Defkalion shows pics of their cold fusion "machine"


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Defkalion Announces Announcement
November 14, 2011 | Author: admin
Not really sure what the purpose of this is but DGT have issued a press release that does no more than say they won’t say anything for around two weeks. Maybe they are trying to stir up some anticipation. Who knows? Anyway, here it is:

Athens, 14 November 2011
Defkalion Green Technologies has maintained silence during our work this past year with various
incidents requiring public statements.
We announced that we would make our announcements when we have a close to final product.
The pictures below are from our labs and indicate our work in progress.
We will release a complete outline of our developments wthin the next two weeks.
Please direct any technical or business enquiries to [email protected]



If Andrea Rossi’s baby takes off, we will need competition, so it’s interesting to see stuff coming from this company. However, after all this time, I have no idea why they simply did not remain quiet until ready. Maybe you guys will find something here I’m missing.

I will say, that since this sounds like a public commitment, at least it puts them on the line to deliver something meaningful soon. We wait.

| Rossi’s Cold Fusion 2.0 - Independent eCat News RELEASE_2011-11-14.pdf

This is pretty much Rossi's competition; well if they have a workable machine that is, but they act like they do. :eusa_whistle: Outside of italy theres nothing rossi can do as he has no global patent. :eek:

I find it hard to believe that this could occur with a fucking scam...It's not just this, but George miley succeful test not ONCE, but four fucking times. I don't think it's a scam! Stay tune for more cold fusion news!
That thing looks like a minature version of that one in the Keanu Reeves cold fusion movie.

I hope it works and is allowed to go to market.
I think everybody that is sane is hoping this works. Sure will create a lot of changes, however. Far more than the other alternative energies would have, and in about 1/20 the time.
I think everybody that is sane is hoping this works. Sure will create a lot of changes, however. Far more than the other alternative energies would have, and in about 1/20 the time.

Yep pretty much immediate freedom from inported oil for the USA.
No more messing around in the ME because of oil, etc.
yeppers honey its just like cold fusion

if someone could develop cold fusion it would change the far......just whispers of it...unable to duplicate it in the lab type stuff in others words bullmal
yeppers honey its just like cold fusion

if someone could develop cold fusion it would change the far......just whispers of it...unable to duplicate it in the lab type stuff in others words bullmal

The slides show early runs. Recently they made a batch of material that works dramatically better. However, they only made one batch so far and they have run samples from it four times. They will need to make more batches to confirm that they can reproduce this improved performance. Miley is “optimistic but cautious” that the next batch will work as well as this one did.

In the four runs they have achieved fairly stable output ranging from ~75 to ~200 W. The runs last around six hours. As shown in slide 48, the sample first self-heats from the chemical reaction. Because the sample is well insulated this heat is enough to trigger the anomalous reaction — when the anomalous reaction occurs. You do not usually need external heating although the cell is equipped with a heater (slide 47).
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Sounds and looks to me like about the same thing when we see pictures of a cow hide in a freezer, and someone is claiming it's bigfoot.
Were this to be real, it would decentralize the production of energy. And the centralization of the income from energy. In other words, a whole bunch of small to medium sized companies making a decent profit for their owners and employees. Instead of a few enormous companies making billions for a select few.
We Have Our Own eCat Says Defkalion
admin on November 20, 2011 — 19 Comments
An article in the Greek publication Tovima quotes Defkalion’s Alexander Xanthoulis as saying that the company has the eCat technology independent of Rossi and is almost ready to roll. They claim that their system is stable and that Rossi’s is not. According to their version of the split, that instability was at its centre and that AR did not demonstrate the eCat to the required specification – that of a stable run lasting at least 48 hours.

Tovima Googlated:

“We not only continue our program and we are almost ready, with technology that precedes that of Rossi during a year. Specifically, within the next 15 days there will be announcements and initiated testing and certification by independent third parties. We will present the final product – not just a laboratory prototype – with all its subsystems to operate according to European safety standards. ”

“And the catalyst?” We asked. “It’s not supposed to be secret Rossi?”

