Delving Deeply Into Democrat Desires


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…and that desire is pecuniary.
Let's call this an audit.....a look at where the fondest wishes of Democrats begin and end.

1.No one ever claimed that the Marxists were dumb. No greater proof of the opposite, than their use of capitalism itself to destroy capitalism.
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

And it has come to pass.

2. They’ve been patient, and always keep their eye on the prize: total control as the path to riches.
First, to end the grip the Judeo-Christian faith had on Western societies….and replaced it with another faith, Militant Secularism. Then, took over the legal system, and pretended that religion had to be removed from the public arena. It was FDR’s first Supreme Court nominee, KKKer Hugo Black who inserted the view ‘separation of church and state.’ Then they took charge of the government school system, to drum that mistaken view into empty heads.

The media was next.

And the reason for all this? How many mansions does Biden own?

3. And the most important change in society, especially in the political class: twisting society into viewing wealth, riches, profit as the finest and most important of aspirations. Not protection and supporting America or Americans.

As a result, we have an elite that sees their personal aggrandizement as superseding honesty, integrity, or the oath to protect the Constitution and the nation.

4. Nixon misjudged the value of opening Communist China to the global economy, believing that it would make them more interested in material wealth, capitalism, and human rights. He has certainly been proven wrong.
Instead, the vast wealth that China attained allowed them to buy our elite….including this President.

5. Personal wealth, and the corporation’s bottom line have become all that matter. And Communist China has been able to provide same.

“…Chinese Communist Party became their source of power, wealth, and prestige. Why did they trade with an authoritarian regime and send millions of American manufacturing jobs off to China thereby impoverish working Americans? Because it made them rich…. And besides, the American workers hurt by the deal deserved to be punished—who could defend a class of reactionary and racist ideological naysayers standing in the way of what was best for progress?”
The Thirty Tyrants

They sold us the, the software......

See where this is going?
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6. Is it possible that Communist China sees the love of money as a way to destroy their enemy, America? is if our politicians lack integrity......and can be bought.


“Just after defeating communism in the Soviet Union, America breathed new life into the communist party that survived. And instead of Western democratic principles transforming the CCP, the American establishment acquired a taste for Eastern techno-autocracy. Tech became the anchor of the U.S.-China relationship, with CCP funding driving Silicon Valley startups, thanks largely to the efforts of Dianne Feinstein, who, after Kissinger, became the second-most influential official driving the U.S.-CCP relationship for the next 20 years.

In 1978, as the newly elected mayor of San Francisco, Feinstein befriended Jiang Zemin, then the mayor of Shanghai and eventually president of China. As mayor of America’s tech epicenter, her ties to China helped the growing sector attract Chinese investment and made the state the world’s third-largest economy."
The Tablet

7. Is there any wonder why this was worthy of nothing more than a shrug?

Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy for 20 Years - The New American
Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy for 20 Years - The New American

by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. August 7, 2018. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) employed a Chinese spy for over 20 years, allegedly without knowing it, and now claims to be "mortified" that she ...
8. “Ronald Reagan was thought crass for referring to the Soviet Union as the “Evil Empire,” but trade and foreign policy from the end of WWII to 1990 reflected that this was a consensus position—Cold War American leadership didn’t want the country coupled to a one-party authoritarian state.” The Thirty Tyrants

But Democrat efforts have made voters ignorant of exactly what they were voting for: Communist China’s ascendancy, and Democrat wallet-fattening.

9. “It started with Bill Clinton’s 1994 decision to decouple human rights from trade status….”We need to place our relationship into a larger and more productive framework,” Clinton said. American human rights groups and labor unions were appalled. Clinton’s decision sent a clear message, said then AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland, “no matter what America says about democracy and human rights, in the final analysis profits, not people, matter most.”
The Tablet, Thirty Tyrants.

Some may recall that Clinton sold our missile technology to Red China for ‘campaign donations.’

Kinda like Hillary’s sale of uranium to Russia for ‘donations.’
…and that desire is pecuniary.
Let's call this an audit.....a look at where the fondest wishes of Democrats begin and end.

1.No one ever claimed that the Marxists were dumb. No greater proof of the opposite, than their use of capitalism itself to destroy capitalism.
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

And it has come to pass.

