Dem Abortionist talks of the “ugly black babies” he aborts


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Caught on video: Abortionist talks of the “ugly black babies” he aborts

8/6/12 by Jean McCarthy

The abortionist’s comments have riled black pro-life activists. Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, said in a press release, “It’s all too obvious that he had a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problem killing them.”


LifeSiteNews Mobile | Caught on video: Abortionist talks of the “ugly black babies” he aborts

[ame=]Abortionist Ron Virmani "Ugly Black Babies" - YouTube[/ame]
Completely aside... those people HAVE the chance to adopt those babies. Those babies are born every day, and live their lives from foster home to foster home. It's toughing growing up like that.

There's no shortage of those babies that need adopting. Don't just adopt the babies either, adopt the kids who need adopted parents from the wide range of ages.

Ah yes, I could see the democrat association with that fellow. Was there a D by his name or something?

So Moonglow what do you think the percentage chance of him being a democrat is? I'd say 90+%

Why is it when this stuff comes out, that you try to distance yourself from abortion?
You know Margaret Sanger wanted birth control to get rid of blacks, but even abortion for her was worse than racism and eugenics......LOL
Completely aside... those people HAVE the chance to adopt those babies. Those babies are born every day, and live their lives from foster home to foster home. It's toughing growing up like that.

There's no shortage of those babies that need adopting. Don't just adopt the babies either, adopt the kids who need adopted parents from the wide range of ages.


It would be nice, but have you tried adopting an American baby? It's like going through a Presidential election, all the regulations and examination of your life AND the cost, which is why my sister in law adopted a Russian baby and alot of people are going out of country. LOWER regulation and common sense would be appropriate.
Sounds like this guy is a teabagger and a hero in their circles.

Do you even try to keep a coherent thought or try to make sense? Do you read articles other than Mother Jones and far left nutjob stuff?

Becuase if you want to troll, I'm here baby.....and I'll give it to you all night long

[ame=]All Night- Def Leppard - YouTube[/ame]
Black Leaders Silent on Killing “Ugly Black Babies” Abortion Doc

8/9/12 by Jerome Hudson

So where are all the so-called civil rights leaders and defenders of the black community? Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jessie Jackson?

Where is the Congressional Black Caucus? Where are Ben Jealous and the NAACP? Where is the Conference of National Black Churches? Surely they can take a break from boycotting companies for supposed racial insensitivity or states for wanting to enact rational voter ID laws.

Or is outrage only necessary when the culprit can be tied to the Tea Party?


Black Leaders Silent on Killing "Ugly Black Babies" Abortion Doc |
Still waiting on the libtards to tell me what party he was? Did you guys run away? Sounds like you got an honest to good Dixiecrat there, SUPRISE SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, I could see the democrat association with that fellow. Was there a D by his name or something?

So Moonglow what do you think the percentage chance of him being a democrat is? I'd say 90+%

Why is it when this stuff comes out, that you try to distance yourself from abortion?
You know Margaret Sanger wanted birth control to get rid of blacks, but even abortion for her was worse than racism and eugenics......LOL

I doubt he debates or partakes in politics.
Ah yes, I could see the democrat association with that fellow. Was there a D by his name or something?

So Moonglow what do you think the percentage chance of him being a democrat is? I'd say 90+%

Why is it when this stuff comes out, that you try to distance yourself from abortion?
You know Margaret Sanger wanted birth control to get rid of blacks, but even abortion for her was worse than racism and eugenics......LOL

I doubt he debates or partakes in politics.

That's the response? Wow do you twist yourself in logic. He contributes and goes to fundraisers, is that not participating? so now we're playing the liberal semantic game, my God you people are pathetic
Ah yes, I could see the democrat association with that fellow. Was there a D by his name or something?

So Moonglow what do you think the percentage chance of him being a democrat is? I'd say 90+%

Why is it when this stuff comes out, that you try to distance yourself from abortion?
You know Margaret Sanger wanted birth control to get rid of blacks, but even abortion for her was worse than racism and eugenics......LOL

I doubt he debates or partakes in politics.

Hey MoonPlow...:lol:
‘Ugly black babies’ abortionist an avid Democrat donor

8/8/12 by Kathleen Gilbert

Records show the Charlotte-based Virmani has given several donations since 2000 to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as $1,000 to John Kerry in 2004 and $250 to Hillary Clinton in 2008. Barack Obama does not appear on the list.

Historically, Democrats have an embarrassing record on civil rights: the party opposed civil rights for African Americans, including uniform opposition in Congress to the 14th amendment granting blacks civil rights. The party is also the sole founding party of the Ku Klux Klan: the 1915 Klan propaganda film The Birth of a Nation was described by its director as intended “to revolutionize northern sentiment by a presentation of history that would transform every man in my audience into a good Democrat!”


LifeSiteNews Mobile | ‘Ugly black babies’ abortionist an avid Democrat donor
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So Moonglow what do you think the percentage chance of him being a democrat is? I'd say 90+%

Why is it when this stuff comes out, that you try to distance yourself from abortion?
You know Margaret Sanger wanted birth control to get rid of blacks, but even abortion for her was worse than racism and eugenics......LOL

I doubt he debates or partakes in politics.

That's the response? Wow do you twist yourself in logic. He contributes and goes to fundraisers, is that not participating? so now we're playing the liberal semantic game, my God you people are pathetic

If one uses logic, then, to surmise a correct analogy one would need to know more than hearsay and conjecture for a statement of truth.
Completely aside... those people HAVE the chance to adopt those babies. Those babies are born every day, and live their lives from foster home to foster home. It's toughing growing up like that.

There's no shortage of those babies that need adopting. Don't just adopt the babies either, adopt the kids who need adopted parents from the wide range of ages.


I grew up in foster and group homes.

For the record this op is over the top
‘Ugly black babies’ abortionist an avid Democrat donor

8/8/12 by Kathleen Gilbert

Records show the Charlotte-based Virmani has given several donations since 2000 to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as $1,000 to John Kerry in 2004 and $250 to Hillary Clinton in 2008. Barack Obama does not appear on the list.

Historically, Democrats have an embarrassing record on civil rights: the party opposed civil rights for African Americans, including uniform opposition in Congress to the 14th amendment granting blacks civil rights. The party is also the sole founding party of the Ku Klux Klan: the 1915 Klan propaganda film The Birth of a Nation was described by its director as intended “to revolutionize northern sentiment by a presentation of history that would transform every man in my audience into a good Democrat!”

LifeSiteNews Mobile | ‘Ugly black babies’ abortionist an avid Democrat donor

See proof that he is a donor, therefore I was was wrong, not the first time.

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