Dem Congressman accuses Obama of 'tilting toward Hamas'...

All I really care about is that he's "tilting towards peace". You can't get there without both sides getting/giving up something. He only looks like he's leaning, because some bend so far in one direction that "straight up" looks like he's leaning the other way. Stay the course, Mr.President. :clap2:

Israel has offered plenty through the years and made a number of reasonable concessions. And these have been rejected. Except for Egypt and Jordan, the situation is more at one of a cease fire. The historical position of the Israeli and U.S. governments has been to accept the terms of resolution 242 in principle, but only on the basis a defensible posture for the State of Israel. Given the refusal of the remaining belligerents to recognize Israel's right to exist, how do you figure Israel owes them anything more? In any event, there is no way Israel will ever go back to the boundaries of 1967 after being attacked three times. Those boundaries are indefensible . . . just like Obama's inexplicable stupidity.

The bottom line: the disputed territory is that which Israel has been standing on since it took it from the Arab states which attacked first with the intent of annihilating the Jews.

I stand with Israel, and Obama's silliness is not the stuff of peace, it's an empty gesture, an impossible scheme, that can only serve to further encourage the delusion that the Syrians, the Iranians or the Palestinians would ever recognize Israel's right to exist if only the latter were to pull its pants down a bit further . . . as it emboldens a barbaric lot of genocidal thieves and murderers.

If someone attacks me with the intent of annihilating me and my family, but instead I take his club and beat him down, he owes me a debt of gratitude for not killing him. I don't owe him anything, and it's preposterous to expect me to give the club back to him.
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