her not running.


The best scenario would be for the House to impeach and the Senate not to convict. The problem is that the Senate voting against removal is not a certainty. Democrats would like nothing better than to distance themselves from Barack Taqiyya this November and in 2016. In addition, they benefit twice if they remove Taqiyya:

1. They get credit for reining in presidential abuse of power by removing one of their own.

2. They will be in a position to shout “Abuse of power” every time a Republican president brushes his teeth.
The strangest scenario of all has a Republican House voting to impeach, while Republicans and Tea Party Senators vote nay to removal when they know damn well he is guilty. Preventing Biden from running as an incumbent is that important. Running an incumbent is the one and only chance Democrats have in 2016. With Hillary so discredited Biden is the only Democrat that can be groomed and sold. Never mind that he’s a disaster on the same level as Hillary Clinton —— he’s there and he’s willing.

Finally, a lot of people in Washington, on Wall Street, and in the media would rather see Biden as president than see a Tea Party conservative in the White House. More so after Tea Party candidates pick up some Senate seats this year.
I wish they would drop it:

Push to impeach Obama makes major gain
Members of Congress more and more eyeing Washington solution
Published: 13 hours ago

Push to impeach Obama makes major gain

Even if it happens the blowback might put Biden in the White for 4 or 8 years. It’s better to keep Barack Taqiyya. The public finally knows what a lying sack of shit he is. Replace him with Biden and the media will bombard the public “Give him a chance.” Nobody can say that about Taqiyya after five years.

Bottom line: Impeachment offers one choice. Stick with Taqiyya who failed at everything, or go with Biden who is wrong about everything.

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