Dem. majority whip state winner of S.C. primary--Greene--was a Rep. plant--ha.ha.ha.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Clyburn: Alvin Greene is 'someone's plant' in South Carolina
Updated 2:55 p.m.
By Garance Franke-Ruta

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) articulated the suspicion of many South Carolina Democrats this morning by suggesting that the state's Democratic U.S. Senate primary victor Alvin Greene was a "plant."

Greene, who is unemployed and lives with his mother, was the come-from-nowhere winner Tuesday after earlier paying $10,400 to register as a candidate and then seemingly disappearing from view. On Wednesday, the state's Democratic leaders called on him to drop out of the race after it was revealed he has a felony obscenity charge pending against him for having allegedly shown a University of South Carolina undergraduate Internet porn and made "statements of going to the victim's room," according to the arrest warrant.

(Read a copy of Greene's arrest warrant here.)

Greene won the contest with 59 percent of the vote and is now the first African American major-party U.S. Senate nominee in South Carolina since Reconstruction. He defeated Charleston attorney Vic Rawl, a former judge who had served four terms in the state legislature.

Clyburn also said the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina should investigate Greene's win, The Hill reported based on Clyburn's remarks on "The Bill Press Show."

"I think there's some federal laws being violated in this race, but I think some shenanigans are going on in South Carolina," Clyburn told Press. "Somebody gave him that $10,000 and he who took it should be investigated, and he who gave it should be investigated."

(See a copy of the handwritten "Alvin M. Greene for Senate" check here.)

"I would hope the U.S. attorney down there would look at this," Clyburn said.

"There were some real shenanigans going on in the South Carolina primary," Clyburn said. "I don't know if he was a Republican plant; he was someone's plant."

44 - Clyburn: Alvin Greene is 'someone's plant' in South Carolina

:lol::lol: Reminds me of someone else that the democrat party didn't thouroughly "vet" before running for the highest office in the land--:lol::lol:
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Oh of course he's a plant! We all know that no one in the Democrat Party is a stupid and inarticulate as Mr Greene. :rolleyes:
Even if he was a plant they still had to find people to vote for Greene. There is no evidence of any republican literature, emails, twitters or anything urging SC republicans to flood the polls and vote for Greene
Even if he was a plant they still had to find people to vote for Greene. There is no evidence of any republican literature, emails, twitters or anything urging SC republicans to flood the polls and vote for Greene

Totally agree.

Was he a plant??

Don't know but I do know that nobody twisted the arms of SC voters to vote for him.

Hell. The guy didn't campaign. He didn't have a website. He made no personal appearances. He just put his name on the ballot.

Hmmm Wonder if other candidates should follow suite?? Sure would save a lot of money. LOL
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Clyburn: Alvin Greene is 'someone's plant' in South Carolina
Updated 2:55 p.m.
By Garance Franke-Ruta

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) articulated the suspicion of many South Carolina Democrats this morning by suggesting that the state's Democratic U.S. Senate primary victor Alvin Greene was a "plant."

Greene, who is unemployed and lives with his mother, was the come-from-nowhere winner Tuesday after earlier paying $10,400 to register as a candidate and then seemingly disappearing from view. On Wednesday, the state's Democratic leaders called on him to drop out of the race after it was revealed he has a felony obscenity charge pending against him for having allegedly shown a University of South Carolina undergraduate Internet porn and made "statements of going to the victim's room," according to the arrest warrant.

(Read a copy of Greene's arrest warrant here.)

Greene won the contest with 59 percent of the vote and is now the first African American major-party U.S. Senate nominee in South Carolina since Reconstruction. He defeated Charleston attorney Vic Rawl, a former judge who had served four terms in the state legislature.

Clyburn also said the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina should investigate Greene's win, The Hill reported based on Clyburn's remarks on "The Bill Press Show."

"I think there's some federal laws being violated in this race, but I think some shenanigans are going on in South Carolina," Clyburn told Press. "Somebody gave him that $10,000 and he who took it should be investigated, and he who gave it should be investigated."

(See a copy of the handwritten "Alvin M. Greene for Senate" check here.)

"I would hope the U.S. attorney down there would look at this," Clyburn said.

"There were some real shenanigans going on in the South Carolina primary," Clyburn said. "I don't know if he was a Republican plant; he was someone's plant."

44 - Clyburn: Alvin Greene is 'someone's plant' in South Carolina

:lol::lol: Reminds me of someone else that the democrat party didn't thouroughly "vet" before running for the highest office in the land--:lol::lol:

LOL!!!! Unemployed and lives with his mother? Sounds like 90% of the lefties on USMB! Maybe it's actually VAWanker!
Even if he was a plant they still had to find people to vote for Greene. There is no evidence of any republican literature, emails, twitters or anything urging SC republicans to flood the polls and vote for Greene

Totally agree.

Was he a plant??

Don't know but I do know that nobody twisted the arms of SC voters to vote for him.

Hell. The guy didn't campaign. He didn't have a website. He made no personal appearances. He just put his name on the ballot.

Hmmm Wonder if other candidates should follow suite?? Sure would save a lot of money. LOL

This was a software defect that corrupted the tally. The simplest common-sense way (paper ballots) does not exist (no paper trail exists). Thus, simply do a vote analysis by districts based on ethnicity. If he does average across white and black districts, then it can be concluded the software malfunctioned. If not, Green is the candidate.
"I think there's some federal laws being violated in this race, but I think some shenanigans are going on in South Carolina," Clyburn told Press. "Somebody gave him that $10,000 and he who took it should be investigated, and he who gave it should be investigated."

LOL, A Dem lost to another Dem! Stop the presses!
Even if he was a plant they still had to find people to vote for Greene. There is no evidence of any republican literature, emails, twitters or anything urging SC republicans to flood the polls and vote for Greene

Totally agree.

Was he a plant??

Don't know but I do know that nobody twisted the arms of SC voters to vote for him.

Hell. The guy didn't campaign. He didn't have a website. He made no personal appearances. He just put his name on the ballot.

Hmmm Wonder if other candidates should follow suite?? Sure would save a lot of money. LOL

This was a software defect that corrupted the tally. The simplest common-sense way (paper ballots) does not exist (no paper trail exists). Thus, simply do a vote analysis by districts based on ethnicity. If he does average across white and black districts, then it can be concluded the software malfunctioned. If not, Green is the candidate.

They already know vote tallys by district. Should be easy to see a blatant software malfunction.

I think that the idiots just had no idea who they were voting for but "The Other Guy"

Serves them right
Even if he was a plant they still had to find people to vote for Greene. There is no evidence of any republican literature, emails, twitters or anything urging SC republicans to flood the polls and vote for Greene

Totally agree.

Was he a plant??

Don't know but I do know that nobody twisted the arms of SC voters to vote for him.

Hell. The guy didn't campaign. He didn't have a website. He made no personal appearances. He just put his name on the ballot.

Hmmm Wonder if other candidates should follow suite?? Sure would save a lot of money. LOL

This was a software defect that corrupted the tally. The simplest common-sense way (paper ballots) does not exist (no paper trail exists). Thus, simply do a vote analysis by districts based on ethnicity. If he does average across white and black districts, then it can be concluded the software malfunctioned. If not, Green is the candidate.

Why based on ethnicity?

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