Demcrts Be Carefl Of Trojan Hrse On Deal Extendin Tax Cut W/Repblicns!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
On Fox's Sunday Morning show with Chris Wallace, Bill Kristol called for the Republicans in Congress to agree to a deal with Democrats extending the Bush tax cuts for two years. My initial reaction was this is great news for America a right wing leader in the country is seeking to be bipartisan on a major issue for the country this bodes well for the nation's future. Then I started thinking about the history of Bill Kristol and started remembering that the only thing this guy ever gave the Democrats is the end of a switch blade through the ribs. Upon reflection, an accurate analysis would conclude Bill Kristol here is being as cunning as that fiend, the devil because his intention is to set the Democrat Party up for a repeat of this past tuesday's election, meaning that the situation that the Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year and the Democrat Party had not called for their extension for all income brackets set the Democrat party up for criticism from the Republicans that they wanted to raise taxes on the job creators in the economy, small businesses (a very injurous development) this probably cost them at least several percentage points of votes in many races this past Nov 2 and probably some seats. If these tax cuts are only extended for two years, Republicans will have the same argument available in the 2012 elections that Democrats want to raise Americans taxes and again some Democrat candidates will probably lose 2012 election races because of this issue. If one thinks about it that is probably why in 2001 and 2003 the Republicans set the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010. As many Democrat elected officials have wisely said the Bush tax cuts should even be extended temporarily for those Americans making more that $250,000 per year because the economy is too fragile it needs the investment activity of these high income Americans the economy is far from recovered from the Great Recession and a full cure is not assured, helpful medicine like the Bush tax cuts should not be pulled. The Democrats should definately make a deal on extending these Bush tax cuts for all income brackets but the agreed to extensions should expire in an off year for national elections, otherwise, the Democrat leadership should just concede they don't want the majority of both chambers of Congress back and save a lot of Americans a lot of anxiety hoping for a Congress that will solve many of America's major problems!

A major news headline this weekend has been that Nancy Pelosi intends to seek the minority leader position in the House for the next Congress and media reports are that she has the votes in the Democrat House caucus to win the minority leader job. This is flabbergasting to hear rank and file House Democrats are prepared to do this, what are you people in this caucus a bunch of imbeciles what do you want to commit political suicide don't you want to have a good chance of winning back the majority in the 2012 election. Huge swaths of Republican and Independent Americans despise this women they view this women as a person that if given the power will ruin this country! To independents such as myself that believe America should work for ordinary working people and the middle class she wrecked the country's chance to achieve this goal in the Democrats in their being in charge in the White House and both chambers of Congress. If she had led the House well the Democrats could have had this three branches of power for at least the better part of two decades churning out success upon success for these groups of Americans. To independent Americans Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the $813 billion Stimulus bill that was loaded with social spending and light on economic stimulus; for yearly budgets with 8% and 9% increases in discretionary spending when most states were either cutting their budgets or keeping increases in line with inflation; and passage of the health care bill which will break the Federal budget in a shocking and completely unaffordable manner and should never had occurred - if truth be told Ms. Pelosi new the cost estimates on the new health insurance entitlement program for families with incomes up to four times the poverty rate were cooked up as well as the bill's plans for revenue generation that is why she fought tooth and nail for the "public option" which would have allowed for medicare like price fixing and would have essentially wiped out the private insurance industry giving the Federal Government the green light to tap America's employers to pay for the program (to many independants it makes their blood boil that Ms. Pelosi and other Democrat leaders didn't use their opportunity to do some real good for the country and take a phase in approach to helping Americans buy health insurance with legalizing the purchase of health insurance across state lines with a voucher program to help struggling families afford to purchase catastrophic health insurance a course the country could bear). What Democrat members of the House are doing would be like if a Republican House member resigned and was replaced by Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity and the Republican House caucus made Limbaugh or Hannity Speaker of the House! Democrat members of the House should understand this not only do many Americans despise this women they don't trust this women she will say whatever is expedient she has zero integrity, a minority leaders role is to sell the minority caucus's policies to the American people it is very foolish for a caucus to put a person in this role that many American's don't trust one word coming out of that person's mouth!
Why extend the cuts? They obviously did not perform as intended.
Just like congress persons, if they do not perform vote em out.
Dems hold all the cards here. If they do nothing, the cuts expire

Repubs can either agree to a cap on upper class tax cuts or let the tax system revert to the old levels.

Dems should not bargain on this unless the Republicans bring something to the table...and it better be big
Why not show real fiscal sense, and just let all the cuts expire? Those of us working can afford them, those without a job will not be affected, and the wealthy have shown no intention of using the extra income from the tax cuts to create jobs.
demonRats just can't make it in life without taking the rich man's money. poor miserable bastards. sniff!
Taxes need to be cut about 5 percent across the board. They are too high now. It's time for our government to do without. Eff em to hell. I'm firing my accountant if he fails to find gray areas to make this a wash.
Taxes need to be cut about 5 percent across the board. They are too high now. It's time for our government to do without. Eff em to hell. I'm firing my accountant if he fails to find gray areas to make this a wash.

And a 5% tax cut would help pay down our debt, HOW?
The Bush tax cuts performed precisely as intended. The crash was because of Fannie, Fredie and the toxic loans.
Taxes need to be cut about 5 percent across the board. They are too high now. It's time for our government to do without. Eff em to hell. I'm firing my accountant if he fails to find gray areas to make this a wash.
Nearly half of American households (49.68%) don't pay any federal income tax. The last thing this country needs is a tax cut. We have some of the lowest taxes in the world and they are historically low.
Taxes need to be cut about 5 percent across the board. They are too high now. It's time for our government to do without. Eff em to hell. I'm firing my accountant if he fails to find gray areas to make this a wash.