2. They’ve been patient, and always keep their eye on the prize: total control as the path to riches.
First, to end the grip the Judeo-Christian faith had on Western societies….and replaced it with another faith, Militant Secularism. Then, took over the legal system, and pretended that religion had to be removed from the public arena. It was FDR’s first Supreme Court nominee, KKKer Hugo Black who inserted the view ‘separation of church and state.’ Then they took charge of the government school system, to drum that mistaken view into empty heads.

The media was next.

And the reason for all this? How many mansions does Biden own?

3. And the most important change in society, especially in the political class: twisting society into viewing wealth, riches, profit as the finest and most important of aspirations. Not protection and supporting America or Americans.

As a result, we have an elite that sees their personal aggrandizement as superseding honesty, integrity, or the oath to protect the Constitution and the nation.

4. Nixon misjudged the value of opening Communist China to the global economy, believing that it would make them more interested in material wealth, capitalism, and human rights. He has certainly been proven wrong.
Instead, the vast wealth that China attained allowed them to buy our elite….including this President.

5. Personal wealth, and the corporation’s bottom line have become all that matter. And Communist China has been able to provide same.

“…Chinese Communist Party became their source of power, wealth, and prestige. Why did they trade with an authoritarian regime and send millions of American manufacturing jobs off to China thereby impoverish working Americans? Because it made them rich…. And besides, the American workers hurt by the deal deserved to be punished—who could defend a class of reactionary and racist ideological naysayers standing in the way of what was best for progress?”
The Thirty Tyrants

They sold us the, the software......

See where this is going?
oh I got off the liberal women crack pipe long ago. the highs were outstanding but overall a bad habit.
…and that desire is pecuniary.
Let's call this an audit.....a look at where the fondest wishes of Democrats begin and end.

1.No one ever claimed that the Marxists were dumb. No greater proof of the opposite, than their use of capitalism itself to destroy capitalism.
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

And it has come to pass.

2. They’ve been patient, and always keep their eye on the prize: total control as the path to riches.
First, to end the grip the Judeo-Christian faith had on Western societies….and replaced it with another faith, Militant Secularism. Then, took over the legal system, and pretended that religion had to be removed from the public arena. It was FDR’s first Supreme Court nominee, KKKer Hugo Black who inserted the view ‘separation of church and state.’ Then they took charge of the government school system, to drum that mistaken view into empty heads.

The media was next.

And the reason for all this? How many mansions does Biden own?

3. And the most important change in society, especially in the political class: twisting society into viewing wealth, riches, profit as the finest and most important of aspirations. Not protection and supporting America or Americans.

As a result, we have an elite that sees their personal aggrandizement as superseding honesty, integrity, or the oath to protect the Constitution and the nation.

4. Nixon misjudged the value of opening Communist China to the global economy, believing that it would make them more interested in material wealth, capitalism, and human rights. He has certainly been proven wrong.
Instead, the vast wealth that China attained allowed them to buy our elite….including this President.

5. Personal wealth, and the corporation’s bottom line have become all that matter. And Communist China has been able to provide same.

“…Chinese Communist Party became their source of power, wealth, and prestige. Why did they trade with an authoritarian regime and send millions of American manufacturing jobs off to China thereby impoverish working Americans? Because it made them rich…. And besides, the American workers hurt by the deal deserved to be punished—who could defend a class of reactionary and racist ideological naysayers standing in the way of what was best for progress?”
The Thirty Tyrants

They sold us the, the software......

See where this is going?
"You're Grandchildren will live under Communism. " (Nikita Khrushchev)
10. Capitalism corrupted by big industry, big tech, and big government.

"Companies like Ford, FedEx, and Honeywell, as well as Qualcomm and other semiconductor manufacturers that fought to continue selling chips to Huawei, all exist with one leg in America and the other leg planted firmly in America’s chief geopolitical rival.

… once-reliably Republican U.S. Chamber of Commerce was in the forefront of opposition to Trump’s China policies—against not only proposed tariffs but also his call for American companies to start moving critical supply chains elsewhere, even in the wake of a pandemic.

Apple, Nike, and Coca Cola even lobbied against the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. On Trump’s penultimate day in office, his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States has “determined that the People’s Republic of China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, China, targeting Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups.” That makes a number of major American brands that use forced Uyghur labor—including, according to a 2020 Australian study, Nike, Adidas, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and General Motors—complicit in genocide.” The Thirty Tyrants

If you voted against Trump, you voted for Communist China.....and a communist America.
…and that desire is pecuniary.
Let's call this an audit.....a look at where the fondest wishes of Democrats begin and end.

