Democrats Are Nothing But Adult Bullies


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I know that leftist here will call this argument low-hanging fruit or red-meat, but the nastiness of the left is nothing more than adults being bullies.


It starts out when you're kids. Selected kids are targeted by all of the popular kids for ridicule because of their looks, the way they talk, or because they're fat or ugly. Most kids want to be one of the popular kids, so the leaders use ridicule to attack kids they feel don't measure up to whatever artificial standards they all agree should be met. This is learned early. Many of the groups that Democrats attack are just a grown up version of outcasts. People who don't fit in with their click. People who are being made fun of because they are patriotic, or fear God, or simply because they don't fall for the pull of the mob.


It appears that much of the criticism of Trump supporters is built on nothing more than false stereotypes. Lies. Anyone who supports Trump has to be a racist. Has to be retarded. Has to be a bigot. The reaction you can get from some of these folks on the left to a red MAGA hat is sometimes violent. This is the result of a constant onslaught of negativity from all sources of media, including news, television programs, and movies. But what has really exploded in the press lately is the very people who propagate this negativity are extremely flawed human-beings themselves. They are more guilty of the sins than those they attack. Isn't this the way it always is???

I think that we really need to look inside ourselves and assess our beliefs. Are we going to allow ourselves to be a bully, or are we going to try to be good and compassionate individuals unwilling to let the mob dictate how we act? This was a lesson I learned early in life. I was never the type to fall in with bullies. That is the easy way. Bullies always want you to stop listening to your conscience. They wanted you to sacrifice your principles and give in to your blood lust. I was always the person who refused to go along with the crowd.

This is going to make YOU a target. But I always felt that my principles were more important than being popular. Apparently the Lindsey Vonns, Maxine Waters, and the John McCains of the world just want to be popular with the right people. The constant grandstanding by them, and people like them, against Trump, that clearly are just trying to keep from being targets themselves or simply trying to cover up their obvious flaws. They just want to be rewarded for standing up to what they all agree is a bully. How ironic. Bullies created this false image of a bully to attack him. Anyone who doesn't agree is just like him. A degenerate bully.

Yes, standing up to this constant onslaught is going to be tough. You're going to risk more than your self-esteem. Somebody might tackle you when you're mowing your lawn, or even shoot you when you're on a baseball field. But aren't your principles worth becoming a possible target?? I think they are.

Okay.......Liberals.....Unleash Hell!!!!
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Meh, not really. Again, I always find it amusing a guy who lives off government is constantly whining about government.

It appears that much of the criticism of Trump supporters is built on nothing more than false stereotypes. Lies. Anyone who supports Trump has to be a racist. Has to be retarded. Has to be a bigot. The reaction you can get from some of these folks on the left to a red MAGA hat is sometimes violent.

Pretty much. He appealled to your racism and you bought it.

I always wondered how a human can see only the negative aspects of the opposition, yet refuse to acknowledge the negative aspects with their groups..

I always wondered how a human can see only the negative aspects of the opposition, yet refuse to acknowledge the negative aspects with their groups..
I Don't know, maybe when the right were called deplorables by the bitch candidate, that kinda proved that she was a **** of a bully.....and a flaming racist to boot.



I always wondered how a human can see only the negative aspects of the opposition, yet refuse to acknowledge the negative aspects with their groups..
I Don't know, maybe when the right were called deplorables by the bitch candidate, that kinda proved that she was a **** of a bully.....and a flaming racist to boot.


She is a deplorable herself so it's hard to get feather's ruffled when a kunt calls another kunt a kunt.. It's more of a laughing moment...Don't forget the finger pointing as the laughter subsides....

I know that leftist here will call this argument low-hanging fruit or red-meat, but the nastiness of the left is nothing more than adults being bullies.


It starts out when you're kids. Selected kids are targeted by all of the popular kids for ridicule because of their looks, the way they talk, or because they're fat or ugly. Most kids want to be one of the popular kids, so the leaders use ridicule to attack kids they feel don't measure up to whatever artificial standards they all agree should be met. This is learned early. Many of the groups that Democrats attack are just a grown up version of outcasts. People who don't fit in with their click. People who are being made fun of because they are patriotic, or fear God, or simply because they don't fall for the pull of the mob.


