Democrats Are Paying MS-13 Gang Members To Kill Americans


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Jones: Democrats Use MS-13 to Kill People

Now that it has been confirmed by both state and local law enforcement agencies as well as confirmed by the CIA -- when will we as Americans going to take action against the Democrats and their assault on our country? As Alex Jones so eloquently stated: "The Democratic party uses MS-13 to kill people. I have confirmed this with our law enforcement and Army sources. I’ve confirmed it with CIA sources, that the Democratic party uses MS-13 nationwide from Chicago to Dallas, Texas, from Austin, Texas, to LA. They use them as their secret army and they know Trump’s got a war going against MS-13 and has wiped thousands of them out, arrested thousands more."

This is all part of Obama's private army of BLM and MS13 gang members -- now that Obama is out of office, he is using his private army to murder Americans and ultimately murder Trump -- but luckily as Alex pointed out -- Trump is wiping out MS-13 by the thousands and arresting even more -- Right now, there are 400,000 plus MS-13 and BLM members left-- so we have lots of more work -- more and more reinforcements are being detained at the border -- we are winning this war but its now time that Democrats are charged with murder and treason.

Now before you say "that's ridiculous" -- explain to me why Alex Jones has over 2 million subscribers and Trump as one of his biggest believers???
Jones' subscribers make up .00598%, and conspiracy theorists by definition are mentally ill.

Any one who believes the OP is mentally ill.
Now before you say "that's ridiculous" -- explain to me why Alex Jones has over 2 million subscribers and Trump as one of his biggest believers???

He's still not as popular as Jesus...Notice how his fans don't believe he's dead, even though it's been a couple of thousand years since that rumor started.
Well. A thinking man might wonder how many of those drugs that are crossing the border belong to some government folk.

But I digress.
This oversight needs to be on the agenda of our next DEEP STATE convention. According to that report, all the area south of Austin is completely off the grid. How can we expect to have Sharia up and running by Thanksgiving if we don't cover all areas?

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