And a 5% tax cut would help pay down our debt, HOW?

You tell me why I should care about bailing out a bloated govt thats printing out a trillion dollars every other month. You do understand that don't you?
The wealthy did great in this economy even while it sucked for the rest of our countrymen.

They CAN afford it.
Why not show real fiscal sense, and just let all the cuts expire? Those of us working can afford them, those without a job will not be affected, and the wealthy have shown no intention of using the extra income from the tax cuts to create jobs.

You do know that many of us on fixed incomes do pay taxes, right?
On Fox's Sunday Morning show with Chris Wallace, Bill Kristol called for the Republicans in Congress to agree to a deal with Democrats extending the Bush tax cuts for two years. My initial reaction was this is great news for America a right wing leader in the country is seeking to be bipartisan on a major issue for the country this bodes well for the nation's future. Then I started thinking about the history of Bill Kristol and started remembering that the only thing this guy ever gave the Democrats is the end of a switch blade through the ribs. Upon reflection, an accurate analysis would conclude Bill Kristol here is being as cunning as that fiend, the devil because his intention is to set the Democrat Party up for a repeat of this past tuesday's election, meaning that the situation that the Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year and the Democrat Party had not called for their extension for all income brackets set the Democrat party up for criticism from the Republicans that they wanted to raise taxes on the job creators in the economy, small businesses (a very injurous development) this probably cost them at least several percentage points of votes in many races this past Nov 2 and probably some seats. If these tax cuts are only extended for two years, Republicans will have the same argument available in the 2012 elections that Democrats want to raise Americans taxes and again some Democrat candidates will probably lose 2012 election races because of this issue. If one thinks about it that is probably why in 2001 and 2003 the Republicans set the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010. As many Democrat elected officials have wisely said the Bush tax cuts should even be extended temporarily for those Americans making more that $250,000 per year because the economy is too fragile it needs the investment activity of these high income Americans the economy is far from recovered from the Great Recession and a full cure is not assured, helpful medicine like the Bush tax cuts should not be pulled. The Democrats should definately make a deal on extending these Bush tax cuts for all income brackets but the agreed to extensions should expire in an off year for national elections, otherwise, the Democrat leadership should just concede they don't want the majority of both chambers of Congress back and save a lot of Americans a lot of anxiety hoping for a Congress that will solve many of America's major problems!

IOW, when defying the will of the people, Democrats should be sure it doesn't expire right before they are trying to get re-elected. :rolleyes:

Here's a thought, novel as it may be to a liberal...why not represent the will of the people INSTEAD of defying it. :eek:
The Bush tax cuts performed precisely as intended. The crash was because of Fannie, Fredie and the toxic loans.

How can you say that the tax cut worked? The deficit ballooned, the jobs added did not even keep up with the gradation rate of high school and colleges. As for the crash, the was engineered by Phil (Enron) Gramm. However, even the fellows on the floor at the steel mill were aware that the economy was in terrible shape even as Bush and the Republicans were talking about how good it was.

Perhaps you would care to compare the results of the Bush tax cut to the results of the Clinton tax increase.
On Fox's Sunday Morning show with Chris Wallace, Bill Kristol called for the Republicans in Congress to agree to a deal with Democrats extending the Bush tax cuts for two years. My initial reaction was this is great news for America a right wing leader in the country is seeking to be bipartisan on a major issue for the country this bodes well for the nation's future. Then I started thinking about the history of Bill Kristol and started remembering that the only thing this guy ever gave the Democrats is the end of a switch blade through the ribs. Upon reflection, an accurate analysis would conclude Bill Kristol here is being as cunning as that fiend, the devil because his intention is to set the Democrat Party up for a repeat of this past tuesday's election, meaning that the situation that the Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year and the Democrat Party had not called for their extension for all income brackets set the Democrat party up for criticism from the Republicans that they wanted to raise taxes on the job creators in the economy, small businesses (a very injurous development) this probably cost them at least several percentage points of votes in many races this past Nov 2 and probably some seats. If these tax cuts are only extended for two years, Republicans will have the same argument available in the 2012 elections that Democrats want to raise Americans taxes and again some Democrat candidates will probably lose 2012 election races because of this issue. If one thinks about it that is probably why in 2001 and 2003 the Republicans set the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010. As many Democrat elected officials have wisely said the Bush tax cuts should even be extended temporarily for those Americans making more that $250,000 per year because the economy is too fragile it needs the investment activity of these high income Americans the economy is far from recovered from the Great Recession and a full cure is not assured, helpful medicine like the Bush tax cuts should not be pulled. The Democrats should definately make a deal on extending these Bush tax cuts for all income brackets but the agreed to extensions should expire in an off year for national elections, otherwise, the Democrat leadership should just concede they don't want the majority of both chambers of Congress back and save a lot of Americans a lot of anxiety hoping for a Congress that will solve many of America's major problems!

IOW, when defying the will of the people, Democrats should be sure it doesn't expire right before they are trying to get re-elected. :rolleyes:

Here's a thought, novel as it may be to a liberal...why not represent the will of the people INSTEAD of defying it. :eek:

Here's a very strange thought to any Republican. Fiscal sanity. Let the entire Bush tax cut package expire.

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