Deficit spending not only a bad Idea, it is unconstitutional.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
Michigan, USA
Deficit spending like we are today, and like we have for decades now, is not only wrong, it is in fact Unconstitutional. It actually goes to one of the most basic core Ideas of America. The very Issue which prompted out Revolutionary war.

What Issue am I talking about? Taxation with out representation. When one generation spends so much, they leave a 10 Trillion and growing Debt behind for future Generations to pay. What they are doing is in fact inflicting a tax on future generations by spending beyond what they can pay off.

With out any say, or any representation in congress, Our kids and their kids are already accumulating taxes owed. It is a Crime for us to do this to them.

There is plenty of Blame to go around. This is not a problem of only one party. Or one political Idea. For Decades, our presidents, and the Congresses that served along side them. Have taxed our future generations with no thought what so ever to it. It is wrong and all Americans should be ashamed.

We should get beyond blame games, and admit that Both Parties are Guilty. Then work together to change things.

If you have a kid, or know someone that does, I want you to look into their eyes, and imagine explaining to them why they owe 35000 Dollars toward our Debt, and they are still just a kid. I want you to explain to them why we can spend Trillions of Dollars we do not have, and stick them with the Bill.

Then I want you to call your Congress people, and Senators. I want you to Write Obama. Tell them all that we do in fact care about Deficit spending. Tell them we expect them to be fiscally responsible above all else.

Tell them to stop taxing future generations with out Representation. Tell then all to get their heads out of the sand, and stop pretending we can keep spending like this and nothing Bad will happen.

Tell them to stop DEFICIT spending now.
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Deficit spending like we are today, and like we have for decades now, is not only wrong, it is in fact Unconstitutional. It actually goes to one of the most basic core Ideas of America. The very Issue which prompted out Revolutionary war.

What Issue am I talking about? Taxation with out representation. When one generation spends so much, they leave a 10 Trillion and growing Debt behind for future Generations to pay.

Sins of the fathers and all that.

What they are doing is in fact inflicting a tax on future generations by spending beyond what they can pay off.

So we're told.

I am growing increasingly weary of the game that we are borrowing money from anyone, though. In fact that whole deficiet/national debt issue is becoming increasing philosophically untenable to me, to be honest.

With out any say, or any representation in congress, Our kids and their kids are already accumulating taxes owed.

Life belongs to the living...not the long dead or the as yet unborn. But apparently in our current structure, the world belongs to very few of us, and the rest of us are little more than tenants at will on the earth.

It is a Crime for us to do this to them.

We are not doing it. We are witnessing it being done in our names though.

There is plenty of Blame to go around. This is not a problem of only one party. Or one political Idea. For Decades, our presidents, and the Congresses that served along side them. Have taxed our future generations with no thought what so ever to it. It is wrong and all Americans should be ashamed.

I'll buy into the theory that this is a bipartisan problem, but I will not buy into the theory that this is OUR doing.

We should get beyond blame games, and admit that Both Parties are Guilty. Then work together to change things.

If you have a kid, or know someone that does, I want you to look into their eyes, and imagine explaining to them why they owe 35000 Dollars toward our Debt, and they are still just a kid. I want you to explain to them why we can spend Trillions of Dollars we do not have, and stick them with the Bill.

To whom do we owe this astronomical sum?

More to the point where did THEY get it? Seems to me that they got it from the work of others, mostly.

And now that they've stolen the labor of others for cernturies, they pretend to lend it back to the laboring class to indenture our children for eternity?!?!

Then I want you to call your Congress people, and Senators. I want you to Write Obama. Tell them all that we do in fact care about Deficit spending. Tell them we expect them to be fiscally responsible above all else.

Yeah...I'd love to see fiscal responsibility, too.

Tell them to stop taxing future generations with out Representation.

How about this? Lets stop playing the game by THEIR rules for a change.

Tell then all to get their heads out of the sand, and stop pretending we can keep spending like this and nothing Bad will happen.

Oh something bad is going to happen, that's for damned sure.

