Democracy index 2010, US is ranked at #17


Dec 9, 2008
Norwegians have the privilege of enjoying the most democratic government on the planet, a new report has found.

Now in its third edition, the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index 2010 aims to provide a snapshot of the state of democracy for 165 countries and two territories based on electoral process, political culture and civil liberties. The poll groups nations into four types of regimes: full democracies, flawed democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes.

Norway came in at #1 as a "full democracy," while the U.S. is ranked at #17, just ahead of the U.K. (#19) to come in on the lower end of the "full democracy" spectrum. Designated as a "flawed democracy," France follows at #31, while Belarus, Qatar and North Korea are positioned toward the bottom of the poll as "authoritarian regimes."

The report also pinpoints what is described as a "democratic recession," with only 12.3% of the world's citizens enjoying access to a "full democracy," an overall decline reportedly sparred by political malaise in light of the global economic crisis.
Norwegians have the privilege of enjoying the most democratic government on the planet, a new report has found.

Now in its third edition, the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index 2010 aims to provide a snapshot of the state of democracy for 165 countries and two territories based on electoral process, political culture and civil liberties. The poll groups nations into four types of regimes: full democracies, flawed democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes.

Norway came in at #1 as a "full democracy," while the U.S. is ranked at #17, just ahead of the U.K. (#19) to come in on the lower end of the "full democracy" spectrum. Designated as a "flawed democracy," France follows at #31, while Belarus, Qatar and North Korea are positioned toward the bottom of the poll as "authoritarian regimes."

The report also pinpoints what is described as a "democratic recession," with only 12.3% of the world's citizens enjoying access to a "full democracy," an overall decline reportedly sparred by political malaise in light of the global economic crisis.

Thanks again Obama admin...............
Thanks again Obama admin...............

Yes you should thank Obama. He brought up the disgraceful Bush record, and has America a shining star compared to the previous dictator who murdered, tortured and raped innocent civilians.:clap2:
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Nothing in your link suggests rape. Granted, I'd put nothing past herr Bush and his gestapo, but nevertheless I think some fact checking is in order here.
Another meaningless ranking paper that attempt to rank countries based on arbitrary metrics that are taken with mass bias... Oh please, I can't wait to read this one.
Norwegians have the privilege of enjoying the most democratic government on the planet, a new report has found.

Now in its third edition, the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index 2010 aims to provide a snapshot of the state of democracy for 165 countries and two territories based on electoral process, political culture and civil liberties. The poll groups nations into four types of regimes: full democracies, flawed democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes.

Norway came in at #1 as a "full democracy," while the U.S. is ranked at #17, just ahead of the U.K. (#19) to come in on the lower end of the "full democracy" spectrum. Designated as a "flawed democracy," France follows at #31, while Belarus, Qatar and North Korea are positioned toward the bottom of the poll as "authoritarian regimes."

The report also pinpoints what is described as a "democratic recession," with only 12.3% of the world's citizens enjoying access to a "full democracy," an overall decline reportedly sparred by political malaise in light of the global economic crisis.

Can you provide the link please. I would love to see the full report.

oh, fyi; It's in the rules that stories and reports like this need the link and the posting of the authors name.
Thanks again Obama admin...............

Yes you should thank Obama. He brought up the disgraceful Bush record, and has America a shining star compared to the previous dictator who murdered, tortured and raped innocent civilians.:clap2:

fyi; Obama not only didn't get rid of the Patriot Act, as he promised, he made it stronger.

Gitmo is still open.


His obamacare has been declared Unconstitutional

class disssmisssed
We are a Republic, though democratic republic or representative democracy is an accurate definition of how our government was conceived by the founders.
A pure democracy we are not, and given the influence of monied and special interests in our electorial process, I'm afraid we are more of a plutocracy than any real world democratic institution.

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