Debate results: Romney soars to lead in Ohio

Swing State Daily Tracking: Obama 50%, Romney 45% Daily Swing State Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

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But remember RayGun lost his first debate against Dukakis with the same dramtic turn in the morning after polls. We all know how that election turned out. Hell, Dukakis didn't even have to lie his ass off like Mittens did either. But I'll admitt Mittens strategy of lying his ass off worked in the short term. he has gain a little support.
According to RCP

Romney is now even in Ohio and leading in Florida and Virginia

and still we need to wait till monday for the Averages to catch up to post Debate polling.
Obama is still winning is all the swing states.


I thought you were dead!


Well Obama should have been prepared, after all he did interviews with:

Entertainment Tonight, People Magazine, The View, Miami DJ The Pimp With a Limp, Half Time interview with ESPN2, David Letterman, Jimmy Falon and Glamour Magazine

while not having a news conference in about 7 months!

Guess the "eye candy" strategy may work with The View ladies and their audience but it's a weak debate strategy! For those of you who don't watch The View (I don't blame you) he said on the View “I've been told I'm just eye candy here”!

Might have helped him to use that zinger in the debate against Romney's trickle-down government!?

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Here is the only thing certain about Ohio:

If Romney wins Ohio in the election, the left will say armies of GOP operatives fixed the voting machines.

If Obama wins Ohio in the election, the right will say armies of dead Mexican felons voted for Obama.


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