It appears that much of the criticism of Trump supporters is built on nothing more than false stereotypes. Lies. Anyone who supports Trump has to be a racist. Has to be retarded. Has to be a bigot. The reaction you can get from some of these folks on the left to a red MAGA hat is sometimes violent. This is the result of a constant onslaught of negativity from all sources of media, including news, television programs, and movies. But what has really exploded in the press lately is the very people who propagate this negativity are extremely flawed human-beings themselves. They are more guilty of the sins than those they attack. Isn't this the way it always is???

I think that we really need to look inside ourselves and assess our beliefs. Are we going to allow ourselves to be a bully, or are we going to try to be good and compassionate individuals unwilling to let the mob dictate how we act? This was a lesson I learned early in life. I was never the type to fall in with bullies. That is the easy way. Bullies always want you to stop listening to your conscience. They wanted you to sacrifice your principles and give in to your blood lust. I was always the person who refused to go along with the crowd.

This is going to make YOU a target. But I always felt that my principles were more important than being popular. Apparently the Lindsey Vonns, Maxine Waters, and the John McCains of the world just want to be popular with the right people. The constant grandstanding by them, and people like them, against Trump, that clearly are just trying to keep from being targets themselves or simply trying to cover up their obvious flaws. They just want to be rewarded for standing up to what they all agree is a bully. How ironic. Bullies created this false image of a bully to attack him. Anyone who doesn't agree is just like him. A degenerate bully.

Yes, standing up to this constant onslaught is going to be tough. You're going to risk more than your self-esteem. Somebody might tackle you when you're mowing your lawn, or even shoot you when you're on a baseball field. But aren't your principles worth becoming a possible target?? I think they are.

Okay.......Liberals.....Unleash Hell!!!!

Given that you get a wedgie, a Dutch rub, or a pink belly, figuratively speaking, every time you try to debate a liberal on this forum,

you might be right, in a way, figuratively speaking.

I always wondered how a human can see only the negative aspects of the opposition, yet refuse to acknowledge the negative aspects with their groups..
I Don't know, maybe when the right were called deplorables by the bitch candidate, that kinda proved that she was a **** of a bully.....and a flaming racist to boot.


She is a deplorable herself so it's hard to get feather's ruffled when a kunt calls another kunt a kunt.. It's more of a laughing moment...Don't forget the finger pointing as the laughter subsides....

Thanks for making the point that Liberals are a bunch of pansy ass bullies....

I know that leftist here will call this argument low-hanging fruit or red-meat, but the nastiness of the left is nothing more than adults being bullies.


It starts out when you're kids. Selected kids are targeted by all of the popular kids for ridicule because of their looks, the way they talk, or because they're fat or ugly. Most kids want to be one of the popular kids, so the leaders use ridicule to attack kids they feel don't measure up to whatever artificial standards they all agree should be met. This is learned early. Many of the groups that Democrats attack are just a grown up version of outcasts. People who don't fit in with their click. People who are being made fun of because they are patriotic, or fear God, or simply because they don't fall for the pull of the mob.


It appears that much of the criticism of Trump supporters is built on nothing more than false stereotypes. Lies. Anyone who supports Trump has to be a racist. Has to be retarded. Has to be a bigot. The reaction you can get from some of these folks on the left to a red MAGA hat is sometimes violent. This is the result of a constant onslaught of negativity from all sources of media, including news, television programs, and movies. But what has really exploded in the press lately is the very people who propagate this negativity are extremely flawed human-beings themselves. They are more guilty of the sins than those they attack. Isn't this the way it always is???

I think that we really need to look inside ourselves and assess our beliefs. Are we going to allow ourselves to be a bully, or are we going to try to be good and compassionate individuals unwilling to let the mob dictate how we act? This was a lesson I learned early in life. I was never the type to fall in with bullies. That is the easy way. Bullies always want you to stop listening to your conscience. They wanted you to sacrifice your principles and give in to your blood lust. I was always the person who refused to go along with the crowd.

