Dee Dee Myers Nominated to Supreme Court

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Washington --- President Bush surprised observers today with his announcement that Clinton White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers was his pick for the Supreme Court. Myers, who is not a lawyer or even a Republican, struck many as an odd choice. Some thought Bush just got confused. But he spoke warmly of Myers.

"She's a real great gal. She's just been hanging around Washington with nothing to do, ever since the other president left office. I felt bad. So I nominated her."

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William Joyce said:
Washington --- President Bush surprised observers today with his announcement that Clinton White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers was his pick for the Supreme Court. Myers, who is not a lawyer or even a Republican, struck many as an odd choice. Some thought Bush just got confused. But he spoke warmly of Myers.

"She's a real great gal. She's just been hanging around Washington with nothing to do, ever since the other president left office. I felt bad. So I nominated her."


Very astute! Funny as hell.
Nuc said:
Very astute! Funny as hell.

What is so astute about it?

Does Dee dee Myers even have a law degree?

If so, she has not practised law for 15 years
or so, while Harriet Miers has been for close
to 40 years.
USViking said:
What is so astute about it?

Does Dee dee Myers even have a law degree?

If so, she has not practised law for 15 years
or so, while Harriet Miers has been for close
to 40 years.

I think Joyce's point is that when you're making important decisions like that you don't just appoint someone because they're your friend and you like them. I don't usually agree with him but this time I do and he did it in a funny way.
Hagbard Celine said:
Uh, I read about this in the AJC this morning. No legal or judging experience? Is she the next "Brownie?"

35 justices prior to her had no judging experience....she has legal experience as she is an attorney
manu1959 said:
35 justices prior to her had no judging experience....she has legal experience as she is an attorney

And the people who voted for Bush have absolutely NO idea where she stands on issues. He's already disappointed me with poor decisions. Why should I just trust him on this one?

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