1.No one ever claimed that the Marxists were dumb. No greater proof of the opposite, than their use of capitalism itself to destroy capitalism.
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

And it has come to pass.

2. They’ve been patient, and always keep their eye on the prize: total control as the path to riches.
First, to end the grip the Judeo-Christian faith had on Western societies….and replaced it with another faith, Militant Secularism. Then, took over the legal system, and pretended that religion had to be removed from the public arena. It was FDR’s first Supreme Court nominee, KKKer Hugo Black who inserted the view ‘separation of church and state.’ Then they took charge of the government school system, to drum that mistaken view into empty heads.

The media was next.

And the reason for all this? How many mansions does Biden own?

3. And the most important change in society, especially in the political class: twisting society into viewing wealth, riches, profit as the finest and most important of aspirations. Not protection and supporting America or Americans.

As a result, we have an elite that sees their personal aggrandizement as superseding honesty, integrity, or the oath to protect the Constitution and the nation.

4. Nixon misjudged the value of opening Communist China to the global economy, believing that it would make them more interested in material wealth, capitalism, and human rights. He has certainly been proven wrong.
Instead, the vast wealth that China attained allowed them to buy our elite….including this President.

5. Personal wealth, and the corporation’s bottom line have become all that matter. And Communist China has been able to provide same.

“…Chinese Communist Party became their source of power, wealth, and prestige. Why did they trade with an authoritarian regime and send millions of American manufacturing jobs off to China thereby impoverish working Americans? Because it made them rich…. And besides, the American workers hurt by the deal deserved to be punished—who could defend a class of reactionary and racist ideological naysayers standing in the way of what was best for progress?”
The Thirty Tyrants

They sold us the, the software......

See where this is going?
Joe Biden owns not a single mansion, brainwashed functional moron. Democrats want to have a modern country like every other developed country. Living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations taxing the rich their fair share ID card to end illegal immigration. But we have the stupid ass bought off brainwashed GOP, unfortunately. By far the worst party in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong LOL
10. Capitalism corrupted by big industry, big tech, and big government.

"Companies like Ford, FedEx, and Honeywell, as well as Qualcomm and other semiconductor manufacturers that fought to continue selling chips to Huawei, all exist with one leg in America and the other leg planted firmly in America’s chief geopolitical rival.

… once-reliably Republican U.S. Chamber of Commerce was in the forefront of opposition to Trump’s China policies—against not only proposed tariffs but also his call for American companies to start moving critical supply chains elsewhere, even in the wake of a pandemic.

Apple, Nike, and Coca Cola even lobbied against the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. On Trump’s penultimate day in office, his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States has “determined that the People’s Republic of China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, China, targeting Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups.” That makes a number of major American brands that use forced Uyghur labor—including, according to a 2020 Australian study, Nike, Adidas, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and General Motors—complicit in genocide.” The Thirty Tyrants

If you voted against Trump, you voted for Communist China.....and a communist America.
You are absolutely out of your mind lol. Trump lost Hong Kong and afghanistan. A total disaster worst pandemic reaction anywhere and led the idiot portion of our world. Change the channel Rupert Murdoch is garbage. Internet idiocy is even worse. Poor america.
Joe Biden owns not a single mansion, brainwashed functional moron. Democrats want to have a modern country like every other developed country. Living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations taxing the rich their fair share ID card to end illegal immigration. But we have the stupid ass bought off brainwashed GOP, unfortunately. By far the worst party in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong LOL

"Joe Biden owns not a single mansion, brainwashed functional moron."

I've almost become tired of proving you nothing more than lying scum.



Criminality pays off: The 'big guy' got 10% of all of Hunter's selling access.

Quid Pro Joe.....the guy you voted for because he also believes in equity, socialism, sharing the wealth of the nation.......




In His Own Words, Joe Biden Was ‘Seduced by Real Estate’
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who was ranked the least wealthy senator in 2007, had a long history of buying homes he could barely afford. “Even as a kid in high school, I’d been seduced by real estate,” he once wrote.

Be sure to let me know when you tire of me smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

And......thanks for proving again that I am never wrong.
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You are absolutely out of your mind lol. Trump lost Hong Kong and afghanistan. A total disaster worst pandemic reaction anywhere and led the idiot portion of our world. Change the channel Rupert Murdoch is garbage. Internet idiocy is even worse. Poor america.

