debate analysis

The last debate was more like a Comedy Central Roast, only at least with those -- the roastee always gets the last word. But on Wednesday night, Romney got in the final word on every exchange, which is why he won.

Obama’s keepers realize this, and will coach him to fight to get the last lick in during the next debate. But there’s a problem. When 0bama tries to play “I can top you,” he’ll fail. He just doesn’t have comeback lines to save himself because he’s running with an anvil around his neck – his shitty record.

Barry can claim the unemployment rate is down, but Romney can state the real rate is over 11% … 15% if you include part timers and the 7 million who have given up looking for jobs. And 25 million are still unemployed. Then what is the 0bama's retort?

He can insist there was no intentional cover-up in the Libyan embassy attacks. Romney can then say that if it wasn’t a cover-up, it was still gross incompetence and a symptom of a failed foreign policy. He is either a liar or stupid. Then what is Barry supposed to say?

He can ask for another four years to finish the job. Mitt can counter by asking – can we afford four more years of this?

Barry’s only comeback will be crickets chirping.
The next debate is a townhall style meeting and the opportunity will not be there for Obama. The format won't allow the same thing as the first one. The Biden/Ryan debate will be the funny one to watch. While Biden can be smooth and folksy, the Vegas odds are 5/6 that he will throw out more than a few major Gaffs.
The next debate is a townhall style meeting and the opportunity will not be there for Obama. The format won't allow the same thing as the first one. The Biden/Ryan debate will be the funny one to watch. While Biden can be smooth and folksy, the Vegas odds are 5/6 that he will throw out more than a few major Gaffs.

Don't see the Townhall type format in Barry's favor either.

Not unless its all Obama supporters and the questions are scripted.

Should be enjoyable.

As for Biden/Ryan?? I wonder how many times OL'Joe can stick his foot in his mouth??

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