When a handful of people in the claim to own not only MOST of the world's resources personally, but they also claim that they own our children's futures because of those debts, something is definitely NOT going to work out so well in somebody's futures, I think.

Tell them to stop DEFICIT spending now.

I think you'd be wasting your breath.

You'd be writing to the tools who are the facilitators of the swindle that we call our economic system.

A system which demands more work for less return from at least 80% of this nation, and probably an even higher percentage of the masses of people worldwide.

I mean I understand your complaints, charles, if one is willing to sign onto the game as played, they are valid enough.

But increasing I am asking myself why we are signing onto a game which is so obviously rigged against the vast majority of us?

I have no solution to this, (for now) but one thing I am drop dead certain of...writing your congressmen is an exercise in futility.

Something drastic has to change.

Because the end game of this rigged game we are pretending is capitalism is neo-fedualism.

I do not know about you guys, but I don't feel like anybody's property and frankly I don't give a flying fig how rich they are.
It's not real money or wealth anyway. Hasn't been for a long time. It's more like keeping score at this point and no one really knows what the score is. Debts are forgiven, defaulted and erased, they are rarely "paid off" in the sense that most of think of "paid off".

Try to wrap your brain around this:

Total US debt, public and private is 53 trillion dollars.

Total US currency is 860 billion or so.

If we rounded up every nickel, dime and penny, we couldn't pay off, with hard currency, 1 / 60th of what is owed. If anyone can explain, in real terms, not absract concepts, how it can be straightened out, HONESTLY, I'm all ears.
Those of you who are worried about this debt need not worry. The natural resources that the United States owns are worth fifty times the national debt. We can easily pay off the national debt if we sell just a small portion of the natural resources. Unfortunately, we all too often give the natural resources away. Gotta stop doin' that.
What part of the constitution does it violate?

It doesn't.

And if he wasn't ranting for the past eight years, it's bogus faux outrage anyway.

The ever dishonest jillian.

I have in fact been complaining, and Ranting about Deficit spending for a good part of the last 8 years. I am focusing on it more now than ever because it is happening at a rate 3 times faster than we have EVER WITNESSED before. We are talking about going 3.7 Trillion in Debt in less than 2 years Jillian. I think it is something we all should be ranting about.
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Deficit spending like we are today, and like we have for decades now, is not only wrong, it is in fact Unconstitutional. It actually goes to one of the most basic core Ideas of America. The very Issue which prompted out Revolutionary war.

What Issue am I talking about? Taxation with out representation. When one generation spends so much, they leave a 10 Trillion and growing Debt behind for future Generations to pay.

Sins of the fathers and all that.

What they are doing is in fact inflicting a tax on future generations by spending beyond what they can pay off.

So we're told.

I am growing increasingly weary of the game that we are borrowing money from anyone, though. In fact that whole deficiet/national debt issue is becoming increasing philosophically untenable to me, to be honest.

Life belongs to the living...not the long dead or the as yet unborn. But apparently in our current structure, the world belongs to very few of us, and the rest of us are little more than tenants at will on the earth.

We are not doing it. We are witnessing it being done in our names though.

I'll buy into the theory that this is a bipartisan problem, but I will not buy into the theory that this is OUR doing.

To whom do we owe this astronomical sum?

More to the point where did THEY get it? Seems to me that they got it from the work of others, mostly.

And now that they've stolen the labor of others for cernturies, they pretend to lend it back to the laboring class to indenture our children for eternity?!?!

Yeah...I'd love to see fiscal responsibility, too.

How about this? Lets stop playing the game by THEIR rules for a change.

Tell then all to get their heads out of the sand, and stop pretending we can keep spending like this and nothing Bad will happen.

Oh something bad is going to happen, that's for damned sure.

When a handful of people in the claim to own not only MOST of the world's resources personally, but they also claim that they own our children's futures because of those debts, something is definitely NOT going to work out so well in somebody's futures, I think.

Tell them to stop DEFICIT spending now.

I think you'd be wasting your breath.

You'd be writing to the tools who are the facilitators of the swindle that we call our economic system.

A system which demands more work for less return from at least 80% of this nation, and probably an even higher percentage of the masses of people worldwide.

