Democratic Closing Argument: Personal Attacks

Calling candidates "Witches" and "Whores" really is as low as politics can go. How do Democrats look at themselves in the mirror? They should be ashamed of themselves but somehow i doubt they are. It's just win at all cost for them at this point. They've become evil & pathetic. So lets show em the door on Nov. 2nd and then lock it behind them. Make it happen America!

Seems both are lagging considerably, and I seriously doubt that's because they were called names.

Why don't you finally tell us exactly what they plan to "do" and exactly how they plan to go about it? Then we'd really have something to argue about. In the meantime, here you are once again shouting out your repetitive platutudes, and nothing more.
Hopefully their four years of misery are over. The Democrats really have been a terrible nightmare for this Nation. Absolutely no good has come from their last four years of rule. Personal smears were always all they had but hopefully that wont be enough for them. I guess we'll see though. Come on Nov. 2nd!!
What do you expect them to run on, their stellar record since they took over Congress and the Presidency?

They're hiding from it. Big clue it is.

Dems: We doubled unemployment and the national debt and ran the deficit up by over $1trillion a year.

Obama already SLAPPED that (Republican) lie, DOWN!!!!!

(....To THEIR FACES!!!!!!!!!!

Liberals are always the most arrogant, elitist, mouthy, first to whine and throw insults of any persuasion. When they get it back, they're simply flabbergasted. How dare anyone stand up to them? How dare anyone talk back to them the way they dished it out?

One thing I love to do, and that's piss off the liberal ass wads here. It's sport to me. Thing is lately, it's been all too easy, because they're all fucked up being kicked to the curb and rejected by the majority of Americans.

Well, piss off libtards, go fuck yourself, eat shit, all those great euphemisms. You've earned it shit heads. Take your radical, socialist agenda, your racist community organizer and his merry band of admitted commies and socialists, jackass reid and skank pelosi, and vacate. The country has had enough of your bull shit. You've done more damage and spent more money than all the rest of the Presidents and administrations put together. You are a detriment to this nation.

Mmm b'bye.
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Yea what's wrong with Cowboys? Why do Socialist/Progressive Wingnuts always bitch about Cowboys? I know i digress but i'm just saying. Weird stuff.
Like posting naked photos of Obamas dead mother?

Oh yes... posing for a commie... I remember that. The whole damn family is a pack of radicals and commies.

You want the son of commies running the nation? Well, he is, and the majority want to see his ass kicked to the curb, along with his Sal Alinsky hand book of radical, socialist tricks.

You did not understand the OP then?


This is to much.

The Republicans have been using this ridiculous tactic Lee Atwater was the master..and Rove an acolyte.'s coming back to them..and they are complaining? They should take it as a compliment!
What do you expect them to run on, their stellar record since they took over Congress and the Presidency?

Hmm, yea, lets compare those records:

One party:

two unpaid for wars

Moving 2.4 million jobs to China using subsidies and tax breaks

trillion dollar drugs for votes bill

ruined economy

thousands of Americans dead and tens of thousands maimed

replaced OSHA regulations with "voluntary compliance"

apoligized to BP

The other Party:

bringing the country back from depression

Health care bill the CBO says will save 150 billion over ten years, insures children and helps parents whose kids are in college

received promise from BP to pay at least 20 billion in clean up (unless first party stands in way)

put together a package to get America working again

wants tax breaks for the middle class

working on affordable education

regulated Wall Street, the cause of the economic depression

works to save jobs here and bring jobs back to this country

Seems pretty clear to me. We don't even need to say which party is which. Everyone on this board already knows. Too bad many of the American people don't.

I'd reply point by point, but it's all the same answer:


You live in the Bizzaorland of The rdean Zone where everything is 180 degrees reversed from reality
Calling good people Racists,Witches,and Whores is all they ever had. They have absolutely no successes to run on. They clearly spent all their money on vicious personal attacks. Their last four years of rule have been a terrible calamity for this nation. I think most Americans know this. I think the People will be heard on Nov. 2nd. These Democrat personal smears wont be enough. I hope so anyway. Get out and vote people.

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