Defining treason


Sep 23, 2010
Early in Clinton’s first term he was responsible for, and probably ordered, the slaughter in Waco, Texas. He certainly approved of it after the fact because no one in the government was ever punished for it; that is no one except federal employees and innocent children who died in the Oklahoma City bombing:

Within 90 minutes of the explosion, Timothy McVeigh was stopped by Oklahoma State Trooper Charlie Hanger for driving without a license plate and arrested for unlawfully carrying a weapon. Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested, and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer who was a Gulf War veteran, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder rental truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh's co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton also used NATO to bomb Christians in the former Yugoslavia; Christians who never did anything to the American people, nor were they ever a threat to this country. His presidency went downhill from there, yet he was elected to a second term. In 1998 he was impeached but the Senate made a mockery of the trial and he remained in office. If there is one lesson government-watchers and campaign mavens can learn from Clinton it is this: A substantial portion of the American people yearn to be governed by the foulest of human beings.

Parenthetically, nobody, including me, wants to be governed by a dirty little moralist, but that is exactly what the country gets with maggots like Clinton and Hussein. They are not the opposite of Supreme Deity priests as liberals apparently believe. Their sick morality is just as tyrannical as any ever implemented by priesthoods throughout history. Their disease is so advanced they truly believe they are compassionate humanitarians. They believe this in spite of the brutality and bloodshed that attaches to them like a shadow.

In today’s column former Congressman Tom Tancredo states the obvious:

. . . Obama had earned impeachment even before the Benghazi tragedy of Sept. 11. His open abuse of power in making recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess, his open defiance of Congress in his administrative amnesty for 2 million illegal aliens, his misuse of “executive privilege” in withholding documents pertaining to the illegal Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal – those actions alone qualify as impeachable offenses under the Constitution.

However, if treason is added to the mix, Congress will find it hard to shirk its duty to impeach him. The many people who think those other offenses do not rise to the constitutional standard of “high crimes and misdemeanors” will not be so charitable with regard to the crime of treason.

Mr. Tancredo is partially correct. A large number of Americans would impeach Hussein in a flash, while his supporters will never agree to impeaching him, or any president for that matter. There are but two ways to impeach a president; 1) Congress must do it; 2) Violent revolution.

1. Congress will never impeach a Democrat traitor. They were ready to impeach Richard Nixon for getting caught engaging in dirty tricks, but no Congress will ever impeach a president for treason —— never —— not in a million years.

2. The American people will not turn to revolution so long as a president can be voted out of office. Traitors have been counting on that flaw in the American system since 1945. Traitors know that policies are not voted out of office. Business As Usual proves it in election after election, while impeaching a president for treason stands a good chance of impeaching his policies, too.

Tom Tancredo asks the most penetrating question of all:

Obama is unwilling even today to name the enemy that has declared war on the United States and to deal forthrightly with that imminent threat. Our pro-Islamist president will not name Islamism, the Muslim Brotherhood and the government of Iran as enemies of the United States even though they have declared war on us and are engaged in numerous plots to bring death and destruction to the American homeland.

Why are we so reluctant to call this by its right name – treason?

The answer is simple. It cannot be treason when the enemy is the United Nations. To name Iran an enemy of the United States names the United Nations as well.

Put Tancredo’s question aside and ask yourself this: Would Hussein and Bill Clinton be guilty of treason for making deals with the enemy if America was not a member of the United Nations?

In addition, naming the Muslim Brotherhood admits that fomenting the Arab Spring was treason from the outset. Note that those countries the Arab Spring handed to the Muslim Brotherhood are already member states in the United Nations. If those countries were not full-blown enemies before, they sure as hell are enemies now. Intended consequences: UN-loving Democrat traitors can betray the country openly with Muslim Brotherhood governments without fear of being charged with treason.

Finally, should Hussein somehow manage to get a second term there is not a chance he will be impeached or removed from office. The best Americans can hope for is that Hussein will be impeached and found guilty in a Senate trial after he leaves office.

Here’s the link to T. T.’s piece:

Exclusive: Tom Tancredo says Benghazi amounts to giving 'aid and comfort' to enemy
Published: 13 hours ago

Impeach Obama for treason
The Founders defined treason:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Article Three of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tim McVeigh is all yours guys.

When you lose this election one of your nutters will hurt others or at least try to.