I mean I understand your complaints, charles, if one is willing to sign onto the game as played, they are valid enough.

But increasing I am asking myself why we are signing onto a game which is so obviously rigged against the vast majority of us?

I have no solution to this, (for now) but one thing I am drop dead certain of...writing your congressmen is an exercise in futility.

Something drastic has to change.

Because the end game of this rigged game we are pretending is capitalism is neo-fedualism.

I do not know about you guys, but I don't feel like anybody's property and frankly I don't give a flying fig how rich they are.

I agree with your over all assessment, but alas, I have kids. So I feel I have to do something. I have emailed my congress people and Senators. For what it's worth. Which I know is nothing.
Deficit spending like we are today, and like we have for decades now, is not only wrong, it is in fact Unconstitutional. It actually goes to one of the most basic core Ideas of America. The very Issue which prompted out Revolutionary war.

What Issue am I talking about? Taxation with out representation. When one generation spends so much, they leave a 10 Trillion and growing Debt behind for future Generations to pay.

Sins of the fathers and all that.

What they are doing is in fact inflicting a tax on future generations by spending beyond what they can pay off.

So we're told.

I am growing increasingly weary of the game that we are borrowing money from anyone, though. In fact that whole deficiet/national debt issue is becoming increasing philosophically untenable to me, to be honest.

Life belongs to the living...not the long dead or the as yet unborn. But apparently in our current structure, the world belongs to very few of us, and the rest of us are little more than tenants at will on the earth.

We are not doing it. We are witnessing it being done in our names though.

I'll buy into the theory that this is a bipartisan problem, but I will not buy into the theory that this is OUR doing.

To whom do we owe this astronomical sum?

More to the point where did THEY get it? Seems to me that they got it from the work of others, mostly.

And now that they've stolen the labor of others for cernturies, they pretend to lend it back to the laboring class to indenture our children for eternity?!?!

Yeah...I'd love to see fiscal responsibility, too.

How about this? Lets stop playing the game by THEIR rules for a change.

Tell then all to get their heads out of the sand, and stop pretending we can keep spending like this and nothing Bad will happen.

Oh something bad is going to happen, that's for damned sure.

When a handful of people in the claim to own not only MOST of the world's resources personally, but they also claim that they own our children's futures because of those debts, something is definitely NOT going to work out so well in somebody's futures, I think.

Tell them to stop DEFICIT spending now.

I think you'd be wasting your breath.

You'd be writing to the tools who are the facilitators of the swindle that we call our economic system.

A system which demands more work for less return from at least 80% of this nation, and probably an even higher percentage of the masses of people worldwide.

I mean I understand your complaints, charles, if one is willing to sign onto the game as played, they are valid enough.

But increasing I am asking myself why we are signing onto a game which is so obviously rigged against the vast majority of us?

I have no solution to this, (for now) but one thing I am drop dead certain of...writing your congressmen is an exercise in futility.

Something drastic has to change.

Because the end game of this rigged game we are pretending is capitalism is neo-fedualism.

I do not know about you guys, but I don't feel like anybody's property and frankly I don't give a flying fig how rich they are.

And yet weren't you the one arguing that the Federal Government should seize the entire health care Industry and run it for us? I see, certain taxes are acceptable, certain deficit spending is fine, but only that which you approve of. Give us a break with your wounding to the quick comments when you do not in fact give a rats ass if it is money eing spent the way you like it.
What part of the constitution does it violate?

It doesn't.

And if he wasn't ranting for the past eight years, it's bogus faux outrage anyway.

The ever dishonest jillian.

I have in fact been complaining, and Ranting about Deficit spending for a good part of the last 8 years. I am focusing on it more now than ever because it is happening at a rate 3 times faster than we have EVER WITNESSED before. We are talking about going 3.7 Trillion in Debt in less than 2 years Jillian. I think it is something we all should be ranting about.

Ya I love how she thinks deficit spending by Bush was bad but even MORE deficit spending by Obama is GOOD.
Deficit spending like we are today, and like we have for decades now, is not only wrong, it is in fact Unconstitutional. It actually goes to one of the most basic core Ideas of America. The very Issue which prompted out Revolutionary war.