“All the technology used in devices at the Hyperion KW and systems 1 to 5MW are our own design – different from those of Rossi” he replied. “As for the control, was already our own design and construction, and Mr. Rossi has signed acceptance certificate shows that it is ours. Even in the recent trial in October when he used some modules of our own design. However, the main and big difference in our device than that of Rossi is that our system is stable in performance, while that of Rossi or the last test failed to yield stable for more than five and a half hours. ”

- So the rift between you was not due only to non-payment of first installment repayment, said Mr. Rossi?

“Not sure. We had finished the 15 million dollars of first dose, but Mr. Rossi did not sign the protocol of receipt, asking him to meet parameters such as the stable operation of the device for at least 48 hours. This was the real cause of the interruption of cooperation, but not celebrated in the media because they want to continue a deleterious confrontation. Us us interested in real progress, and this success. The technology will present a few days the world will be entirely Greek and appreciate its contribution to the overthrow of what exists in the energy market. “

That sounds to me like a legal defence in preperation.

The article adds a few gems of information that – if true – shed a little light on the politics behind eCat’s birth. According to Tovima:

2007: Rossi meets Piantelli and seek its cooperation. He refuses, but Rossi associate itself with the Focardi.

Isn’t that something?

The race to market is now on. For some investors, simply knowing if this thing is true or not is extremely valuable. If DGT is to be believed, the Hyperion will soon form a second locus around which the new energy world will turn. Interested buyers can go to Rossi for proof or to Defkalion – both under escrow protection
We Have Our Own eCat Says Defkalion | - Independent eCat News
:Defkalion: “We have Rossi’s formula”

Have a read at this article posted today on NyTeknik. It's about the backstage of tomorrow's Defkalion Announcement:


A short excerpt:

“Let’s say I have the formula of Rossi, but I’m not saying it officially. My
scientists found a way to make it. They need three months.”

That is what Alexandros Xanthoulis, representative of Defkalion’s owners, told
Ny Teknik in a telephone conversation on August 5, 2011.

“I know what he’s got in the reactor, I know everything. It was a spectroscopy
made by the University of Siena. (...) They tried his reactor without him
understanding what they did,” he continued.

It's quite interesting, to say the least, that the University of Siena was involved in this, assuming what Xanthoulis said is true.

“First of all, the first problem was with 48 hours, that’s for sure. And he had a huge fight with one of my scientists, Mr Hadjichristos, you’ve heard of him most probably, Yiannis, because we were insisting on 48 hours. But we know the problem; we didn’t tell him of course, we know the problem.

I know what he’s got in the reactor, I know everything. It was a spectroscopy (Greek: ‘fasmatoscopy’) made by the university of Siena. It was an equipment made by the University of Siena. It understands everything that’s inside the reactor. So we know the components.”

Ny Teknik: Who did that?

“The University of Siena.

They tried his reactor without him understanding what they did. They checked it and we know what’s in the reactor.

So it’s a matter of two or three months that my scientists can reproduce that, but I’m not going to try it. I’m playing a fair game.

We solved the problem. The problems he’s got, we solved them. Because the problem is that he cannot spread the reaction all over the pipe, and all the heating is concentrated in the middle. So we found the solution.”

(This quote is slightly adjusted for clarity through advice from Defkalion
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That thing looks like a minature version of that one in the Keanu Reeves cold fusion movie.

I hope it works and is allowed to go to market.

Rossi's claims are extraordinary; they conflict with everything we know about nuclear phenomena. But I would be happy to be wrong.
Andrea Rossi
December 1st, 2011 at 10:16 AM
Dear Todd Burkett:
The puppett snake is giving the best of himself: the puppetteers are getting more worried as we advance along our path and are pouring money in this asshole. Just let him write, the more he writes, the more gives us the gauge of the worrying level of the puppetteers who pay this corrupted “journalist” .
Warm Regards,

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