I hope we catch them before they hurt people like McVeigh did and I wish we would let them speak their minds to the American people.

Once that happened the current republican party we have would die the death it needs to die.

Then maybe the republican party could once again become an honorable party.
Tim McVeigh is all yours guys.

When you lose this election one of your nutters will hurt others or at least try to.

I hope we catch them before they hurt people like McVeigh did and I wish we would let them speak their minds to the American people.

Once that happened the current republican party we have would die the death it needs to die.

Then maybe the republican party could once again become an honorable party.

So, let me get your logic straight. The Republican Party would have to die in order to regain it's honor? So, we would have an honorable but dead Republican Party, and the U.S. would be left with only one party, the Democratic Party? Am I understanding you correctly?
The Reagan Administration dealt weapons with an avowed enemy of the USA.
And Bush I pardoned all involved even if not yet charged with anything.
Which incidently included himself.

And the only indicted person became the darling boy of right wing moral majority types.
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Tim McVeigh is all yours guys.

When you lose this election one of your nutters will hurt others or at least try to.

I hope we catch them before they hurt people like McVeigh did and I wish we would let them speak their minds to the American people.

Once that happened the current republican party we have would die the death it needs to die.

Then maybe the republican party could once again become an honorable party.

So, let me get your logic straight. The Republican Party would have to die in order to regain it's honor? So, we would have an honorable but dead Republican Party, and the U.S. would be left with only one party, the Democratic Party? Am I understanding you correctly?

Logic, rational thought, honor and truth are foreign concepts to TruthMocker. True story.
Tim McVeigh is all yours guys.

When you lose this election one of your nutters will hurt others or at least try to.

I hope we catch them before they hurt people like McVeigh did and I wish we would let them speak their minds to the American people.

Once that happened the current republican party we have would die the death it needs to die.

Then maybe the republican party could once again become an honorable party.

So, let me get your logic straight. The Republican Party would have to die in order to regain it's honor? So, we would have an honorable but dead Republican Party, and the U.S. would be left with only one party, the Democratic Party? Am I understanding you correctly?

Logic, rational thought, honor and truth are foreign concepts to TruthMocker. True story.

Perhaps. I haven't been around long enough to draw any conclusions that regard. I'll let him/her answer if he/she is willing, but I appreciate your input.
The House has a Republican majority and could vote to impeach Obama as soon as they drew up some charges of high crimes.
The Founders defined treason:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Article Three of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To California Girl: Perhaps I should have said “Redefining treason.” US membership in the UN invalidates the definition in the Constitution. Here’s how it was done:

In addition to the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945, the sneaks who got this country into the UN knew what they were doing when they designed a foundation that was a masterpiece of betrayal. A foundation that would withstand every challenge when their descendants carried on. Treason became legal the minute the US became a member of an underhanded organization that was, and is, determined to tear down America. Membership in the UN meant that no American official betraying this country on the UN’s behalf could be prosecuted for treason. Only lawyers could design something like that.

Tim McVeigh is all yours guys.

To Truthmatters: Had there been no massacre in Waco there would have been no Oklahoma City bombing. I have no more use for McVeigh than I have for Bill Clinton. On the other hand, you reject McVeigh while embracing Clinton.

Live up to your screen name and face the truth. It is your party that turned this country into a culture of death.

So, let me get your logic straight. The Republican Party would have to die in order to regain it's honor? So, we would have an honorable but dead Republican Party, and the U.S. would be left with only one party, the Democratic Party? Am I understanding you correctly?

To Jimmy_Jam: Truthmatters does not want to kill the Republican party. He wants to kill Republicans who disagree with him.

The Reagan Administration dealt weapons with an avowed enemy of the USA.
And Bush I pardoned all involved even if not yet charged with anything.
Which incidently included himself.

And the only indicted person became the darling boy of right wing moral majority types.

To uscitizen: President Reagan protected the country when he fought the spread of communism in our hemisphere. He was absolutely correct in the Iran-Contra Affair in spite of Communist-protection legislation, better-known as the Boland Amendment. Democrats do what they do for communism and the United Nations.
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To Jimmy_Jam: Truthmatters does not want to kill the Republican party. He wants to kill Republicans who disagree with him.

