Debunking the "Republicans Cut Embassy Security Funding in Libya" Myth


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Debunking the "Republicans Cut Embassy Security Funding in Libya" Myth

Democrats, scrambling to excuse the inexcusable, are pointing the finger at Republicans. See what MSNBC is claiming here. They claim that Republicans cut the funding to embassy security in Benghazi, and thereby, are responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and his security crew. This claim holds no water for four reasons.

Reason 1:

At point 3:35:35 on c-span video here >>

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.): "Mrs Lamb, you made this decision personally [to reject the request for more security], was there any budget consideration, or lack of budget, that allowed you not to increase the people in the security force there"

Response: "No Sir."

Reason 2:

Not that it matters, as we have already seen that funding was not an issue, but the bill in question was bipartisan with more Democrats voting for the cuts than Republicans.

Reason 3:

The State Department got all of their requested funding for FY 2012

Reason 4:

Obama invaded Libya without funding or permission from Congress. So how could funding for security in Libya be a problem?

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I'm shocked MSNBC didn't do their homework before trying to blame Republicans!

Any idiot would know the administration would have jumped all over this if they thought they could hang this tragedy on Republicans, but they obviously knew it wouldn't hold water so they made up the lie about the video and then beat that drum instead, probably hoping to run out the clock until the election. The fools.
I'm shocked MSNBC didn't do their homework before trying to blame Republicans!

Any idiot would know the administration would have jumped all over this if they thought they could hang this tragedy on Republicans, but they obviously knew it wouldn't hold water so they made up the lie about the video and then beat that drum instead, probably hoping to run out the clock until the election. The fools.

there are a few threads in here on this, where the libtard masses are doing exactly that. Blaming the GOP for lowering the funding specifically for embassy security... when it never happened according to Ms. Lamb.

Pathetic little fuckers, ain't they?
Ever notice for progressives their fuck ups are always someone else fault?

Yes, but the double standard is telling. When the Bush Admin blamed the lack of WMD's on "bad intelligence," they said that Bush lied. Today, after two full weeks of Democrats claiming with absolute certainty that the attack was spontaneous and over a video posted 3 months before the attack, they are falling back on "bad intelligence." Of course, we all know that no intelligence analyst would tie in their name to such an assertion before all of the facts were in. Indeed, for the purpose of safety and security, they would have assumed the worst. Never mind the fact that they knew within 24 hours that it was an act of terrorism.
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Ever notice for progressives their fuck ups are always someone else fault?

Yes, but the double standard is telling. When the Bush Admin blamed the lack of WMD's on "bad intelligence," they said that Bush lied. After two full weeks of claiming with absolute certainty that the attack was spontaneous and over a video posted 3 months before the attack, they are falling back on "bad intelligence." Of course, we all know that no intelligence analyst would tie in their name to such an assertion before all of the facts were in. Indeed, for the purpose of safety and security, they would have assumed the worst. Never mind the fact that they knew within 24 hours that it was an act of terrorism.

Oh please sheeple The entire world was saying the same thing.......the USA are not evil tyrants wanting to take over the world.
Ever notice for progressives their fuck ups are always someone else fault?

Yes, but the double standard is telling. When the Bush Admin blamed the lack of WMD's on "bad intelligence," they said that Bush lied. After two full weeks of claiming with absolute certainty that the attack was spontaneous and over a video posted 3 months before the attack, they are falling back on "bad intelligence." Of course, we all know that no intelligence analyst would tie in their name to such an assertion before all of the facts were in. Indeed, for the purpose of safety and security, they would have assumed the worst. Never mind the fact that they knew within 24 hours that it was an act of terrorism.

Oh please sheeple The entire world was saying the same thing.......the USA are not evil tyrants wanting to take over the world.
Wait! What?

What the hell am I supposed to do with all this ordinance?

I'm shocked MSNBC didn't do their homework before trying to blame Republicans!

Any idiot would know the administration would have jumped all over this if they thought they could hang this tragedy on Republicans, but they obviously knew it wouldn't hold water so they made up the lie about the video and then beat that drum instead, probably hoping to run out the clock until the election. The fools.

there are a few threads in here on this, where the libtard masses are doing exactly that. Blaming the GOP for lowering the funding specifically for embassy security... when it never happened according to Ms. Lamb.

Pathetic little fuckers, ain't they?

Well now they can't. Honestly, if funding was an issue the State Department would need to explain why they have more security in friendly countries and why they spend so much money on parties and social gatherings.

