Death of Al Qaeda number two a key victory


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The death of al Qaeda's No. 2, Atiyah Abdul Rahman in Pakistan, is a hammer blow to the terrorist organization.

According to a U.S. official, Abdul Rahman, a 43-year-old veteran Libyan operative, rose to the number two spot after the death of Osama bin Laden in May, which saw the Egyptian Ayman al Zawahiri take over the leadership of the terrorist group. In that capacity Rahman ran daily operations for the group, according to the official.

"There's no question this is a major blow to al Qaeda. Atiyah was at the top of al Qaeda's trusted core," the official said.

Intelligence garnered from bin Laden's compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan, showed that Rahman had emerged as bin Laden's key deputy in the years before his death.

It was mainly through Rahman that bin Laden continued to issue instructions to al Qaeda operatives around the world. These messages, U.S. intelligence agencies established, were passed on in the form of draft e--mails copied onto thumb drives that were smuggled out of the compound by a courier. Bin Laden's plans sent on to Rahman included the idea of attacking the United States on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, according to the Washington Post.

Bin Laden's key deputy seen as very hard to replace for al Qaeda -
Thank G-d for Pres Bush and his policy of recognizing that terrorism is simply another form of warfare. Under Clinton the gov't would just have issued an arrest warrant for the guy and lobbed a few missiles.
Obama defeated the Somali Pirates, Bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, Atiyah Abdul Rahman, and America's greatest enemy, the Republican Party.
Thank G-d for Pres Bush and his policy of recognizing that terrorism is simply another form of warfare. Under Clinton the gov't would just have issued an arrest warrant for the guy and lobbed a few missiles.
"Terrorism" is simply a means by which a relatively powerless people may strike at a powerful oppressor. It was a style of fighting practiced by revolutionaries against the British in Colonial America. It was used by the IRA against the British in Northern Ireland. It was used by the Stern Gang (Irgun) against the British in Israel. It was used by the Viet Cong in Vietnam. It was used by the Mujahideen against the Soviets in Afghanisan. Now it's being used against us -- and there is no way to defeat it short of total genocide. So these Pentagon reports and projections are hyperbolic nonsense.

Killing bin Laden was a symbolic gesture, as will killing his successor(s) be. These jihadists are at once no one and everyone. They are peasant farmers by day and suicidal fighters by night. Nobody knows how many there are because their number is affected by how offended their population may be at any given time. Kill a guerilla whose death offends a dozen friends and relatives and you've created a dozen more potential guerillas. One of them will always be a leader. This is a principle known to the French as, "Le rio e mort. Vive le Roi!"

"In the jungle it is not the tiger the infantry column must fear but the fleas." (Rudyard Kipling)
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Did Obama phone the hit in on Verizon Cellular, hole #3, Andrews Air Force Base while on the links with Jeremiah Wright at the fucking taxpayer's expense ? The stupid son of a bitch couldn't find his ass with a flashlight and a roadmap. Thank God for our military, doing their job, regardless of the stupid SOB who happens to be the "SELECTED" Commander In Chief.
The death of al Qaeda's No. 2, Atiyah Abdul Rahman in Pakistan, is a hammer blow to the terrorist organization.

According to a U.S. official, Abdul Rahman, a 43-year-old veteran Libyan operative, rose to the number two spot after the death of Osama bin Laden in May, which saw the Egyptian Ayman al Zawahiri take over the leadership of the terrorist group. In that capacity Rahman ran daily operations for the group, according to the official.

"There's no question this is a major blow to al Qaeda. Atiyah was at the top of al Qaeda's trusted core," the official said.


The thing is, the notion that Al Qaeda has a command structure ended a long time ago. Yes, back before Bush took out the Taliban, the Al Qaeda Network had the ability to move huge sums of money to fund plots and organizations around the world.

Now, it really doesn't.

There are still bands of assholes who call themselves "Al Qaeda", but it's not like they are all planning from a central location.

When we got Bin Laden, he was an isolated old guy in a house hiding out with his porn stash. He wasn't even issuing taped manifestos any more.

The BIGGER problem is not the withered vine that is left of the "Al Qaeda Network", but the toxic soil that it spourted from to begin with. Radical Islam awash in western petro-dollars.
The death of al Qaeda's No. 2, Atiyah Abdul Rahman in Pakistan, is a hammer blow to the terrorist organization.

According to a U.S. official, Abdul Rahman, a 43-year-old veteran Libyan operative, rose to the number two spot after the death of Osama bin Laden in May, which saw the Egyptian Ayman al Zawahiri take over the leadership of the terrorist group. In that capacity Rahman ran daily operations for the group, according to the official.

"There's no question this is a major blow to al Qaeda. Atiyah was at the top of al Qaeda's trusted core," the official said.


The thing is, the notion that Al Qaeda has a command structure ended a long time ago.

Yeah......General Georgie really kicked-some-butt......


[ame=]The Hunt For Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]​
Did Obama phone the hit in on Verizon Cellular, hole #3, Andrews Air Force Base while on the links with Jeremiah Wright at the fucking taxpayer's expense ? The stupid son of a bitch couldn't find his ass with a flashlight and a roadmap. Thank God for our military, doing their job, regardless of the stupid SOB who happens to be the "SELECTED" Commander In Chief.

I think you're holding back about how you REALLY feel about Obama. Quit sugarcoating it and give us your unvarnished opinion.
Obama defeated the Somali Pirates, Bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, Atiyah Abdul Rahman, and America's greatest enemy, the Republican Party.

If Obama "defeated" them.......why are they still around? When the US military defeated the Japanese and the Germans and the Italians, they were gone. You're talking like a cultitst Chrissy. Obama has done nothing other than give the orders when the time came, and for that I thank him. But he didn't bleed, sweat, eat shitty food in the field, sleep with one eye open (when they sleep at all), work 20 hour days for weeks on end etc. All he did was say yes.
Look at these partiotic Americans thanking their president for his fine leadership.

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