Democratic Debate - Part 2


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Well I couldn't watch last night's debate in its entirety, but it seemed like Old Joe was holding his own. Tulsi came across as a moderate (not good?) and Kirsten is an appealing nut job. Kamala was angry and defensive, Cory seemed like a junior Obama. (But I doubt the country wants that again.)

DeBlasio should be institutionalized, and the rest are pathetic wannabes. I had to laugh at Mr. $1,000 per month's plan: Is he going to add that to what people are already getting? (The value of existing benefits already exceeds this amount.) Or is he also going to give it to every child in the country? That would create interesting incentives...
I was watching just to see Tulsi Gabbard. I could care less about what she was even saying.


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