Democrat Senator pressured state to alter ObamaCare numbers

Connecticut: Two Democrats, Union President Given Awards By Communist Party At Event Held In Public School…


Try and hold a Christian event at a public school and see what happens.

Via Bell News:

A Democrat State Representative, a former Democrat State Senator and a local Union President walked into a public high school in Connecticut to receive a Communist award.

Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke right?

I only wish it was…

According to an article on the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) News, People’s World, in December of 2013 a Communist award ceremony was held in a New Haven Connecticut public high school auditorium where the Democrat State Rep, Former Democrat State Senator and the local Union President all received awards…

commies and the dimocrap party? Can't have that getting out.
In response to pressure they said no......

From the article:

Ouch. In case you missed it, that "thanks for staying in touch" sounds like a big middle finger to the Senator. Maybe that's because the emails show that the people at the Division of Insurance were receiving threatening phone calls from the Senator's goons:

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