Democratic Congressional Candidate: Remove Obama By Invoking The 25th Amendment!!!


May 29, 2010
She is right and this is coming from a black democrat. Obama has been as some say losing it lately and his recent unorthadoxed statements are proof something is wrong with him mentally. He is not firing on all cylinders. I beleve it would be in the nations best interests to invoke the 25th, install Biden and then get Palin in office to turn this country around which she can do due to her executive experience as governor with a stellar policy record to go with it.

U.S. Congressional Candidate Kesha Rogers: Remove Obama by invoking the 25th Amendment| The Post & Email

Read this:
“Insider” says Obama is “Losing It”



(Oct. 31, 2010) — The Post & Email recently interviewed Kesha Rogers, Democrat candidate for U.S. Congress from Texas’s 22nd District, who released a statement on her website calling for the immediate removal of Barack Hussein Obama from office via Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Kesha has since posted a new video entitled “Invoke the 25th Amendment Before the Election” in which she reiterates her position, stating that “There is no chance of saving the nation unless this happens.” She has asked that Congress meet this weekend, before the election, to vote to remove Obama.

MRS. RONDEAU: Recently you stated on your website that you felt that the 25th Amendment should be invoked and that Obama should be removed from office. What precipitated your making that bold statement?

MS. ROGERS: First of all, every single day, we see complete and total mental breakdown of this president, and every single day we see that the president is not competent to deal with the crisis at hand and has no solutions. When I first started my campaign, I said, “This president must go; we must call for his immediate impeachment.” As time has gone by, we’ve seen that he has a failed personality which can be identified as a narcissistic, “Nero“-type personality. Lyndon LaRouche, whom I work for, agrees with this assessment.

If you look at what has happened throughout this administration, especially with the breakdown and the fleeing of several of his top officials, advisers and top military officials, you have to say that there is nothing but a complete and utter, devastating breakdown and that the president is not competent to complete his term in office. This is what our Constitution actually provides for: in the 25th Amendment, Section 4, it says that if you have a president who is mentally or physically incompetent to carry out his duties, then the Congress, the Vice President and others can actually submit a letter of request for removing the president from office.

I believe that that is exactly the place we’re at right now because what you have to look at, in the midst of having an insane president who is continuing to back up the interests of his British puppetmasters, you also have the fact that the entire financial system is disintegrating. It is bankrupt, and we have provided clear solutions to this crisis. The only solution that is going to solve this economic collapse is getting Obama out now with the 25th Amendment, going with the Glass-Steagall banking reorganization and putting forth a real economic solution to the crisis.

More of this thrilling story in link above.
She is right and this is coming from a black democrat. Obama has been as some say losing it lately and his recent unorthadoxed statements are proof something is wrong with him mentally. He is not firing on all cylinders. I beleve it would be in the nations best interests to invoke the 25th, install Biden and then get Palin in office to turn this country around which she can do due to her executive experience as governor with a stellar policy record to go with it.

U.S. Congressional Candidate Kesha Rogers: Remove Obama by invoking the 25th Amendment| The Post & Email

Read this:
“Insider” says Obama is “Losing It”



(Oct. 31, 2010) — The Post & Email recently interviewed Kesha Rogers, Democrat candidate for U.S. Congress from Texas’s 22nd District, who released a statement on her website calling for the immediate removal of Barack Hussein Obama from office via Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Kesha has since posted a new video entitled “Invoke the 25th Amendment Before the Election” in which she reiterates her position, stating that “There is no chance of saving the nation unless this happens.” She has asked that Congress meet this weekend, before the election, to vote to remove Obama.

MRS. RONDEAU: Recently you stated on your website that you felt that the 25th Amendment should be invoked and that Obama should be removed from office. What precipitated your making that bold statement?

MS. ROGERS: First of all, every single day, we see complete and total mental breakdown of this president, and every single day we see that the president is not competent to deal with the crisis at hand and has no solutions. When I first started my campaign, I said, “This president must go; we must call for his immediate impeachment.” As time has gone by, we’ve seen that he has a failed personality which can be identified as a narcissistic, “Nero“-type personality. Lyndon LaRouche, whom I work for, agrees with this assessment.

If you look at what has happened throughout this administration, especially with the breakdown and the fleeing of several of his top officials, advisers and top military officials, you have to say that there is nothing but a complete and utter, devastating breakdown and that the president is not competent to complete his term in office. This is what our Constitution actually provides for: in the 25th Amendment, Section 4, it says that if you have a president who is mentally or physically incompetent to carry out his duties, then the Congress, the Vice President and others can actually submit a letter of request for removing the president from office.

I believe that that is exactly the place we’re at right now because what you have to look at, in the midst of having an insane president who is continuing to back up the interests of his British puppetmasters, you also have the fact that the entire financial system is disintegrating. It is bankrupt, and we have provided clear solutions to this crisis. The only solution that is going to solve this economic collapse is getting Obama out now with the 25th Amendment, going with the Glass-Steagall banking reorganization and putting forth a real economic solution to the crisis.

More of this thrilling story in link above.

OMG! A Lyndon LaRouche worker running as a Democrat? Texas politics must be even weirder than Illinois! :eek:
"Lyndon LaRouche, whom I work for, agrees with this assessment."

That pretty much sums it up :lol::lol:

And the wingnut agrees!:cuckoo:
Lyndon LaRouche calling for 0bama to be removed on basis of mental incompetence.

There is a symmetry to the universe.

Enjoy him while you can. He is 88 now.
Too bad we can't invoke the 25th amendment to keep you from posting here
In my opinion, her supposition pertaining to the XXV Amendment is without legal merit, in regards to the context in which she is trying to apply the amendment.
Too bad we can't invoke the 25th amendment to keep you from posting here

The anonymous author of “A Warning,” reportedly a current or former White House official, said talk of removing Trump escalated after Comey was fired.

Vice President Mike Pence would support the use of the 25th Amendment to have President Donald Trump removed from office because of mental incapacity.

White House officials did a back-of-the-envelope tally of which Cabinet members would be prepared to sign a letter invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which says that if the president is deemed unfit to discharge the duties of his office, the vice president would assume the role.

According to Anonymous, there was no doubt in the minds of these senior officials that Pence would support invoking the 25th Amendment if the majority of the Cabinet signed off on it.

The discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment took place, according to the book, soon after FBI Director James Comey was fired by the president. Comey’s firing, which was done without any warning or consultation with Congress, led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, who was charged with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and possible obstruction of the probe from the Trump administration.

The controversy around the firing, which the president did not appear to anticipate, and Mueller’s appointment infuriated Trump, and aides described his behavior at the time to HuffPost and other news publications as “unhinged.”

The book says that Trump’s behavior at the time was so erratic that it ignited the internal discussions about the 25th Amendment.

In the past two years, Trump has systematically removed Cabinet officials who would potentially challenge his presidency, making the prospect of invoking the 25th Amendment today a near impossibility.

Months later, in an interview with the CBS newsmagazine “60 Minutes,” Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who was later fired by the president and remains the target of a federal criminal investigation, confirmed that Rosenstein had discussed the idea of invoking the 25th Amendment with Cabinet members.

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