They had a security crew of 5, 2 of which came with the ambassador. The rest were Libyans that abandoned the compound before the attack. So 5 guys had to watch the sensitive equipment and documents inside, and at the same time, keep the compound secure outside. They never stood a chance. Which is why the Special Forces Colonel who requested the increase in security testified at the hearing.
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Of course it was always bullshit. I mean, when you look at the State Dept.'s spending and waste, it's obvious that it wasn't a matter of cash. We built, for example, a gargantuan embassy in Iraq, which isn't living up to it's potential since Obama and Clinton haven't managed to succeed diplomatically in Iraq.

It was never about money. It was about their "light footprint" strategy, which failed spectacularly.
I can't even smell the fart of a single liberal in dis thread! :eusa_hand:

Yes, they're running around in other threads claiming that the Benghazi attack could had been avoided if the bill that more Democrats than Republicans voted for was not passed. Not to mention that we invaded Libya with absolutely zero authorization and funding from Congress. But now, despite the fact that the State Department said that funding was not an issue, I'm still getting garbage like this >>
These things are what happens when you use a Paul like strategy in foreign policy....If you show weakness to killers they seize on it.

Please tell us how this Democrat fuck-up is "Paul-like", or are you just throwing shit out there because Libertarians make you look so fucking ignorant all the time?
Of course it was always bullshit. I mean, when you look at the State Dept.'s spending and waste, it's obvious that it wasn't a matter of cash. We built, for example, a gargantuan embassy in Iraq, which isn't living up to it's potential since Obama and Clinton haven't managed to succeed diplomatically in Iraq.

It was never about money. It was about their "light footprint" strategy, which failed spectacularly.

But Hey, the Government could afford Chevy Volts for our Austrian Embassy and threw a "going green" party with crystal glass, ordurves, and champaign in Italy. Security in Libya, on the other hand, was not a priority.
I'm shocked MSNBC didn't do their homework before trying to blame Republicans!

Any idiot would know the administration would have jumped all over this if they thought they could hang this tragedy on Republicans, but they obviously knew it wouldn't hold water so they made up the lie about the video and then beat that drum instead, probably hoping to run out the clock until the election. The fools.

there are a few threads in here on this, where the libtard masses are doing exactly that. Blaming the GOP for lowering the funding specifically for embassy security... when it never happened according to Ms. Lamb.

Pathetic little fuckers, ain't they?

Well now they can't. Honestly, if funding was an issue the State Department would need to explain why they have more security in friendly countries and why they spend so much money on parties and social gatherings.

They had a security crew of 5, 2 of which came with the ambassador. The rest were Libyans that abandoned the compound before the attack. So 5 guys had to watch the sensitive equipment and documents inside, and at the same time, keep the compound secure outside. They never stood a chance. Which is why the Special Forces Colonel who requested the increase in security testified at the hearing.

when have facts ever stopped libtard from blaming the GOP for anything?
there are a few threads in here on this, where the libtard masses are doing exactly that. Blaming the GOP for lowering the funding specifically for embassy security... when it never happened according to Ms. Lamb.

Pathetic little fuckers, ain't they?

Well now they can't. Honestly, if funding was an issue the State Department would need to explain why they have more security in friendly countries and why they spend so much money on parties and social gatherings.

They had a security crew of 5, 2 of which came with the ambassador. The rest were Libyans that abandoned the compound before the attack. So 5 guys had to watch the sensitive equipment and documents inside, and at the same time, keep the compound secure outside. They never stood a chance. Which is why the Special Forces Colonel who requested the increase in security testified at the hearing.

when have facts ever stopped libtard from blaming the GOP for anything?

Good point.
These things are what happens when you use a Paul like strategy in foreign policy....If you show weakness to killers they seize on it.

Please tell us how this Democrat fuck-up is "Paul-like", or are you just throwing shit out there because Libertarians make you look so fucking ignorant all the time?

Libertarian foreign policy forgets acts under the assumption that if we just leave people alone the world would be a better place. A realist understands that if we lessen our sphere of influence our enemies will be all too happy to fill the gap. I suppose the Ron Paul like strategy in all of this is that the State Department did not want to upset the Libyans by having a strong security presence. Other than that I don't know what he is talking about.
We shouldn't give progressive lies the time of day. Shut them down by ending the discussion about it.

The Libya debacle wasn't a result of funding issue, Lamb made that perfectly clear. It was the result of POLICY to not provide any more assistance.

Meanwhile, the VIENNA embassy got $$ for an electric car station:

We shouldn't give progressive lies the time of day. Shut them down by ending the discussion about it.

The Libya debacle wasn't a result of funding issue, Lamb made that perfectly clear. It was the result of POLICY to not provide any more assistance.

Meanwhile, the VIENNA embassy got $$ for an electric car station:


You mean that a green car station doesn't takes precedence over security? What world do you live on? :D

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