Democrats and fair play


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
When they had a strong majority in both House and Senate it was all one sided, do as we say and don't bother us with ideas thoughts or opinions.

Now it is " why can't we all get along?" " we need bipartisanship"

When Obama seemed a shoe in it was " stop the bad press, no attacks and be civil" Now that he may lose, any attack by them is ok. High school? Good to go. People you accept donations from, no problem claim that working for them is bad cause the other guy did.

When they had all the networks all was good to go, Fox comes along and suddenly we need a fairness doctrine.

Can't break even in the talk show radio waves, call for legislation to outlaw conservative talk shows, attack the radio stations and threaten the sponsors.

When it was Bush it was attack his wife and his college days, Now with Obama his wife is off limits and no discussing his college years. When it was Kerry running for President rich guys were cool, now that Romney is running the rich are the enemy.

Same pattern for years and yet they trot it out every time and the gullible bu it.
It's the same mentality that governs their concept of free speech.

'Free speech is speech WE deem to be acceptable.'

...fucking liberals...

When they had a strong majority in both House and Senate it was all one sided, do as we say and don't bother us with ideas thoughts or opinions.

Now it is " why can't we all get along?" " we need bipartisanship"

When Obama seemed a shoe in it was " stop the bad press, no attacks and be civil" Now that he may lose, any attack by them is ok. High school? Good to go. People you accept donations from, no problem claim that working for them is bad cause the other guy did.

When they had all the networks all was good to go, Fox comes along and suddenly we need a fairness doctrine.

Can't break even in the talk show radio waves, call for legislation to outlaw conservative talk shows, attack the radio stations and threaten the sponsors.

When it was Bush it was attack his wife and his college days, Now with Obama his wife is off limits and no discussing his college years. When it was Kerry running for President rich guys were cool, now that Romney is running the rich are the enemy.

Same pattern for years and yet they trot it out every time and the gullible bu it.

if i rmeember the dems locked the rpubs out of some meetings and had some late nite meetings that werent mentioned.
It's the same mentality that governs their concept of free speech.

'Free speech is speech WE deem to be acceptable.'

...fucking liberals...


Yeah, individuality is great as long as we're all doing it together.
When they had a strong majority in both House and Senate it was all one sided, do as we say and don't bother us with ideas thoughts or opinions.

Now it is " why can't we all get along?" " we need bipartisanship"

When Obama seemed a shoe in it was " stop the bad press, no attacks and be civil" Now that he may lose, any attack by them is ok. High school? Good to go. People you accept donations from, no problem claim that working for them is bad cause the other guy did.

When they had all the networks all was good to go, Fox comes along and suddenly we need a fairness doctrine.

Can't break even in the talk show radio waves, call for legislation to outlaw conservative talk shows, attack the radio stations and threaten the sponsors.

When it was Bush it was attack his wife and his college days, Now with Obama his wife is off limits and no discussing his college years. When it was Kerry running for President rich guys were cool, now that Romney is running the rich are the enemy.

Same pattern for years and yet they trot it out every time and the gullible bu it.

Obama invited the Republicans for the bus ride as he said they had to sit in the he reminded McCain that he won.
Why is it the democrats bitch long and loud about the TPers unwillingness to raise taxes and demands to cut spending, but nobody bitches about their unwillingness to address the unsustainable entitlement programs?

The GOP puts out budgets but the Dems don't, not counting the ridiculous crap the Obama called a budget that got shot down 99-0 in the Senate. When are they going to get serious about working on the nation's fiscal problems instead of playing politics? How fair is it that they bitch about the repubs' plans but offer none of their own?
Why is it the democrats bitch long and loud about the TPers unwillingness to raise taxes and demands to cut spending, but nobody bitches about their unwillingness to address the unsustainable entitlement programs?

The GOP puts out budgets but the Dems don't, not counting the ridiculous crap the Obama called a budget that got shot down 99-0 in the Senate. When are they going to get serious about working on the nation's fiscal problems instead of playing politics? How fair is it that they bitch about the repubs' plans but offer none of their own?

They're happier with the demegoguery of 'Continuing Resolutions' and Budget Ceiling raises rather than thier Constitutionally mandated jobs.

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