Noted. I naturally question anybody who would include the word "truth" in their moniker anyway. It's like somebody calling themselves "I_Never_Lie." It's a blowhard move that just begs to be scrutinized.
Early in Clinton’s first term he was responsible for, and probably ordered, the slaughter in Waco, Texas. He certainly approved of it after the fact because no one in the government was ever punished for it; that is no one except federal employees and innocent children who died in the Oklahoma City bombing:

Within 90 minutes of the explosion, Timothy McVeigh was stopped by Oklahoma State Trooper Charlie Hanger for driving without a license plate and arrested for unlawfully carrying a weapon. Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested, and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer who was a Gulf War veteran, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder rental truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh's co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton also used NATO to bomb Christians in the former Yugoslavia; Christians who never did anything to the American people, nor were they ever a threat to this country. His presidency went downhill from there, yet he was elected to a second term. In 1998 he was impeached but the Senate made a mockery of the trial and he remained in office. If there is one lesson government-watchers and campaign mavens can learn from Clinton it is this: A substantial portion of the American people yearn to be governed by the foulest of human beings.

Parenthetically, nobody, including me, wants to be governed by a dirty little moralist, but that is exactly what the country gets with maggots like Clinton and Hussein. They are not the opposite of Supreme Deity priests as liberals apparently believe. Their sick morality is just as tyrannical as any ever implemented by priesthoods throughout history. Their disease is so advanced they truly believe they are compassionate humanitarians. They believe this in spite of the brutality and bloodshed that attaches to them like a shadow.

In today’s column former Congressman Tom Tancredo states the obvious:

. . . Obama had earned impeachment even before the Benghazi tragedy of Sept. 11. His open abuse of power in making recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess, his open defiance of Congress in his administrative amnesty for 2 million illegal aliens, his misuse of “executive privilege” in withholding documents pertaining to the illegal Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal – those actions alone qualify as impeachable offenses under the Constitution.

However, if treason is added to the mix, Congress will find it hard to shirk its duty to impeach him. The many people who think those other offenses do not rise to the constitutional standard of “high crimes and misdemeanors” will not be so charitable with regard to the crime of treason.

Mr. Tancredo is partially correct. A large number of Americans would impeach Hussein in a flash, while his supporters will never agree to impeaching him, or any president for that matter. There are but two ways to impeach a president; 1) Congress must do it; 2) Violent revolution.

1. Congress will never impeach a Democrat traitor. They were ready to impeach Richard Nixon for getting caught engaging in dirty tricks, but no Congress will ever impeach a president for treason —— never —— not in a million years.

2. The American people will not turn to revolution so long as a president can be voted out of office. Traitors have been counting on that flaw in the American system since 1945. Traitors know that policies are not voted out of office. Business As Usual proves it in election after election, while impeaching a president for treason stands a good chance of impeaching his policies, too.

Tom Tancredo asks the most penetrating question of all:

Obama is unwilling even today to name the enemy that has declared war on the United States and to deal forthrightly with that imminent threat. Our pro-Islamist president will not name Islamism, the Muslim Brotherhood and the government of Iran as enemies of the United States even though they have declared war on us and are engaged in numerous plots to bring death and destruction to the American homeland.

Why are we so reluctant to call this by its right name – treason?

The answer is simple. It cannot be treason when the enemy is the United Nations. To name Iran an enemy of the United States names the United Nations as well.

Put Tancredo’s question aside and ask yourself this: Would Hussein and Bill Clinton be guilty of treason for making deals with the enemy if America was not a member of the United Nations?

In addition, naming the Muslim Brotherhood admits that fomenting the Arab Spring was treason from the outset. Note that those countries the Arab Spring handed to the Muslim Brotherhood are already member states in the United Nations. If those countries were not full-blown enemies before, they sure as hell are enemies now. Intended consequences: UN-loving Democrat traitors can betray the country openly with Muslim Brotherhood governments without fear of being charged with treason.

Finally, should Hussein somehow manage to get a second term there is not a chance he will be impeached or removed from office. The best Americans can hope for is that Hussein will be impeached and found guilty in a Senate trial after he leaves office.

Here’s the link to T. T.’s piece:

Exclusive: Tom Tancredo says Benghazi amounts to giving 'aid and comfort' to enemy
Published: 13 hours ago

Impeach Obama for treason

As long as you are not involved in a heavily armed cult that sexually abuses children you will probably be OK.

