Demand for food and air comes naturally with birth yet liberals regard....


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
it as a saintly achievement.

Demand for food and air, for example, comes with birth and is constant for life. Mankind made progress after centuries and centuries of stagnation only when rich Republican supply side capitlalists began to supply the goods and services that got us from the stone age to here. Therefore, they are the folks that need to be encouraged at all times and in all ways.

We really don't have to worry about whether the folks will demand food and air.... unless of course you are a brainwashed Marxist class warfare liberal.
it as a saintly achievement.

Demand for food and air, for example, comes with birth and is constant for life. Mankind made progress after centuries and centuries of stagnation only when rich Republican supply side capitlalists began to supply the goods and services that got us from the stone age to here. Therefore, they are the folks that need to be encouraged at all times and in all ways.

We really don't have to worry about whether the folks will demand food and air.... unless of course you are a brainwashed Marxist class warfare liberal.
Ed, you are confused again. And no one is really interested in your blather.
You do not understand the meaning of supply and demand in the economic sense. In the economic sense, there IS no demand for air, since the supply is limitless. If you disagree try selling some.

Get a grip, Ed. You are trying to explain things that normal folks understand. It is just you who is confused.

And your attempts at insult don't work. They are just humerus. But people laughing at you, not with you.

BTW, what the hell does "Marxist class warfare liberal" mean????? I have known many liberals, but none were Marxist. Just a little more education for you, Ed: Few believed that Marxism had any chance of working, and in fact there was never a test case. Russia was a socialist state controlled by the politburo, China was a dictatorship, etc. But communism never worked because it could never develop, for really obvious reasons. At any rate, calling people communists or Marxists is simply a great way of showing your ignorance.
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At any rate, calling people communists or Marxists is simply a great way of showing your ignorance.

Why do you think our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb?

Why do you think BO had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders?

Why do you think BO is for single payer?

Why do you think the liberal hosts on MSNBC admit to being communists?

Why do you think liberals always want bigger government no matter how big the government is?

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened". Norman Thomas

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy, Socialism, and Public Education « Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”
In the economic sense, there IS no demand for air, since the supply is limitless. If you disagree try selling some.

dear, I said food and air!!

• A free good. The entire quantity demanded is available at a price of zero. An Econ 101 supply/ demand graph will always show free goods like air that are constantly demanded.

Liberals think that welfare payments create demand and stimulate the economy. In reality the economy is stimulated by capitalism,i.e. competition for a limited supply of money. Sorry but why not wait till college before trying to grasp the concepts?
it as a saintly achievement.

Demand for food and air, for example, comes with birth and is constant for life. Mankind made progress after centuries and centuries of stagnation only when rich Republican supply side capitlalists began to supply the goods and services that got us from the stone age to here. Therefore, they are the folks that need to be encouraged at all times and in all ways.

We really don't have to worry about whether the folks will demand food and air.... unless of course you are a brainwashed Marxist class warfare liberal.
Ed, you are confused again. And no one is really interested in your blather.
You do not understand the meaning of supply and demand in the economic sense. In the economic sense, there IS no demand for air, since the supply is limitless. If you disagree try selling some.

Get a grip, Ed. You are trying to explain things that normal folks understand. It is just you who is confused.

And your attempts at insult don't work. They are just humerus. But people laughing at you, not with you.

BTW, what the hell does "Marxist class warfare liberal" mean????? I have known many liberals, but none were Marxist. Just a little more education for you, Ed: Few believed that Marxism had any chance of working, and in fact there was never a test case. Russia was a socialist state controlled by the politburo, China was a dictatorship, etc. But communism never worked because it could never develop, for really obvious reasons. At any rate, calling people communists or Marxists is simply a great way of showing your ignorance.

Speak for yourself. "No one" is inclusive of everyone and I, for one, do enjoy reading Ed's contributions. Unlike some others (you), he actually puts effort into formulating an original thought, instead of constantly pooh-poohing other people and calling them names.
Few believed that Marxism had any chance of working, and in fact there was never a test case. Russia was a socialist state controlled by the politburo,

Few??? our liberals worshipped Stalin , spied for him, gave him the bomb, and lied when saintly Sen. Joe asked them if they were communists!!
BTW, what the hell does "Marxist class warfare liberal" mean?????

BO had 2 Marxist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders and his often accused of being liberal Marxist class warrior. This was the heart of Marxism.

Bo made a big deal of wanting to tax the rich so they would pay as much as their secretaries. What planet were you on??

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