Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous

Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous

‘Trump anxiety disorder’ has morphed into anxiety about

Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous - The New York Times
11/13/19 ~ By Sarah Lyall
The past three years have not been easy for the political fortunes or the emotional health of America’s Democrats. To the extent they feel optimistic about anything, they have been waiting for the 2020 election in the way inhabitants of a storm-ravaged city might look toward the end of hurricane season — as an opportunity to restore order not just to their fractured physical world, but to their battered psyches.
Why, then, even with the potential catharsis of impeachment proceedings against President Trump now underway, do so many feel so awful?

They are mentally disturbed because they are trying to take a complete lie create it into truth. In their little black hearts, they know this is all BS. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
When your entire view of the world is based on leftist delusional ideology, reality can be very unnerving. That’s the problem with the anxiety-ridden Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left. They have been living in the world of Alice in Wonderland view of the world and now can’t accept that none of it is true.
Because their disaffection is an internal process, fueled by bad decisions and attitudes. They have externalized their internal dysfunction onto Trump; on some level, they must realize that simply getting rid of the symbol will not get rid of the internal turmoil. Thus, even though they want Trump gone, they remain unhappy because it will change nothing.
Think of all the cognitive dissonance in seeing Trump have one great accomplishment after another and knowing these accomplishments are true but unable to give him any credit.
Then when Trump takes credit, it grates their raw nerves and makes them depressed.
I would call these "Snow Flakes, poor dears”, they are refusing to adjust their world view to reality. So, yes, they deserve what’s happening to them.
Their poor adaptation of "Animal Farm" antics and Star Chamber antics these past weeks is indicative.
You think we could get them thinking about putting a gun in their mouth?
Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous

‘Trump anxiety disorder’ has morphed into anxiety about

Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous - The New York Times
11/13/19 ~ By Sarah Lyall
The past three years have not been easy for the political fortunes or the emotional health of America’s Democrats. To the extent they feel optimistic about anything, they have been waiting for the 2020 election in the way inhabitants of a storm-ravaged city might look toward the end of hurricane season — as an opportunity to restore order not just to their fractured physical world, but to their battered psyches.
Why, then, even with the potential catharsis of impeachment proceedings against President Trump now underway, do so many feel so awful?

They are mentally disturbed because they are trying to take a complete lie create it into truth. In their little black hearts, they know this is all BS. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
When your entire view of the world is based on leftist delusional ideology, reality can be very unnerving. That’s the problem with the anxiety-ridden Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left. They have been living in the world of Alice in Wonderland view of the world and now can’t accept that none of it is true.
Because their disaffection is an internal process, fueled by bad decisions and attitudes. They have externalized their internal dysfunction onto Trump; on some level, they must realize that simply getting rid of the symbol will not get rid of the internal turmoil. Thus, even though they want Trump gone, they remain unhappy because it will change nothing.
Think of all the cognitive dissonance in seeing Trump have one great accomplishment after another and knowing these accomplishments are true but unable to give him any credit.
Then when Trump takes credit, it grates their raw nerves and makes them depressed.
I would call these "Snow Flakes, poor dears”, they are refusing to adjust their world view to reality. So, yes, they deserve what’s happening to them.
Their poor adaptation of "Animal Farm" antics and Star Chamber antics these past weeks is indicative.
Yep. The Democrats better put Hillary, Maxine, and Nancy on suicide watch. I don't think they care to eat what those evil women dish out to others. They also need to watch over Pencil Neck Schiff and Addled Nadler. And a few others behind the scenes who knew they were wrongfully attempting to destroy unity amongst the people by getting Soros to fund the medias for parties, big bucks, Carribean vacations, etc. to get them to lie they naughty butts off. I hope the networks fire all of them who sat there month after month parroting the lies of the left as if it were the truth when they didn't bother to check the facts (wink-wink), and the election bosses who screwed the American people out of their votes by pumping in phony ballots all for Biden and Democrat majorities in Congress, which may be why up to 100 of them in the House and 20 or so in the Senate are not running for re-election so deep is their shame.

I'd like to see Biden ushered out when the truth gets the light of day, and he has several hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to refund the American Foreign aid packages for 47 years, plus he was so bent on showing his power that he destroyed competitive gas prices until they were all expensive ones, and he brought 2 million immigrants in, many for all-expenses paid trips they wouldn't think of giving to the low end taxpayer funding all that crazy crap along the border that Biden opened to his wealthy pals, the drug lords, from whom I am certain he has been well paid to kill 500 kids in America per week with the deadly Chinese fentanyl they got premium top dollar for. When they're dead, they can't sue them, after all.

And a pox on those who delivered legalized death to 70 million unborn American children who were taken in early stages of their lives. That pisses all over that Americans are entitled to LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. The Democrats made certain 70,000,000 unborn Americans whose forbears founded this country and gave it a Constitution that gives life liberty and happiness a place no monarchy ever did in lands they fled. The world lost DNA from every kindred, every tribe by brainwashing young women to abdicate their role of giving a baby a warm welcome into this world, a clean bed, constant care, and little Band-Aids for owies of growing up and learning not to grab a sharp or pointed object that would hurt them. I pray that young women will reinvent motherhood from its present aloof status of partnering with well-paid executioners of those precious genes handed down by the best and brightest generation who gave us the Constitution.

