Dear Republicans


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

I'm sick of your attempts to tilt the playing field permanently in your favor. Democrats filibustered a few of Bush's most hateful judicial picks and you pricks started screaming about doing away with the filibuster but now you're in the minority, you're filibustering absolutely everything you can and whining when you don't get the chance. You ignored everything the Democrats had to say when you had power and now that you don't, you scream that everyone must be bipartisan. You don't budge a fucking inch on anything but you insist that everyone must compromise to meet you. That's your idea of politics: Don't move an inch, force the other guy to come to the right to meet you and call the result a "compromise". Fuck you.

I'm sick of your corporatism. You dress it up in false populism but anyone with half a brain can see that you're the brought and paid for subsidiary of big business. You keep pushing tax cuts as the answer for absolutely everything, you keep sabotaging every attempt to control the excesses of big business. You genuinely think the world would be a better place if it was a combination of Bill Gibson's dystopian vision of a corporate dominated world and Ayn Rand's bullshit Objectivism, yet another entry in mankind's endless attempts to find a moral justification for naked greed. You've taken the clinically insane spewings of a woman literally to the right of Hitler (pardon my Godwins) and the 1984-like vision of a dystopian author and convinced yourselves that would be a good place to live. Big business is the enemy of the people, always has been. The ideal for the corporate class is to have a small pool of people rich enough to buy their fucking crap and a much larger pool of people so poor and with so few options that they can be used and abused at the corporation's whim. A corporation's objective is not to look after you, it is to make ever-larger profits by any means necessary. You bastards want to reinstate fucking slavery to the corporate class and you've made the public so fucking stupid that they actually swallow the bullshit you're serving up, they actually want to enslave themselves to the corporations that abuse them at every turn. They actually care more about the corporations right to make obscene profits than they care about their child's right to live on a habitable planet. Fuck you.

Fuck you, you scumridden shitehawks, you make me sick. Just fuck off and die.

BartCop's most recent rants - Political Humor and Commentary
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Oh, and P.S.:

Boopsie, if you really feel that way about eeeevil big business, you should go through your home and rid yourself of everything made or service provided by a big evil corporation. Then you could live in a shack somewhere like the UnaBomber, eating veggies fertilized with the contents of your chamberpot.

You could make us all really happy if you started with your computer.

On a seriously note, yes, BOTH parties are subserviant to big corporations. That's why Obama's giveaway to big insurance looks just like Romney's giveaway to big insurance. But these evil corporations you denounce also provide jobs and the highest standard of living in the world.

If anything, they've created the problems in unexpected ways. When FDR started the Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security, Average life expectancy for an America was only 61. It made sense to pay off the old folks because most of them didn't live that long. Today, it's about 78. Advances in medicine, food and homes have allowed people to live a lot longer, and someone made money doing it. (GASP!) Everyone lives that long, and it's impossible to pay them all.
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[ame=]‪Obamas re-election strategy.‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Democrats are one of two things - nefarious (they enjoy and condone the destruction of our moral fabric based on hate) or ignorant (they believe they're doing good, however they're too dumb or brainwashed to see the truth and believe truth is a matter of opinion).

"Whole language" is to blame for our mess.. Er at least for the democrat voting base.
LOL I love it when Dems scream that Obama did NOT raise taxes as if its a bad thing, yet all they bitch about is how Republicans refused to raise taxes.


I'm sick of your attempts to tilt the playing field permanently in your favor. Democrats filibustered a few of Bush's most hateful judicial picks and you pricks started screaming about doing away with the filibuster but now you're in the minority, you're filibustering absolutely everything you can and whining when you don't get the chance. You ignored everything the Democrats had to say when you had power and now that you don't, you scream that everyone must be bipartisan. You don't budge a fucking inch on anything but you insist that everyone must compromise to meet you. That's your idea of politics: Don't move an inch, force the other guy to come to the right to meet you and call the result a "compromise". Fuck you.

I'm sick of your corporatism. You dress it up in false populism but anyone with half a brain can see that you're the brought and paid for subsidiary of big business. You keep pushing tax cuts as the answer for absolutely everything, you keep sabotaging every attempt to control the excesses of big business. You genuinely think the world would be a better place if it was a combination of Bill Gibson's dystopian vision of a corporate dominated world and Ayn Rand's bullshit Objectivism, yet another entry in mankind's endless attempts to find a moral justification for naked greed. You've taken the clinically insane spewings of a woman literally to the right of Hitler (pardon my Godwins) and the 1984-like vision of a dystopian author and convinced yourselves that would be a good place to live. Big business is the enemy of the people, always has been. The ideal for the corporate class is to have a small pool of people rich enough to buy their fucking crap and a much larger pool of people so poor and with so few options that they can be used and abused at the corporation's whim. A corporation's objective is not to look after you, it is to make ever-larger profits by any means necessary. You bastards want to reinstate fucking slavery to the corporate class and you've made the public so fucking stupid that they actually swallow the bullshit you're serving up, they actually want to enslave themselves to the corporations that abuse them at every turn. They actually care more about the corporations right to make obscene profits than they care about their child's right to live on a habitable planet. Fuck you.

Fuck you, you scumridden shitehawks, you make me sick. Just fuck off and die.

BartCop's most recent rants - Political Humor and Commentary

LOL...poor little Progressive!

You know what amusing? If the Democrats hadn't won so big in 2008...getting super majorities in the House and Senate and control of the White House...attempts by liberals like BettyBoob to blame our present circumstances on Republicans might just have some validity. But Barack Obama was the victim of his own success. He literally doesn't have a single excuse as to why he couldn't fix things. The Democrats were holding all the cards. The Republicans were locked out in the hall. Nancy and Harry were cooking up legislation behind closed doors. Barack was preaching to "Town Hall Meetings" packed with adoring progressives.

So now fast forward two and a half years later and we're seeing what happens when you let progressive ideologues run the show. Our economy is still in the shitter. Housing is still in a shambles. More people are unemployed for longer periods of time than any time since the Great Depression. We just got our bond rating downgraded for the first time ever in our history.

And what has this President been doing? Fundraisers so he can subject us to 4 more years of this? If he were a "real" leader he'd be worried about other people's jobs and less about his own job.
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Oh, and P.S.:

Now, you know the right doesn’t take kindly to facts.

Of course, the problem isn’t the GOP per se, but the radical rightwing nitwits who hijacked the Party.

I think you missed this post. Take the blinders off!

LOL I love it when Dems scream that Obama did NOT raise taxes as if its a bad thing, yet all they bitch about is how Republicans refused to raise taxes.

Oh, and P.S.:

Now, you know the right doesn’t take kindly to facts.

Of course, the problem isn’t the GOP per se, but the radical rightwing nitwits who hijacked the Party. mean the "radical rightwing nitwits" who demanded that Washington cut spending before something dire happened...say like our bond rating being degraded for the first time in our history? Are those the "radicals" you're speaking of?
Obamabots wanted this, now they have it AA+.

You earned it.

I suppose the dominoes fall.....

The funny part is demofuckrats actually believed their was no consequence for their actions.

They wanted and got another credit card :lol:

How we going to pay??


Raise taxes to 90% and redistribute 80% of that to the general public then make the minimum payments??

What a bunch of clowns.... Then union public school teachers claim they're "under-appreciated"

Yeah, you only manufactured a society of retards..

The socialists win here, the ignorant clowns lose...

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