Democrat Dirty Tricks are Getting Repetitive


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.
No it was all just a big coincidence that Feinstein sat on the letter for 2 months and only shared it at the last minute. /extreme sarcasm
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.
We did! They lost 1000 seats!
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.

Oh, you mean like when James Comey came out 10 days before the election in 2016 and said the FBI was re-investigating Hillary's emails and looking into Anthony Weiner's laptop that he shared with his wife, Hillary's assistant Huma Abedin?

Cry me a fucking river.
Works for you when it makes things go your way.
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.

If the Democrats have ever presented a reason to vote for them other than what's wrong with the other, I'm loathe to recall it.
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.

Oh, you mean like when James Comey came out 10 days before the election in 2016 and said the FBI was re-investigating Hillary's emails and looking into Anthony Weiner's laptop that he shared with his wife, Hillary's assistant Huma Abedin?

Cry me a fucking river.
Works for you when it makes things go your way.

Comey was not a Republican operative. He had no choice. Had he not said anything about them, and they turned up having incriminating evidence after the election, he would have been screwed had she won.

Remember who it was that got Hillary off the hook.
No it was all just a big coincidence that Feinstein sat on the letter for 2 months and only shared it at the last minute. /extreme sarcasm

Mitch McConnell sat on Merrick Garland and the GOP refused a sitting president's nomination for SCOTUS.
I bet you thought that was just fine, huh fucking hypocrite?
It worked with Roy Moore.
Yup........and then after he all just MAGICALLY WENT AWAY.

Statute of limitations had expired years ago.
And these women did not gain from their coming forward.
Just the opposite.
They have more balls in their little finger than you do in your whole sack.
I'd say they are a bunch of Lying whores...........probably very well paid whores........for doing the political dance....

Politics are dirty.............and character Assassination is nothing new.
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.

Oh, you mean like when James Comey came out 10 days before the election in 2016 and said the FBI was re-investigating Hillary's emails and looking into Anthony Weiner's laptop that he shared with his wife, Hillary's assistant Huma Abedin?

Cry me a fucking river.
Works for you when it makes things go your way.

Comey was not a Republican operative. He had no choice. Had he not said anything about them, and they turned up having incriminating evidence after the election, he would have been screwed had she won.

Remember who it was that got Hillary off the hook.

Yes, he did have a choice.
You don't see Mueller making any kind of announcements or holding press conferences, do you?
And the mid-terms are only 50 days away.
He's got Paul Manafort on his side now.
Lots at stake.
He's doing it the right way.
OP: "I hate it when politicians bring up accusations that have no merit. That's why I voted for Donald Trump...who carried out the birther movement."

- Conservative Logic
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Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.

I guess you can certainly hope for that outcome. God knows that all the other stuff the right is saying and doing isn't helping you much.
It worked with Roy Moore.
Yup........and then after he all just MAGICALLY WENT AWAY.

Statute of limitations had expired years ago.
And these women did not gain from their coming forward.
Just the opposite.
They have more balls in their little finger than you do in your whole sack.
I'd say they are a bunch of Lying whores...........probably very well paid whores........for doing the political dance....

Politics are dirty.............and character Assassination is nothing new.

Even Roy Moore never made those claims.
He didn't deny knowing them.
He just lied about what he did to them.
The shopping center mall manager who had to tell him to stay off the property, where he was trolling girls, was the nail his coffin.
Gather the facts before you open your pie hole.
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.

Yes and the whole bunch should be replaced
Here's how it works: Just before an important election or vote, bring out someone who is willing to smear the other side with a sexual allegation that has no legal merit. Then drop the entire matter after the vote. This way, the person being accused has neither time nor legal standing to refute the allegation.

So much for more civility in our government. One can only hope that voters will start waking up to this disgusting tactic and throw its perpetrators out of office.

Oh, wow. You're getting angry at the Democrats because THEY'RE NOT BEING INVENTIVE. Er....
Statute of limitations had expired years ago.
And these women did not gain from their coming forward.
Just the opposite.

Like Anita Hill (Wikipedia)?

Hill accepted a position as a visiting scholar at the Institute for the Study of Social Change at University of California, Berkeley in January 1997,[39] but soon joined the faculty of Brandeis University—first at the Women's Studies Program, later moving to the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. In 2011, she also took a counsel position with the Civil Rights & Employment Practice group of the plaintiffs' law firm Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll.[8]

Over the years, Hill has provided commentary on gender and race issues on national television programs, including 60 Minutes, Face the Nation and Meet the Press.[4][8] She has been a speaker on the topic of commercial law as well as race and women's rights.[8] She is also the author of articles that have been published in The New York Times and Newsweek[4][8] and has contributed to many scholarly and legal publications in the areas of international commercial law, bankruptcy, and civil rights.[8][40]

In 1995 Hill co-edited Race, Gender and Power in America: The Legacy of the Hill-Thomas Hearings with Emma Coleman Jordan.[4][41] In 1997 Hill published her autobiography, Speaking Truth to Power,[42][page needed] in which she chronicled her role in the Clarence Thomas confirmation controversy[4][6] and wrote that creating a better society had been a motivating force in her life.[43] She contributed the piece "The Nature of the Beast: Sexual Harassment" to the 2003 anthology Sisterhood Is Forever: The Women's Anthology for a New Millennium, edited by Robin Morgan.[44] In 2011 Hill published her second book, Reimagining Equality: Stories of Gender, Race, and Finding Home, which focuses on the sub-prime lending crisis that resulted in the foreclosure of many homes owned by African-Americans.[13][45] She calls for a new understanding about the importance of a home and its place in the American Dream.[6] On March 26, 2015, the Brandeis Board of Trustees unanimously voted to recognize Hill with a promotion to Private University Professor of Social Policy, Law, and Women's Studies.[46]

On December 16, 2017, the Commission on Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality in the Workplace was formed, selecting Hill to lead its charge against sexual harassment in the entertainment industry. The new initiative was spearheaded by co-chair of the Nike Foundation Maria Eitel, venture capitalist Freada Kapor Klein, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy and talent attorney Nina Shaw.[47]

Are you really as stupid as what you post?

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