What Issue am I talking about? Taxation with out representation. When one generation spends so much, they leave a 10 Trillion and growing Debt behind for future Generations to pay. What they are doing is in fact inflicting a tax on future generations by spending beyond what they can pay off.

With out any say, or any representation in congress, Our kids and their kids are already accumulating taxes owed. It is a Crime for us to do this to them.

There is plenty of Blame to go around. This is not a problem of only one party. Or one political Idea. For Decades, our presidents, and the Congresses that served along side them. Have taxed our future generations with no thought what so ever to it. It is wrong and all Americans should be ashamed.

We should get beyond blame games, and admit that Both Parties are Guilty. Then work together to change things.

If you have a kid, or know someone that does, I want you to look into their eyes, and imagine explaining to them why they owe 35000 Dollars toward our Debt, and they are still just a kid. I want you to explain to them why we can spend Trillions of Dollars we do not have, and stick them with the Bill.

Then I want you to call your Congress people, and Senators. I want you to Write Obama. Tell them all that we do in fact care about Deficit spending. Tell them we expect them to be fiscally responsible above all else.

Tell them to stop taxing future generations with out Representation. Tell then all to get their heads out of the sand, and stop pretending we can keep spending like this and nothing Bad will happen.

Tell them to stop DEFICIT spending now.

So implement a revenue neutral flat tax. Problem solved. And while I agree in principle with what you say Congress will never makes itself accountable so I fail to see how you can force a balanced budget...unless of course, we stopped voting based on ideology.
Let's see, Bush got it going with the 150B dollar fest, then we spent 700B more on another boondoggle. Currently, it's another 800B with a separate 2 trillion for the banks. Hell, we haven't even got into commodities or real estate yet. We're just warming up the stove. We've still got socialized health care, more auto bailouts, cap and trade, and on and on and on and on and on. I smell revolution.
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Let's see, Bush got it going with the 150B dollar fest, then we spent 700B more on another boondoggle. Currently, it's another 800B with a separate 2 trillion for the banks. Hell, we haven't even got into commodoties or real estate yet. We're just warming up the stove. We've still got socialized health care, more auto bailouts, cap and trade, and on and on and on and on and on. I smell revolution.

One can only hope--care to be the leader ?
Deficit spending like we are today, and like we have for decades now, is not only wrong, it is in fact Unconstitutional. It actually goes to one of the most basic core Ideas of America. The very Issue which prompted out Revolutionary war.

What Issue am I talking about? Taxation with out representation. When one generation spends so much, they leave a 10 Trillion and growing Debt behind for future Generations to pay. What they are doing is in fact inflicting a tax on future generations by spending beyond what they can pay off.

With out any say, or any representation in congress, Our kids and their kids are already accumulating taxes owed. It is a Crime for us to do this to them.

There is plenty of Blame to go around. This is not a problem of only one party. Or one political Idea. For Decades, our presidents, and the Congresses that served along side them. Have taxed our future generations with no thought what so ever to it. It is wrong and all Americans should be ashamed.

We should get beyond blame games, and admit that Both Parties are Guilty. Then work together to change things.

If you have a kid, or know someone that does, I want you to look into their eyes, and imagine explaining to them why they owe 35000 Dollars toward our Debt, and they are still just a kid. I want you to explain to them why we can spend Trillions of Dollars we do not have, and stick them with the Bill.

Then I want you to call your Congress people, and Senators. I want you to Write Obama. Tell them all that we do in fact care about Deficit spending. Tell them we expect them to be fiscally responsible above all else.

Tell them to stop taxing future generations with out Representation. Tell then all to get their heads out of the sand, and stop pretending we can keep spending like this and nothing Bad will happen.

Tell them to stop DEFICIT spending now.

So implement a revenue neutral flat tax. Problem solved. And while I agree in principle with what you say Congress will never makes itself accountable so I fail to see how you can force a balanced budget...unless of course, we stopped voting based on ideology.