As long as you are not involved in a heavily armed cult

To HUGGY: Heavily armed? The Second Amendment places no limit on the number of guns an individual may own, nor does it withhold protection from individuals based on the organizations they belong to. Carrying your logic to its conclusion a scout master may own one gun —— at least until the Boy Scouts of America is declared a cult.

And let’s not forget the first 16 words in the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;. . .


that sexually abuses children you will probably be OK.

To HUGGY: Punishment for child abuse usually comes after a guilty verdict in a trial. In Clinton’s world 25 children were burned alive along with the SUSPECT before the arrest.

The fact is: The slaughter had nothing to do with saving abused children from a cult. The 51 day old standoff at the Branch Davidian Compound was embarrassing Clinton. The siege began a mere 5 weeks after he was sworn in.

Incidentally, did Clinton get any children out alive from cults in the years after the Waco massacre?
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Congress will never impeach a Democrat traitor. They were ready to impeach Richard Nixon for getting caught engaging in dirty tricks, but no Congress will ever impeach a president for treason —— never —— not in a million years.

Nixon’s Articles of Impeachment were predicated on actual evidence of criminal activity on the part of the president, not merely ‘dirty tricks’:

Richard M. Nixon, using the powers of his high office, engaged personally and through his close subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of such illegal entry; to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following:

Making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

Withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

Approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

He misued the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service, and other executive personnel, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens, by directing or authorizing such agencies or personnel to conduct or continue electronic surveillance or other investigations for purposes unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of his office; he did direct, authorize, or permit the use of information obtained thereby for purposes unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of his office; and he did direct the concealment of certain records made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of electronic surveillance.

He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens, authorized and permitted to be maintained a secret investigative unit within the office of the President, financed in part with money derived from campaign contributions, which unlawfully utilized the resources of the Central Intelligence Agency, engaged in covert and unlawful activities, and attempted to prejudice the constitutional right of an accused to a fair trial.

Nixon Articles of Impeachment

Nixon obstructed justice, made false statements, and violated the Constitutional rights of American citizens – the evidence was so overwhelming that Nixon resigned in disgrace, rather than having the courage to stand trial in the Senate.

Tancredo is a bitter partisan hack, just like the OP; desperate and angry that a democratic president is about to be re-elected.

As long as you are not involved in a heavily armed cult

To HUGGY: Heavily armed? The Second Amendment places no limit on the number of guns an individual may own, nor does it withhold protection from individuals based on the organizations they belong to. Carrying your logic to its conclusion a scout master may own one gun —— at least until the Boy Scouts of America is declared a cult.

And let’s not forget the first 16 words in the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;. . .


that sexually abuses children you will probably be OK.

To HUGGY: Punishment for child abuse usually comes after a guilty verdict in a trial. In Clinton’s world 25 children were burned alive along with the SUSPECT before the arrest.

The fact is: The slaughter had nothing to do with saving abused children from a cult. The 51 day old standoff at the Branch Davidian Compound was embarrassing Clinton. The siege began a mere 5 weeks after he was sworn in.

Incidentally, did Clinton get any children out alive from cults in the years after the Waco massacre?

"At about 9:30 a.m. agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms attempt to execute arrest and search warrants against David KORESH and the Branch Davidian compound. Gunfire erupts. Four ATF agents are killed and 16 are wounded. An undetermined number of Davidians are killed and injured."

Chronology | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS

Koresh had every opportunity to allow the seach warrants. The ATF had probable cause. Killing four agents destroyed any chance of WACO ending peacefully. It's on Koresh plain and simple.
I think Clinton's sale of satellite technology to China is a better example of treason. Against advice of just about everyone involved in the security of the United States, president Clinton authorized the sale of secret technology by a big campaign contributor, Loral, to China which gave them a decades boost in ICBM capability as well as satellite technology which put them in a position to compete with the US.
Nixon obstructed justice, made false statements, and violated the Constitutional rights of American citizens – the evidence was so overwhelming that Nixon resigned in disgrace, rather than having the courage to stand trial in the Senate.

Tancredo is a bitter partisan hack, just like the OP; desperate and angry that a democratic president is about to be re-elected.

To C_ Clayton_Jones: You’re assuming the House would have voted to impeach. The fact is: Nixon was never impeached. More importantly, there is no comparison between Nixon’s third rate burglary and Hussein’s offenses:

Quote Tom Tancredo in the OP

. . . Obama had earned impeachment even before the Benghazi tragedy of Sept. 11. His open abuse of power in making recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess, his open defiance of Congress in his administrative amnesty for 2 million illegal aliens, his misuse of “executive privilege” in withholding documents pertaining to the illegal Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal – those actions alone qualify as impeachable offenses under the Constitution.

