"Death Flights": Coming Here?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Dr. Silvia Quintela was 'disappeared' by the death squads in Argentina in 1977 when she was four months pregnant with her first child.

"She reportedly was kept alive at a military base until she gave birth to her son and then, like other victims of the military junta, most probably was drugged, stripped naked, chained to other unconscious victims and piled onto a cargo plane that was part of the 'death flights' that disposed of the estimated 20,000 disappeared.

"The military planes with their inert human cargo would fly over the Atlantic at night and the chained bodies would be pushed out the door into the ocean.

"Quintela, who had worked as a doctor in the city’s slums, was 28 when she was murdered."

Chris Hedges latest rumination on what future may be lurking for the "Land of the Free" connects Argentina's "Dirty War" in the 1970s with the US War on Terror.

"We Americans have rewritten our laws, as the Argentines did, to make criminal behavior legal...

"We know of at least 100 detainees who died during interrogations at our 'black sites,' many of them succumbing to the blows and mistreatment of our interrogators. There are probably many, many more whose fate has never been made public.

"Tens of thousands of Muslim men have passed through our clandestine detention centers without due process. 'We tortured people unmercifully,” admitted retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey. 'We probably murdered dozens of them …, both the armed forces and the C.I.A.'”

'Think Death Flights and mass watery graves can't happen here?
Chris disagrees:

"Tens of thousands of Americans are being held in super-maximum-security prisons where they are deprived of contact and psychologically destroyed. Undocumented workers are rounded up and vanish from their families for weeks or months. Militarized police units break down the doors of some 40,000 Americans a year and haul them away in the dead of night as if they were enemy combatants.

"Habeas corpus no longer exists. American citizens can 'legally' be assassinated. Illegal abductions, known euphemistically as 'extraordinary rendition,' are a staple of the war on terror. Secret evidence makes it impossible for the accused and their lawyers to see the charges against them.

"All this was experienced by the Argentines.

America's Disappeared | Truthout
"Marguerite Feitlowitz writes in 'The Lexicon of Terror' of the experiences of one Argentine prisoner, a physicist named Mario Villani. The collapse of the moral universe of the torturers is displayed when, between torture sessions, the guards take Villani and a few pregnant women prisoners to an amusement park.

"They make them ride the kiddie train and then take them to a cafe for a beer.

"A guard, whose nom de guerre is Blood, brings his 6- or 7-year-old daughter into the detention facility to meet Villani and other prisoners.

"A few years later, Villani runs into one of his principal torturers, a sadist known in the camps as Julian the Turk. Julian recommends that Villani go see another of his former prisoners to ask for a job.

"The way torture became routine, part of daily work, numbed the torturers to their own crimes.

"They saw it as a job.

"Years later they expected their victims to view it with the same twisted logic."

America's Disappeared | Truthout

It is coming here.
And it will claim victims from the right and left.

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