Dem Takeaway 2010


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
First it was not as bad as I thought. OK, Dems lost a few seats and the Blue Dogs got hammered, but that no reason to panic.

1. Dem Leadership triumphed. Pelosi and Redi were big winners, they should be rewarded with their maintaining their leadership roles

2. Blue Dogs got vaporized. Good riddance to Bush-Lite. They're not the Dem base so no need to pander any more

3. The further Left, the bigger the Win! Meg and Carly tried to buy elections in CA and Carl Paladino and the Tea Party tried to take NY, both lost and lost big. Key to success: Leftward Ho! (I don't mean that Meg is a ho, I don't want to get in trouble like Jerry Brown)

4. Dems need to quit pretending they're fiscal moderates, they know government knows best and need to keep highlight that!
Palin and the Tea Party cost Republicans control of the Senate, so obviously you need to keep giving Sarah and the Tea Party reason to keep destroying Republican chances in 2012.

Remember, the Blue Dogs lost because they were too much like the Tea Party!
First it was not as bad as I thought. OK, Dems lost a few seats and the Blue Dogs got hammered, but that no reason to panic.

1. Dem Leadership triumphed. Pelosi and Redi were big winners, they should be rewarded with their maintaining their leadership roles

2. Blue Dogs got vaporized. Good riddance to Bush-Lite. They're not the Dem base so no need to pander any more

3. The further Left, the bigger the Win! Meg and Carly tried to buy elections in CA and Carl Paladino and the Tea Party tried to take NY, both lost and lost big. Key to success: Leftward Ho! (I don't mean that Meg is a ho, I don't want to get in trouble like Jerry Brown)

4. Dems need to quit pretending they're fiscal moderates, they know government knows best and need to keep highlight that!

I agree. The 'New Democrat Party' is the antithesis of the Tea Parties. Call it loud and strong! Make the people know there is an alternative!
First it was not as bad as I thought. OK, Dems lost a few seats and the Blue Dogs got hammered, but that no reason to panic.

1. Dem Leadership triumphed. Pelosi and Redi were big winners, they should be rewarded with their maintaining their leadership roles

2. Blue Dogs got vaporized. Good riddance to Bush-Lite. They're not the Dem base so no need to pander any more

3. The further Left, the bigger the Win! Meg and Carly tried to buy elections in CA and Carl Paladino and the Tea Party tried to take NY, both lost and lost big. Key to success: Leftward Ho! (I don't mean that Meg is a ho, I don't want to get in trouble like Jerry Brown)

4. Dems need to quit pretending they're fiscal moderates, they know government knows best and need to keep highlight that!

I agree. The 'New Democrat Party' is the antithesis of the Tea Parties. Call it loud and strong! Make the people know there is an alternative!

Obama is too much of a Moderate and Dems suffered for it, he tried to work with Republicans and Dems got shellacked as a result.

No More Mr. Nice Dem!

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