Fast & Furious alone merits impeachment. The murders and the coverup in Benghazi is worse yet. Hussein is counting on it going away no matter what happens in the election:


That’s why I closed the OP with this:

Finally, should Hussein somehow manage to get a second term there is not a chance he will be impeached or removed from office. The best Americans can hope for is that Hussein will be impeached and found guilty in a Senate trial after he leaves office.

And I prefer waiting until November 7 for the results.

"At about 9:30 a.m. agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms attempt to execute arrest and search warrants against David KORESH and the Branch Davidian compound. Gunfire erupts. Four ATF agents are killed and 16 are wounded. An undetermined number of Davidians are killed and injured."

Chronology | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS

Koresh had every opportunity to allow the seach warrants. The ATF had probable cause. Killing four agents destroyed any chance of WACO ending peacefully. It's on Koresh plain and simple.

To HUGGY: You are justifying the deaths of over 80 people because ATF could not serve a warrant on one man. Keep that in mind the next time a cop kills someone in self-defense or by accident.
Early in Clinton’s first term he was responsible for, and probably ordered, the slaughter in Waco, Texas. He certainly approved of it after the fact because no one in the government was ever punished for it; that is no one except federal employees and innocent children who died in the Oklahoma City bombing:

Within 90 minutes of the explosion, Timothy McVeigh was stopped by Oklahoma State Trooper Charlie Hanger for driving without a license plate and arrested for unlawfully carrying a weapon. Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested, and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer who was a Gulf War veteran, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder rental truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh's co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton also used NATO to bomb Christians in the former Yugoslavia; Christians who never did anything to the American people, nor were they ever a threat to this country. His presidency went downhill from there, yet he was elected to a second term. In 1998 he was impeached but the Senate made a mockery of the trial and he remained in office. If there is one lesson government-watchers and campaign mavens can learn from Clinton it is this: A substantial portion of the American people yearn to be governed by the foulest of human beings.

Parenthetically, nobody, including me, wants to be governed by a dirty little moralist, but that is exactly what the country gets with maggots like Clinton and Hussein. They are not the opposite of Supreme Deity priests as liberals apparently believe. Their sick morality is just as tyrannical as any ever implemented by priesthoods throughout history. Their disease is so advanced they truly believe they are compassionate humanitarians. They believe this in spite of the brutality and bloodshed that attaches to them like a shadow.

In today’s column former Congressman Tom Tancredo states the obvious:

Mr. Tancredo is partially correct. A large number of Americans would impeach Hussein in a flash, while his supporters will never agree to impeaching him, or any president for that matter. There are but two ways to impeach a president; 1) Congress must do it; 2) Violent revolution.

1. Congress will never impeach a Democrat traitor. They were ready to impeach Richard Nixon for getting caught engaging in dirty tricks, but no Congress will ever impeach a president for treason —— never —— not in a million years.

2. The American people will not turn to revolution so long as a president can be voted out of office. Traitors have been counting on that flaw in the American system since 1945. Traitors know that policies are not voted out of office. Business As Usual proves it in election after election, while impeaching a president for treason stands a good chance of impeaching his policies, too.

Tom Tancredo asks the most penetrating question of all:

The answer is simple. It cannot be treason when the enemy is the United Nations. To name Iran an enemy of the United States names the United Nations as well.

Put Tancredo’s question aside and ask yourself this: Would Hussein and Bill Clinton be guilty of treason for making deals with the enemy if America was not a member of the United Nations?

In addition, naming the Muslim Brotherhood admits that fomenting the Arab Spring was treason from the outset. Note that those countries the Arab Spring handed to the Muslim Brotherhood are already member states in the United Nations. If those countries were not full-blown enemies before, they sure as hell are enemies now. Intended consequences: UN-loving Democrat traitors can betray the country openly with Muslim Brotherhood governments without fear of being charged with treason.

Finally, should Hussein somehow manage to get a second term there is not a chance he will be impeached or removed from office. The best Americans can hope for is that Hussein will be impeached and found guilty in a Senate trial after he leaves office.