"A total disaster worst pandemic reaction anywhere and led the idiot portion of our world."

Watch me utterly destroy you again.

“Biden Adviser Gives Trump Credit for ‘Great Thing’ He Did for the American PeopleBiden’s COVID adviser Andy Slavitt gave credit to work done under the Trump administration to get vaccines rolled out.
“So you are grateful for the work that came prior to it?” Bill Hemmer asked.
“No question,” Slavitt responded.
“So you would tip your hat to Operation Warp Speed?” Hemmer continued.
“I would absolutely tip my hat,” the Biden adviser replied. “This is a scientific process that actually began more than a decade ago with scientists inside the NIH and inside BARDA creating this mRNA vaccine. I think the Trump Administration made sure that we got, in record time, vaccine up and out. That’s a great thing and it’s something that we should all be excited about.” WATCH: Biden Adviser Gives Trump Credit for 'Great Thing' He Did for the American People

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak”
Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus - The New American

If anyone had ever posted that you'd offer either a true, or even intelligent, post, I'd have laughed in his face...

...........but you wouldn't have heard me above all the other folks who were laughing too.

But you must be used to being laughed at, already....huh?
"A total disaster worst pandemic reaction anywhere and led the idiot portion of our world."

Watch me utterly destroy you again.

“Biden Adviser Gives Trump Credit for ‘Great Thing’ He Did for the American PeopleBiden’s COVID adviser Andy Slavitt gave credit to work done under the Trump administration to get vaccines rolled out.
“So you are grateful for the work that came prior to it?” Bill Hemmer asked.
“No question,” Slavitt responded.
“So you would tip your hat to Operation Warp Speed?” Hemmer continued.
“I would absolutely tip my hat,” the Biden adviser replied. “This is a scientific process that actually began more than a decade ago with scientists inside the NIH and inside BARDA creating this mRNA vaccine. I think the Trump Administration made sure that we got, in record time, vaccine up and out. That’s a great thing and it’s something that we should all be excited about.” WATCH: Biden Adviser Gives Trump Credit for 'Great Thing' He Did for the American People

“Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak”
Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Responsiveness and Decisiveness Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

“California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis” California Gov. praises Trump's help on coronavirus crisis

“Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus

President Trump’s recent actions to stop the spread of coronavirus have won him praise from an unlikely source: Representative Ilhan Omar….Omar quoted fellow Squad member Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership,” and then added that “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

And Dana Bash of CNN asserted the president’s new aggressive approach to the virus makes him the “kind of leader that people need.” Some Democrats Praise Trump’s Leadership Amid Coronavirus - The New American

If anyone had ever posted that you'd offer either a true, or even intelligent, post, I'd have laughed in his face...

...........but you wouldn't have heard me above all the other folks who were laughing too.

But you must be used to being laughed at, already....huh?

The one thing Trump did was get behind a vaccine. What a genius, nobody else would ever have thought of that LOL. And then of course complain about it and masks and distancing. Great job lol
You are absolutely out of your mind lol. Trump lost Hong Kong and afghanistan. A total disaster worst pandemic reaction anywhere and led the idiot portion of our world. Change the channel Rupert Murdoch is garbage. Internet idiocy is even worse. Poor america.

I know I destroyed your posts, utterly obliterated them and you.....but, heck.....try to be a good loser......

Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject? My understated wit? My cygnian grace? Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)

As words may not jump off your keyboard, allow me to assist you in composing the paean I know that you intend: you may wish to refer to my remarkable skills, my ineffable scholarship and memory, my matchless derring-do.

You may refer to me as the Pernicious Princess of Predaceous Persiflage.
The one thing Trump did was get behind a vaccine. What a genius, nobody else would ever have thought of that LOL. And then of course complain about it and masks and distancing. Great job lol
Stupid. Masks are security blankies. They do NOT work. Hand washing is much better. But Democrats LOVE COVID anyway.
…and that desire is pecuniary.
Let's call this an audit.....a look at where the fondest wishes of Democrats begin and end.

1.No one ever claimed that the Marxists were dumb. No greater proof of the opposite, than their use of capitalism itself to destroy capitalism.
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

And it has come to pass.
Original Communism which stood for Freedom was great! Russia 1917-late 1920s; USA 1960s-1980s. Later Totalitarian Leftism like USSR 1937 and USA in times of Cancel Culture is evil. Totalitarian Leftists oppose Freedom much more then Conservatives do.

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