Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?
We drop a ton of money on education and the little pukes can't even read and write on par with their grade level.Yet children of similar age in other countries are geniuses compared to our little brats....
Our kids aren't learning for a variety of reasons and it's not that we don't spend enough.

The way to fix this if you ask a Lib is we need to spend more money on education.....
Enough already...It's a joke only it's not fukin funny.
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

No democrat has presided over a surplus either.

the national debt has gone up 53 years running.

As far as schools GW presided over one of the largest increase ever to education.

Glad we could clear up your misconceptions.
How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.

The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

Right on!!! :clap2:

We have seen tax cut after tax cut for the rich over the last 30 years while the middle class has bore the brunt of the recession. And that's not "class warfare"? :confused:

How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.


Why not take it further and repeal all laws concerning worker safety, child labor and environment? Who needs overtime pay, minimum wages and 40 hour work weeks? Of course we can always count on corporations to do the right thing by the people who make their money for them, right? :up:

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How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.


Why not take it further and repeal all laws concerning worker safety, child labor and environment? Who needs overtime pay, minimum wages and 40 hour work weeks? Of course we can always count on corporations to do the right thing by the people who make their money for them, right? :up:


I think you just created the GOP Platform for 2012!
Minimum wage laws violate my right to determine for myself what im worth, and have actually priced me out of the labour market, thanks allot.


i dont care what you do on your side, that was my point, make all the laws you want, as long as they dont apply to me i dont care.
How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.


Yes. Yes. Yes!

With slavery defunct (and under the condition that it is never instituted again), I'd be happy if this country would divide. All blue States could join up with Canada and the Red States could go their own way - be either independant or join a confederation...whatever....

I'm really not worried about the economies of the Blue states, but Texas would have to be willing to support just about all of the other Red states.
You want to end class warfare? It's easy. A flat tax at a low rate. < 10%. That way everyone pays their fair share. An equal burden on all people. We eliminate the artificial classes that have only been created because of our Government. And we can all start looking at each others as equals and brothers instead of being angry at our brothers because of how much or how little they earn.

Every American should be paying their fair share.
In what universe does a person with little money have to be a "democrat?"

Once again democrats believe they own people like the little pukes they are...

Democrats believe they own the poor, blacks, Mexicans, gays, Muslims, woman etc...

They want to group everyone against the white Christian male.... Those racists believe the white Christian male is the devil...
Truth be told we actually have dual economies in operation right now

And from what i hear business in the underground economy is booming.

Maybe its time to go underground and say screw the above ground economy with all this hate and stupid laws people want to impose on each other.
Right on!!! :clap2:

We have seen tax cut after tax cut for the rich over the last 30 years while the middle class has bore the brunt of the recession. And that's not "class warfare"? :confused:


The rich pay a higher percentage of the revenue from income taxes than they did when marginal rates were at 90%. People are simply not as stupid as Democrats think they are. They aren't going to sit idly by and let the government loot everything they earn. The rich can take measures to avoid paying taxes when they become onerous.

When are you numskulls ever going to learn?
You want to end class warfare? It's easy. A flat tax at a low rate. < 10%. That way everyone pays their fair share. An equal burden on all people. We eliminate the artificial classes that have only been created because of our Government. And we can all start looking at each others as equals and brothers instead of being angry at our brothers because of how much or how little they earn.

Every American should be paying their fair share.

I agree 100%

It will be way more than 10% and democrats wont go with the plan because it wont allow them to sin tax.

Smokes in Chicago are like $9.00 a pack $8.00 of which are taxes, they're taxing energy drinks too. 7 bucks for a can of Red Bull, You know, because someone died of a heart attack after being tased outside of a night club in Chiciago and it was blamed on the Red Bull.
I'm not gonna respond to all that drivel but ill ask you this. Why the Fuck is all the unemployment extensions not enough? Get off your ass and do something for them yourself and stop demanding I pay their way. You idiots cry about taxes being to low yet you never send in extra "because its the right thing to do"

Get off my nuts and out of my wallet.
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

Another classic example of liberals attempting to redefine the labels they have rightly earned.

Class warfare is defined this way: "taking money from those who earned and giving it to those who haven't earned it."

Reducing the rate of the pilfering is not class warfare. That definition is just sleazy demagoguery.
{b]Truth be told we actually have dual economies in operation right now[/b]

And from what i hear business in the underground economy is booming.

Maybe its time to go underground and say screw the above ground economy with all this hate and stupid laws people want to impose on each other.

Yea, liberals call it Keynesian economics - I call it bullshit..
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.
Cry me a river.

We've had bazillions of dollars thrown at that crap (not to mention all the well-heeled and fully benefited bureaucrats to administer those programs), yet still those problems persist...Like failure is evidence that liberoidal do-gooders need even more money and power.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

BTW, we haven't had a democratic preside over a balanced budget, let alone a surplus, either.

Time for you fake "moderates" to quit pretending you're not liberoidal statists.
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How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.


Why not take it further and repeal all laws concerning worker safety, child labor and environment? Who needs overtime pay, minimum wages and 40 hour work weeks? Of course we can always count on corporations to do the right thing by the people who make their money for them, right? :up:

Why not make laws mandating that all businesses release poison into the air and water and shoot every customer in the head when they walk in the door?

Hyperbole is fun, isn't it?

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