Here’s the link to T. T.’s piece:

Exclusive: Tom Tancredo says Benghazi amounts to giving 'aid and comfort' to enemy
Published: 13 hours ago

Impeach Obama for treason

As long as you are not involved in a heavily armed cult that sexually abuses children you will probably be OK.
Can't the federal government ever be deemed or seen by the citizens as a heavily armed cult that is determined to abuse it's own citizens or betray them at any given time in America, and this while under certain types of leaderships who would lead it sadly in this way ? A federal government that is suppose to represent all American citizens, should operate to incentivize people being based upon their individual character as being good, and this especially so when one is displaying such qualities in their character as good, and also when they are acting as good in their free independent citizenship and/or etc. in which is strictly paramount to this nations success as an independent free nation within the world, and therefore it should always incentivise and support each individual/independent good character living within this nation as it should always do, in order to create the needed independency and unity among the American citizens as unified Americans, instead of creating dependency amongst them as it had been going down these roads for quite sometime now, and so it seems (the feds) have lost their way be it here and/or there through out time in America now.

It is a problem, and people are aware of such a problem now, so these elections will become more exciting up unto the very last minute these days. Lets hope America does the right thing, and begins it's climb back into the light, and out of the darkness of it's checkered past in which took years to create these many problems that we are experiencing now as a result of in America.
Early in Clinton’s first term he was responsible for, and probably ordered, the slaughter in Waco, Texas. He certainly approved of it after the fact because no one in the government was ever punished for it; that is no one except federal employees and innocent children who died in the Oklahoma City bombing:

Clinton also used NATO to bomb Christians in the former Yugoslavia; Christians who never did anything to the American people, nor were they ever a threat to this country. His presidency went downhill from there, yet he was elected to a second term. In 1998 he was impeached but the Senate made a mockery of the trial and he remained in office. If there is one lesson government-watchers and campaign mavens can learn from Clinton it is this: A substantial portion of the American people yearn to be governed by the foulest of human beings.

Parenthetically, nobody, including me, wants to be governed by a dirty little moralist, but that is exactly what the country gets with maggots like Clinton and Hussein. They are not the opposite of Supreme Deity priests as liberals apparently believe. Their sick morality is just as tyrannical as any ever implemented by priesthoods throughout history. Their disease is so advanced they truly believe they are compassionate humanitarians. They believe this in spite of the brutality and bloodshed that attaches to them like a shadow.

In today’s column former Congressman Tom Tancredo states the obvious:

Mr. Tancredo is partially correct. A large number of Americans would impeach Hussein in a flash, while his supporters will never agree to impeaching him, or any president for that matter. There are but two ways to impeach a president; 1) Congress must do it; 2) Violent revolution.

1. Congress will never impeach a Democrat traitor. They were ready to impeach Richard Nixon for getting caught engaging in dirty tricks, but no Congress will ever impeach a president for treason —— never —— not in a million years.

2. The American people will not turn to revolution so long as a president can be voted out of office. Traitors have been counting on that flaw in the American system since 1945. Traitors know that policies are not voted out of office. Business As Usual proves it in election after election, while impeaching a president for treason stands a good chance of impeaching his policies, too.

Tom Tancredo asks the most penetrating question of all:

The answer is simple. It cannot be treason when the enemy is the United Nations. To name Iran an enemy of the United States names the United Nations as well.

Put Tancredo’s question aside and ask yourself this: Would Hussein and Bill Clinton be guilty of treason for making deals with the enemy if America was not a member of the United Nations?

In addition, naming the Muslim Brotherhood admits that fomenting the Arab Spring was treason from the outset. Note that those countries the Arab Spring handed to the Muslim Brotherhood are already member states in the United Nations. If those countries were not full-blown enemies before, they sure as hell are enemies now. Intended consequences: UN-loving Democrat traitors can betray the country openly with Muslim Brotherhood governments without fear of being charged with treason.

Finally, should Hussein somehow manage to get a second term there is not a chance he will be impeached or removed from office. The best Americans can hope for is that Hussein will be impeached and found guilty in a Senate trial after he leaves office.