This is going to make YOU a target. But I always felt that my principles were more important than being popular. Apparently the Lindsey Vonns, Maxine Waters, and the John McCains of the world just want to be popular with the right people. The constant grandstanding by them, and people like them, against Trump, that clearly are just trying to keep from being targets themselves or simply trying to cover up their obvious flaws. They just want to be rewarded for standing up to what they all agree is a bully. How ironic. Bullies created this false image of a bully to attack him. Anyone who doesn't agree is just like him. A degenerate bully.

Yes, standing up to this constant onslaught is going to be tough. You're going to risk more than your self-esteem. Somebody might tackle you when you're mowing your lawn, or even shoot you when you're on a baseball field. But aren't your principles worth becoming a possible target?? I think they are.

Okay.......Liberals.....Unleash Hell!!!!
OP has misguided, misinformed ideas about why kids bully other kids. Misguided and misinformed enough to be dangerous.
Triggered Joe, again. Darn. They do get defensive, don't they?
Naw, man, we just find it hilarious that you think you are the abused party because you can't sell anyone on your supposedly "moderate' views. Maybe if you actually stood for something other than your own hurt feelings, you could make some progress.

I know that leftist here will call this argument low-hanging fruit or red-meat, but the nastiness of the left is nothing more than adults being bullies.


It starts out when you're kids. Selected kids are targeted by all of the popular kids for ridicule because of their looks, the way they talk, or because they're fat or ugly. Most kids want to be one of the popular kids, so the leaders use ridicule to attack kids they feel don't measure up to whatever artificial standards they all agree should be met. This is learned early. Many of the groups that Democrats attack are just a grown up version of outcasts. People who don't fit in with their click. People who are being made fun of because they are patriotic, or fear God, or simply because they don't fall for the pull of the mob.


It appears that much of the criticism of Trump supporters is built on nothing more than false stereotypes. Lies. Anyone who supports Trump has to be a racist. Has to be retarded. Has to be a bigot. The reaction you can get from some of these folks on the left to a red MAGA hat is sometimes violent. This is the result of a constant onslaught of negativity from all sources of media, including news, television programs, and movies. But what has really exploded in the press lately is the very people who propagate this negativity are extremely flawed human-beings themselves. They are more guilty of the sins than those they attack. Isn't this the way it always is???

I think that we really need to look inside ourselves and assess our beliefs. Are we going to allow ourselves to be a bully, or are we going to try to be good and compassionate individuals unwilling to let the mob dictate how we act? This was a lesson I learned early in life. I was never the type to fall in with bullies. That is the easy way. Bullies always want you to stop listening to your conscience. They wanted you to sacrifice your principles and give in to your blood lust. I was always the person who refused to go along with the crowd.

This is going to make YOU a target. But I always felt that my principles were more important than being popular. Apparently the Lindsey Vonns, Maxine Waters, and the John McCains of the world just want to be popular with the right people. The constant grandstanding by them, and people like them, against Trump, that clearly are just trying to keep from being targets themselves or simply trying to cover up their obvious flaws. They just want to be rewarded for standing up to what they all agree is a bully. How ironic. Bullies created this false image of a bully to attack him. Anyone who doesn't agree is just like him. A degenerate bully.

Yes, standing up to this constant onslaught is going to be tough. You're going to risk more than your self-esteem. Somebody might tackle you when you're mowing your lawn, or even shoot you when you're on a baseball field. But aren't your principles worth becoming a possible target?? I think they are.

Okay.......Liberals.....Unleash Hell!!!!

i'm just gonna pull out this line:
"It appears that much of the criticism of Trump supporters is built on nothing more than false stereotypes."

normally i'd agree with you but when you just stereotyped every single democrat...nah.
Sorry mudwhistle, for the thread derail. Ol' Joe is a little obsessed and tries to make everything about me and personal. Back to your thread, I'll try not to trigger him any more.
Yes, by all means let's get back to Mudwhistle's misguided whining instead of yours.
And Joe gets some needed help. I'm sure he appreciates it.

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