A balanced Budge amendment to the constitution. Simple. Congress shall enact no budget which spends more than the government receives in any one calendar year.

End of story.
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Let's see, Bush got it going with the 150B dollar fest, then we spent 700B more on another boondoggle. Currently, it's another 800B with a separate 2 trillion for the banks. Hell, we haven't even got into commodoties or real estate yet. We're just warming up the stove. We've still got socialized health care, more auto bailouts, cap and trade, and on and on and on and on and on. I smell revolution.

Nah, no revolution. We don't have the guts for it these days. It will be more like the crumbling of the Soviet Union. The banks will fail. Not all on their own, the government will continue to pump money in until our currency collapses. Fuel will become a commodity not affordable to any but the elite and the trucks will stop. That's the lynch pin right there. The banks, the currency, all that is leading the way but the reality sets in when the trucks stop rolling. That's when the local grocery store runs out of bread over night. Just like a bad snow storm except it gets longer and longer inbetween trucks. The centralization and wide scale distribution of basic commodities like milk, eggs, butter, etc was done for profit in light of cheap shipping in volume. That will disappear. And our local infrastucture is gone. The lions share of the nations milk is in Minnesotta and Wisconsin these days. We're gonna be short way down here.

So then, how long until states allign and break away, hoarding what wealth they have, reforming alliances with other parts of the country for trade. We've got hogs. I'll trade ya for some milk.
A balanced Budge amendment to the constitution. Simple. Congress shall enact no budget which spends more than the government receives in any one calendar year.

End of story.

Maybe, now that they're out of power, the Republicans will propose a balanced budget amendment. That's what they did the last time they were out of power. Of course, when they regain power, if they ever do, then the idea will once again be swept under the carpet.

Neither party seriously wants a balanced budget amendment, you understand. Tax cuts are popular, while spending cuts are not. Therefore, we're likely to have more tax cuts while increasing spending regardless of who is in power.

The idea of spending over a trillion dollars to try to get the economy moving again is a scary gamble. Sitting back and doing nothing, letting the "free market" sort it out is scary too. There are economists arguing for both courses of action, while others are using mind boggling figures like four trillion.:eek:

I'm not an economist. I seriously doubt than anyone reading this is either. I don't know what to do, but it looks like the government has settled on a course of action. The best we can do is hope it isn't the huge failure that so many government programs have been.
Let's see, Bush got it going with the 150B dollar fest, then we spent 700B more on another boondoggle. Currently, it's another 800B with a separate 2 trillion for the banks. Hell, we haven't even got into commodoties or real estate yet. We're just warming up the stove. We've still got socialized health care, more auto bailouts, cap and trade, and on and on and on and on and on. I smell revolution.

One can only hope--care to be the leader ?

It's a tossup although Im leaning on running away from govt and moving to the mountains in MT.
Let's see, Bush got it going with the 150B dollar fest, then we spent 700B more on another boondoggle. Currently, it's another 800B with a separate 2 trillion for the banks. Hell, we haven't even got into commodoties or real estate yet. We're just warming up the stove. We've still got socialized health care, more auto bailouts, cap and trade, and on and on and on and on and on. I smell revolution.

Nah, no revolution. We don't have the guts for it these days. It will be more like the crumbling of the Soviet Union. The banks will fail. Not all on their own, the government will continue to pump money in until our currency collapses. Fuel will become a commodity not affordable to any but the elite and the trucks will stop. That's the lynch pin right there. The banks, the currency, all that is leading the way but the reality sets in when the trucks stop rolling. That's when the local grocery store runs out of bread over night. Just like a bad snow storm except it gets longer and longer inbetween trucks. The centralization and wide scale distribution of basic commodities like milk, eggs, butter, etc was done for profit in light of cheap shipping in volume. That will disappear. And our local infrastucture is gone. The lions share of the nations milk is in Minnesotta and Wisconsin these days. We're gonna be short way down here.

So then, how long until states allign and break away, hoarding what wealth they have, reforming alliances with other parts of the country for trade. We've got hogs. I'll trade ya for some milk.

Sure can't disagree with any of this.

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