Dem Congressman Calls For Draft, War Tax In I S I S Battle


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Tough talk is cheap, and so are votes to go to war if lawmakers and most of their constituents don't suffer any consequences, said Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) in an interview with The Huffington Post last week.

Rangel called for a military draft and a war tax in order to make the majority of Americans -- and the lawmakers who represent them -- "feel" the consequences of the ongoing military campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

His comments came shortly before Congress voted to approve $500 million to train and arm Syrian rebels, permitting an escalation of President Barack Obama's military campaign against the Islamic State, which is also known as ISIL and ISIS.

More: Charlie Rangel Pushes For Draft, War Tax To Battle ISIS

Damn right! I fully support reinstating the military draft and a war tax. We need to pay off some of Bush's wars that he created - while CUTTING taxes. To my knowledge, cutting taxes during wartime had never previously been done. So, I fully support the draft and a war tax.
Now Democrats are BIG on equality and fairness.

So Charlie has a point.

We NEED a draft.

A corrective draft. One in which only women are drafted until equality has been achieved. That means it continues exclusively female until the number of women drafted equals the number of males drafted. But not all men, even, just over the last 100 years.

But he's a Democrat so don't expect him to apply the "fairness" he demands of others to his own causes.
Now Democrats are BIG on equality and fairness.

So Charlie has a point.

We NEED a draft.

A corrective draft. One in which only women are drafted until equality has been achieved. That means it continues exclusively female until the number of women drafted equals the number of males drafted. But not all men, even, just over the last 100 years.

But he's a Democrat so don't expect him to apply the "fairness" he demands of others to his own causes.

I always dreamed of having a conscript war and I'm left with all the ladies...while da fellows are off fightin'...
Rangel has pulled this stunt before. Blah blah blah.

Soldiers know the score when they enlist. It is about time we get our money worth out of those people.

Don't get me wrong, as there are some brave fuckers in the military. However, most of them are pencil pushing losers who could not figure things out and just opted to go into the military for the benefits. These folks - the majority - are not the brave souls actually doing the fighting.

Honestly, the U.S. Military has largely become a big, bloated welfare system. It pays a wage, pays housing allowances, provides healthcare, and provides a hell of a pension if you put in your 20 years. Make no mistake, the 70% of the military that pushes pencils and carries boxes from point A to point B are not heroic warriors.

So, I really do not feel sorry for them when they have to mobilize. They have been leeching us dry for decades. It's about time they pick up a fucking gun and make good on their promise.
Obama has stated over and over the U.S. will not have combat troops on the ground are those of you on the left accusing the President of lying to the American people?

No, dumbass. There will eventually be another warmongering NaziCon president - so let's give him/her something other than criminals and borderline retards to fight their Bush-like wars.

Also, Obama may be forced to put boot on the ground at some point. Things change. Shit happens.
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I almost wish you guys could pull off getting a draft thru ....would be funny as hell to see the stupid look on libs faces when they got drafted by a lib .....I predict you wouldnt get far with this.

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