Here’s the link to T. T.’s piece:

As long as you are not involved in a heavily armed cult that sexually abuses children you will probably be OK.
Can't the federal government ever be deemed or seen by the citizens as a heavily armed cult that is determined to abuse it's own citizens or betray them at any given time in America, and this while under certain types of leaderships who would lead it sadly in this way ? A federal government that is suppose to represent all American citizens, should operate to incentivize people being based upon their individual character as being good, and this especially so when one is displaying such qualities in their character as good, and also when they are acting as good in their free independent citizenship and/or etc. in which is strictly paramount to this nations success as an independent free nation within the world, and therefore it should always incentivise and support each individual/independent good character living within this nation as it should always do, in order to create the needed independency and unity among the American citizens as unified Americans, instead of creating dependency amongst them as it had been going down these roads for quite sometime now, and so it seems (the feds) have lost their way be it here and/or there through out time in America now.

It is a problem, and people are aware of such a problem now, so these elections will become more exciting up unto the very last minute these days. Lets hope America does the right thing, and begins it's climb back into the light, and out of the darkness of it's checkered past in which took years to create these many problems that we are experiencing now as a result of in America.

Bad things happen when accused felons resist arrest and kill cops in the proccess.
Nixon obstructed justice, made false statements, and violated the Constitutional rights of American citizens – the evidence was so overwhelming that Nixon resigned in disgrace, rather than having the courage to stand trial in the Senate.

Tancredo is a bitter partisan hack, just like the OP; desperate and angry that a democratic president is about to be re-elected.

To C_ Clayton_Jones: You’re assuming the House would have voted to impeach. The fact is: Nixon was never impeached. More importantly, there is no comparison between Nixon’s third rate burglary and Hussein’s offenses:

Quote Tom Tancredo in the OP

. . . Obama had earned impeachment even before the Benghazi tragedy of Sept. 11. His open abuse of power in making recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess, his open defiance of Congress in his administrative amnesty for 2 million illegal aliens, his misuse of “executive privilege” in withholding documents pertaining to the illegal Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal – those actions alone qualify as impeachable offenses under the Constitution.

Fast & Furious alone merits impeachment. The murders and the coverup in Benghazi is worse yet. Hussein is counting on it going away no matter what happens in the election:


That’s why I closed the OP with this:

Finally, should Hussein somehow manage to get a second term there is not a chance he will be impeached or removed from office. The best Americans can hope for is that Hussein will be impeached and found guilty in a Senate trial after he leaves office.

And I prefer waiting until November 7 for the results.

"At about 9:30 a.m. agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms attempt to execute arrest and search warrants against David KORESH and the Branch Davidian compound. Gunfire erupts. Four ATF agents are killed and 16 are wounded. An undetermined number of Davidians are killed and injured."

Chronology | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS

Koresh had every opportunity to allow the seach warrants. The ATF had probable cause. Killing four agents destroyed any chance of WACO ending peacefully. It's on Koresh plain and simple.

To HUGGY: You are justifying the deaths of over 80 people because ATF could not serve a warrant on one man. Keep that in mind the next time a cop kills someone in self-defense or by accident.
My thoughts on Waco during that time period, was to wait them out no matter how long it took, I mean they weren't going anywhere right ? Think about this, after seeing what was done to the federal deficit lately, there was definetly no shortage of funds to wait them out back then right? I think what happened was when ever you have a stand off with government or law enforcement, it becomes a game or challenge of power and control, and who will control that power in the end is the thought process, even though it was a no win situation no matter how you look at it from the governemnts - law enforcements point of view or side of the stand off for Koresh and the gang, the laws patience for these religious fanatics finally wore thin, and they decided to act on a show of a final thrust and force in the situation, in which got ugly once the hostage takers took action against those who were in the basement by not allowing their freedom in the situation as they should have, especially for the children.

Koresh and his gang are to blame fully, but government should have waited them out no matter how long it took, as I would think that it wouldn't have been as long as they thought it would be while under the lime lights of the media as it were. These situations are where we need level headed and very steady negotiators with plenty of common decency about themselves, and not politicians and the federal government being placed into a political firestorm by the media, whom demands the government to show fast actions that are to be placed into force, and this in order to not lose control of a situation in front of the American people, where as the government under those kinds of pressures is never a good thing for anyone in such a situation as was proven during that time period.
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To HUGGY: You are justifying the deaths of over 80 people because ATF could not serve a warrant on one man. Keep that in mind the next time a cop kills someone in self-defense or by accident.

I am not "justifying" anything. I wasn't there. I don't really like police abuse in any form. They are there to "serve and protect". If the four ATF agents hadn't been killed it could have been a wait it out stand off.

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