Dean Talkshow?


Senior Member
Sep 28, 2003
Rocky Mountains
Dean preps for talkshow 04/29/2004
Wed Apr 28, 8:00 PM ET

Josef Adalian, STAFF

While everything's still in the early talking stages, the former Democratic presidential candidate is mulling the idea of hosting his own syndicated gabfest. He's hooked up with ex-Big Ticket TV topper Larry Lyttle ("Judge Judy") and longtime political consultant Gerald Rafshoon, who would likely serve as exec producers of a pilot for any such project.

Dean is in Hollywood this week, and he's taking meetings with execs at Viacom-owned Paramount Domestic Television. Lyttle is still based on the Par lot, and he's helping Dean make the connection with the studio.

Lyttle spent much of last year working as a consultant for another former presidential candidate, Joe Lieberman (news - web sites). He and Rafshoon are also in talks with several other Washington insiders about opening a bicoastal political consulting group; company will likely have a media unit that would produce a few projects per year.

Dean has flirted with TV before, and insiders said the ex-Vermont governor received at least one substantial offer to host his own talkshow for a cable news net.

But Dean seems interested in going in a completely different direction.

"The last thing we're going to talk about is politics," Lyttle said. "We'd talk about a myriad of other things instead of politics."

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Maybe he will do a variety show dressed as a balerina.

I bet that would get ratings.
I think the proper venue for Dean and his outbursts is a backwoods hog calling contest!
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I think the proper venue for Dean and his outbursts is a backwoods hog calling contest!

Would he be the hog or the caller?

-Or would he be the girl who runs to get the coffee?
Originally posted by NewGuy
Would he be the hog or the caller?

-Or would he be the girl who runs to get the coffee?

yeah. he may best serve society by serving society.

"One lump or two. eeeeeyyyaaaaarrhhhhh!"
or he could do the South Park 'Timmah' impressions...the first time i heard his little scream, i didn't know it was actually Dean yelling...i thought someone used a sound bite from South Park to make fun of Dean, saying he is retarded...which he is, but that isn't the point.
I heard Dean was doing that scream as an audition for the WWE. Vince McMahon saw he's screaming ability and immediately saw his potential as a heel. Liberal Man. Similar to IRS from the early nineties. Dressed in a 3 piece suit and ready to trounce on your freedoms with his hypocritical jibber jabber.

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