Democrat Crossover Votes


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2004
Our county is about 65% Republican to 35% Democrat. However the results of our county were about 15% for Kerry. There were many Democrat Crossover votes. What is it that they are missing that even Democrats will not vote for their Party?
no1tovote4 said:
Our county is about 65% Republican to 35% Democrat. However the results of our county were about 15% for Kerry. There were many Democrat Crossover votes. What is it that they are missing that even Democrats will not vote for their Party?
how were results for kerry only 15%??? Kerry got 48% of the votes???? And republicans are 65% of the population, and bush got 52% of the vote, how were democrats crossing over??????
lolita715 said:
how were results for kerry only 15%??? Kerry got 48% of the votes???? And republicans are 65% of the population, and bush got 52% of the vote, how were democrats crossing over??????

I am speaking only of one county. The Democrats in our county voted, I know they did I was an election Judge and they signed the book. Our head judge was a Democrat, there was no hanky-panky. The votes simply show that they crossed over. Half of the Democrats in my county voted for Bush. Around the nation it was supposedly 10% of Democrats that voted for Bush, (according to Air America, listened in on the way to work today).
no1tovote4 said:
I am speaking only of one county. The Democrats in our county voted, I know they did I was an election Judge and they signed the book. Our head judge was a Democrat, there was no hanky-panky. The votes simply show that they crossed over. Half of the Democrats in my county voted for Bush. Around the nation it was supposedly 10% of Democrats that voted for Bush, (according to Air America, listened in on the way to work today).
I see, what percentage of republicans voted for Kerry
lolita715 said:
I see, what percentage of republicans voted for Kerry

According to Air America it was about 5% across the nation, much less crossover and thus the victory. The question is, why so much crossover? What were the Democrats missing for that 10%?
no1tovote4 said:
According to Air America it was about 5% across the nation, much less crossover and thus the victory. The question is, why so much crossover? What were the Democrats missing for that 10%?

Protection of our country. Some bright Democrats rightly assumed that John Kerry would not qualify as a good war President.
ScreamingEagle said:
Protection of our country. Some bright Democrats rightly assumed that John Kerry would not qualify as a good war President.
And bush is really protecting us with all the troops over seas. Whats going to happen when we are attacked at home??? Not to mention that only 5% of items that come in to ports are checked, and bush does not think the millitary should control borders, anyone could slither into the U.S
lolita715 said:
And bush is really protecting us with all the troops over seas. Whats going to happen when we are attacked at home??? Not to mention that only 5% of items that come in to ports are checked, and bush does not think the millitary should control borders, anyone could slither into the U.S

First off, our troops have almost always been stationed overseas.

And as far as shipments that come into America....

Are you familiar with the "Known Shipper" program? There is NO way we could inspect 100% or even 25% of ALL the cargo that comes into this country every day. Therefore, there is a program called the "Known Shipper" that helps the customs admin decide which incoming containers to inspect, etc. Apparently it works pretty well.

The Known Shipper Program has proven to be an effective deterrent: On average, TSA's Known Shipper database receives approximately 18,000 inquiries, of which an average 6,000 are generated from unknown shippers. The database alerts carriers that this cargo cannot be accepted and must be diverted to an all-cargo aircraft or another form of transport.
freeandfun1 said:
First off, our troops have almost always been stationed overseas.

And as far as shipments that come into America....

Are you familiar with the "Known Shipper" program? There is NO way we could inspect 100% or even 25% of ALL the cargo that comes into this country every day. Therefore, there is a program called the "Known Shipper" that helps the customs admin decide which incoming containers to inspect, etc. Apparently it works pretty well.

Alot of Republicans said at the exit polls they voted for bush for

The Known Shipper Program has proven to be an effective deterrent: On average, TSA's Known Shipper database receives approximately 18,000 inquiries, of which an average 6,000 are generated from unknown shippers. The database alerts carriers that this cargo cannot be accepted and must be diverted to an all-cargo aircraft or another form of transport.

allot of the republicans said they voted for bush, for the "moral" reasons. He's against gay marriage, right for woman when it comes to abortion. If thats a big reason for voting for Bush it's a scary thought
lolita715 said:
allot of the republicans said they voted for bush, for the "moral" reasons. He's against gay marriage, right for woman when it comes to abortion. If thats a big reason for voting for Bush it's a scary thought

Morals encompass a lot more than abortion and gay rights. Things like honesty, humility, steadfastness, integrity, etc. Maybe those traits trumped the two issues you mention. Maybe the nation decided they would rather have an honest man that is against gay marriage and abortion over a man that will say ANYTHING to get elected.

Furthermore, you BETTER realize that it was not just republicans that voted for Bush based on "moral" values. A lot of Dems did also!
lolita715 said:
allot of the republicans said they voted for bush, for the "moral" reasons. He's against gay marriage, right for woman when it comes to abortion. If thats a big reason for voting for Bush it's a scary thought

Those are the reasons that I would have voted for Badnarik had the election not been so even. However I could not vote in good conscience for Badnarik when a person I think is worse than Bush would end up in the office. It was the selection of Kerry as the Candidate that decided my vote.
freeandfun1 said:
Morals encompass a lot more than abortion and gay rights. Things like honesty, humility, steadfastness, integrity, etc. Maybe those traits trumped the two issues you mention. Maybe the nation decided they would rather have an honest man that is against gay marriage and abortion over a man that will say ANYTHING to get elected.

Furthermore, you BETTER realize that it was not just republicans that voted for Bush based on "moral" values. A lot of Dems did also!
Bush lied to us!! Where are the morals in that??? I dont agree with anything he does.
lolita715 said:
Bush lied to us!! Where are the morals in that??? I dont agree with anything he does.

I never heard him lie. And too bad for you. You now have four more years of him. I hope it irritates the shit out of you. That way, we won't have to listen to the shit spew from your mouth!
lolita715 said:
Bush lied to us!! Where are the morals in that??? I dont agree with anything he does.
like bush does not say anything to get elected!! Please we better pack up our bags, because we will be drafted. There are not enough soldiers in iraq right now, and not enough people joining the army to fill the void, not to mention we are problaly going to be going to Iran and N. Korea, who's going to fight there??? Of course bush was not going to say there would be a draft, not until he was elected.
lolita715 said:
like bush does not say anything to get elected!! Please we better pack up our bags, because we will be drafted. There are not enough soldiers in iraq right now, and not enough people joining the army to fill the void, not to mention we are problaly going to be going to Iran and N. Korea, who's going to fight there??? Of course bush was not going to say there would be a draft, not until he was elected.

There still will be no draft. That would insure the election of a Democrat Congress and would be the end to his agenda.
no1tovote4 said:
There still will be no draft. That would insure the election of a Democrat Congress and would be the end to his agenda.
to bad the majority of congress is republican
lolita715 said:
like bush does not say anything to get elected!! Please we better pack up our bags, because we will be drafted. There are not enough soldiers in iraq right now, and not enough people joining the army to fill the void, not to mention we are problaly going to be going to Iran and N. Korea, who's going to fight there??? Of course bush was not going to say there would be a draft, not until he was elected.

what do you know about the military? obviously - NADA!

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