Having freedom requires reverence for God and his laws, Jesus and his forgiveness, and people finding their way back to the Kingdom of God on this earth where we need to recall the important rules for making a just society for all. We all need to call upon the Lord at this time to help us be kinder to each other if we can. Bless you all, friend and foe alike. May we come together when all this rotten apple stuff gets resolved in courts.

May we pledge we will not ever tolerate the devil worship of destroying an innocent President's presidency through cutthroat behaviors on the part of a former first lady, an errant House Speaker, who has been in Congress way too long, and look where that long road led--into the conspiracy to destroy a sitting President by paying the press to lie, cheat, and steal the attention of the American people on their fantasies and reviling innocent people.

And those who think Hillary Clinton will get off scot free is not a guarantee. She abused her role as First Lady by cozying up to the FBI and making players therein wealthier than their fondest dreams by breaking their oath to uphold the Constitution and the unwritten rule to fight for the American people and respect their vote, not adding false votes in boxes sent to numerous polling places with the objective of opening them at 3 am and illegally adding votes they knew to be a farce, which denied the Americans of a President and numerous House and Senate chairs across this nation. Criminal abusers of the Constitution are braggarts, and I am glad I got to know that cheating was going on at the polls decades ago.

May fairness rule, and may President Trump's name be cleared for once and for all of the heinous lies and the badmouthing stench Hillary sicked on him, the false allegations, her false witness to a Grand Jury years ago, and in general, her selfishness when she found out she had a knack for fooling people to get what she wanted out of them.

Those who committed these acts of treason deserve death sentences. They need to be destroyed and taste of the mercilessness they practiced against the American people's vote counts, the obfuscation and omeurta they lived by and believe it is their ticket to freedom. And anyone taking any more bribes from these criminals may have to someday pay the price for whatever they thought they were getting away with.

I pray for the courts to see truth and not accept bribes nor worldly arrogance until this nation has cleaned its house. I'm sorry for those who have believed the Democrat lies for so long they will have depression when the truth sinks in that they were cheated in the worst way by leadership that knew exactly what it was doing for power, but now will have a reversal in their lives that will have them accounting minutia to prison guards for the duration of their miserable lives.
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They ARE loons, no doubt about that.
I tend to think of Democrats as the actual politicians and LIBERALS as their voter base. The Democratic Party has refined to an art how to aspire to the mental illness of liberals and turn it into votes. But I think the real identity of the Democrats as politicians is they are the puppets of globalists. They are the American arm of New World Order globalists...and because of their tolerance for communist ideals and collectivism, globalists and communists have succeeded in infiltrating and using the Democratic Party to bring the U.S. under control and make it a cog in the process and the agenda. The Democratic Party is America's Achilles' Heel. The infiltrators know it and have learned with each passing year how to use it as a 'host'. I am by no means saying GOP is full of nice people. Politicians generally suck. But the Democratic Party is the focal point where foreign powers can influence us. That fully explains why the Dems are ALWAYS looking for a scapegoat in that regard. ALWAYS calling someone a traitor. ALWAYS accusing someone of collaboration. ALWAYS for open borders. ALWAYS calling someone a racist ALWAYS sending money overseas. ALWAYS starting wars . They are ALWAYS trying to distract the nation from the simple truth about themselves by pointing the finger somewhere else.
Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous

‘Trump anxiety disorder’ has morphed into anxiety about

Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous - The New York Times
11/13/19 ~ By Sarah Lyall
The past three years have not been easy for the political fortunes or the emotional health of America’s Democrats. To the extent they feel optimistic about anything, they have been waiting for the 2020 election in the way inhabitants of a storm-ravaged city might look toward the end of hurricane season — as an opportunity to restore order not just to their fractured physical world, but to their battered psyches.
Why, then, even with the potential catharsis of impeachment proceedings against President Trump now underway, do so many feel so awful?

They are mentally disturbed because they are trying to take a complete lie create it into truth. In their little black hearts, they know this is all BS. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
When your entire view of the world is based on leftist delusional ideology, reality can be very unnerving. That’s the problem with the anxiety-ridden Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left. They have been living in the world of Alice in Wonderland view of the world and now can’t accept that none of it is true.
Because their disaffection is an internal process, fueled by bad decisions and attitudes. They have externalized their internal dysfunction onto Trump; on some level, they must realize that simply getting rid of the symbol will not get rid of the internal turmoil. Thus, even though they want Trump gone, they remain unhappy because it will change nothing.
Think of all the cognitive dissonance in seeing Trump have one great accomplishment after another and knowing these accomplishments are true but unable to give him any credit.
Then when Trump takes credit, it grates their raw nerves and makes them depressed.
I would call these "Snow Flakes, poor dears”, they are refusing to adjust their world view to reality. So, yes, they deserve what’s happening to them.
Their poor adaptation of "Animal Farm" antics and Star Chamber antics these past weeks is indicative.
Hm. My take is, the Democrats today are exactly where the Republicans were a dozen years ago, when they finally realized who and what the Neo-Cons were.

It seems to me, today's Democrats are realizing they're being played, and they're none too happy about it either. The socialists are still disappointed because of Bernie, and the establishment Dems are starting to react to the incongruity of the Hillary mindset.

I have a nagging suspicion we may see the far left splinter off from the mainstream Dems, much as the Tea Party happened some years ago. If so they will be a powerful faction because they have numbers.

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