Dem supermajority for 24 days, NOT 2 YEARS. Lying Pubs!

# 80-Why do keep asking that- isn't it obvious Pub love things the way they are? Plenty of illegals for cheap labor, a scam of a health system, crappe jobs, bad safety net, rich getting richer, the rest and the country slowly being ruined:

January 27, 2010, 6:10 am 81 Comments
The Curse Of The Supermajority
Here’s how democracy works: political parties that make an effective appeal to voters get the right to govern and implement new policies.

Here’s how the United States government works: political parties that make an effective appeal to voters get seated — but can’t govern unless they have 60 Senators.

The past year has been a spectacular demonstration of the crippling effect of the filibuster on America’s ability to deal with, well, anything.

Sen. Tom Udall is proposing a change in Senate rules, going back to the Constitution — which says nothing about supermajorities. Here’s his very good analysis, including a demonstration that the universal requirement for supermajorities isn’t, contrary to what you often hear, isn’t a long-standing tradition; it’s something that only developed recently, and mainly since Republicans found themselves in the minority.

Tom Schaller argues that the supermajority gives American policy a center-right bias, since conservatives don’t want to do much. But didn’t Bush manage to do a lot? Yes, in a way. But the thing about Bush policies were that they were all buy-now-pay-later: unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion of Medicare, unfunded wars. Bush never demonstrated that it’s possible to govern America responsibly, because he never tried.

Udall is right. We need to fix the Senate. Otherwise, we’re headed for full banana-republic status.

The Curse Of The Supermajority -

Of course, a banana republic is what Pubs want! Pub dupes! LOL
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# 80-Why do keep asking that- isn't it obvious Pub love things the way they are? Plenty of illegals for cheap labor, a scam of a health system, crappe jobs, bad safety net, rich getting richer, the rest and the country slowly being ruined:

January 27, 2010, 6:10 am 81 Comments
The Curse Of The Supermajority
Here’s how democracy works: political parties that make an effective appeal to voters get the right to govern and implement new policies.

Here’s how the United States government works: political parties that make an effective appeal to voters get seated — but can’t govern unless they have 60 Senators.

The past year has been a spectacular demonstration of the crippling effect of the filibuster on America’s ability to deal with, well, anything.

Sen. Tom Udall is proposing a change in Senate rules, going back to the Constitution — which says nothing about supermajorities. Here’s his very good analysis, including a demonstration that the universal requirement for supermajorities isn’t, contrary to what you often hear, isn’t a long-standing tradition; it’s something that only developed recently, and mainly since Republicans found themselves in the minority.

Tom Schaller argues that the supermajority gives American policy a center-right bias, since conservatives don’t want to do much. But didn’t Bush manage to do a lot? Yes, in a way. But the thing about Bush policies were that they were all buy-now-pay-later: unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion of Medicare, unfunded wars. Bush never demonstrated that it’s possible to govern America responsibly, because he never tried.

Udall is right. We need to fix the Senate. Otherwise, we’re headed for full banana-republic status.

The Curse Of The Supermajority -

Of course, a banana republic is what Pubs want! Pub dupes! LOL

Sen. Tom Udall is proposing a change in Senate rules, going back to the Constitution — which says nothing about supermajorities

Yes, we need to get rid of the filibuster today.
That'll be helpful in January, after Obama leaves, for the new Republican Senate.
Super-majority and filibuster-proof are totally meaningless terms as they apply to the political parties,

for the simple reason that no party member is required to vote with his party.

It's just fodder for meaningless conversations.

No they dont have party discipline like in Europe, but it does matter. The healthcare vote was extremely partisan. I mean it costs congressmen their jobs, because people voted for it when the public didnt want it and still doesnt.

A bigger percentage of Democrats who voted against the healthcare bill lost their jobs in 2010 than did Democrats who voted for it.
Much of the dissatisfaction with the healthcare law comes from Democrats that wanted a single payer system.

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