Democratic Arizona Legislator Jorge Garcia and Assistant Attorney General Peter Silve


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
It is becoming very apparent that the Democratic party, not satisfied that 72% of the citizens of Arizona support Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act ( SB1070), is behind all the cities, and counties in the United States boycotting our state. The latest revelations of Peggy West in Milwaukee County Wisconsin showing her staggering ignorance of our state is just the tip of the iceberg. The leadership of the Democratic Party is also acting as agents of foreign policy with Mexico behind the backs of the American people and the citizens of Arizona. Here is an interesting story from our friends in the South. The translation is courtesy of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.

La Cronica de Hoy (Mexico City) 6/24/10

“Legislators want to ‘Sterilize’” AZ law SB1070

Mexican congressmen and leaders of migrants’ organizations met with state legislators from Arizona at the Mexican congressional facility “to manifest their preoccupation for the racial discrimination and the acts assaulting human rights that the law SB1070 can bring when it goes into effect.” The organizations also requested the Mexican legislators’ assistance regarding the actions of Mexican officials, so that in those cases when Mexican families attempt to return to their country, they won’t be objects of harassment on the Mexican side of the border.

The participants from Arizona explained the law as well as the actions they’ve taken to prevent it from going into effect. The participants, all Democrats, included David Lujan, Mary Peralta, Peter Silverman, Cynthia Aragon and Jorge Garcia, as well as Mexico’s Consul in Phoenix, AZ.

Esteril reunión de legisladores del PAN y Arizona sobre la Ley SB 1070 - La Crónica de Hoy / Domingo 27 de Junio, 2010

Democratic Arizona Legislator Jorge Garcia and Assistant Attorney General Peter Silverman conduct Foreign Policy In Mexico. - The Cholla Jumps

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