Dean Plays *RACE CARD*


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Dean Plays Race Card​

Howard Dean continued his self-immolation as DNC chair yesterday, telling a San Francisco audience that the GOP was nothing more than a "white Christian party", and then claimed he was just being "tough":

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans are "a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It's pretty much a white Christian party."
"The Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people," Dean said Monday, responding to a question about diversity during a forum with minority leaders and journalists. "We're more welcoming to different folks, because that's the type of people we are. But that's not enough. We do have deliver on things: jobs and housing and business opportunities."

Howard's last broadside, that Republicans never put in an honest day's work, even had Democrats repelled. Two prominent Democratic politicians -- Joe Biden and John Edwards, who'd like to run for President if Howard hasn't destroyed the party by then -- both said that Dean didn't speak for them. He's driving off major donors, claiming that the party needs to focus on Internet collections instead of deep-pocket patrons. However, the Democrats have raised less than half the money that the GOP has since the first of the year, and his rhetoric appears to be costing them support from the center.

This last charge is hilarious coming from Dean. Recall, please, what started the Dean collapse during the 2004 primary race. Dean came to the Iowa caucuses as the acclaimed frontrunner by raising prodigious amounts of money, thanks to Joe Trippi and his visionary outreach. He had the momentum and had captured the imagination of the party. The Iowa caucuses were expected to anoint him as the dragonslayer against the hated George Bush.

Then the Iowa debate came on January 11th, and it all slipped away -- and race was his Kryptonite, and Al Sharpton his Lex Luthor. Sharpton skewered Dean so badly that he left the Vermont governor blinking into the cameras like Dan Quayle in 1988 in his debate against Lloyd Bentson:

SHARPTON: I want to -- you know, I have to ask this. I was going to ask Dennis something.
But I have to ask you this, Governor Dean, because I was disappointed you weren't in Washington the other day. But you keep talking about talking about race. In the state of Vermont -- where you were governor '97, '99, 2001 -- not one black or brown held a senior policy position, not one. You yourself said we must do something about it. Nothing was done.

Can you explain -- since now you want to convene everyone and talk about race, it seems as though you have discovered blacks and browns during this campaign. How you can explain not one black or brown working for your administration as governor?

DEAN: Well, actually, I beg to differ with your statistics there.

SHARPTON: This is according to your paper in Vermont, the Associated Press, and the Center for Women in Government.

DEAN: Well, perhaps you ought not to believe everything in the Associated Press.

SHARPTON: Oh, so you're saying they're incorrect?

DEAN: We do have African-American and Latino workers in state government, including...

SHARPTON: No, no, I said under your administration. Do you have a senior member of your cabinet that was black or brown?

DEAN: We had a senior member of my staff on my fifth floor.

SHARPTON: No, your cabinet.

DEAN: No, we did not.

SHARPTON: OK, that's not...

DEAN: ... six members.

SHARPTON: Then you need to let me talk to you about race in this country.

DEAN: Well, let me just say one thing, which I have said before but I'll say it again. If the percentage of African-Americans in your state was any indication of what your views on race were, then Trent Lott would be Martin Luther King.

SHARPTON: But I don't think that that answers the question. I think if you're talking -- if you want to lecture people on race, you ought to have the background and track record in order to do that. And I think that clearly people -- governors import talent, governors reach all over the country to make sure they have diversity.

And I think that, while I respect the fact you brought race into this campaign, you ought to talk freely and openly about whether you went out of the box to try to do something about race in your home state and have experience with working with blacks and browns at peer level, not as just friends you might have had in college.

The bombshell from the Reverend came as a shock to the national audience, which had never seen the Vermont fireplug stumble so badly -- and the Democrats suddenly started to question not only Dean's qualifications to address race but his ability to withstand the heat of a general election.

Now Mad How wants to talk about race again. All I can say is that I've seen the Reverend Al Sharpton, Howard -- and you are no Reverend Al. And you of all people should know that.


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I love it. The longer the democrap party lets this lunatic speak, the more damage he does to their party. Funny thing is though, what he's saying is really what they believe, so it just goes to show how shrill and rabid the democraps are today, and how far away from mainstream America they've moved.
Dems are so full of crap. How is it the "white Christian party" is the party that is putting people like Judge Janice Rogers Brown into high positions of authority while the Democraps just tear them apart? You know Brown - the woman of color who made it on her own despite the fact she came from a family background of sharecroppers?

Race doesn't mean a thing to the Democraps - it's all about socialist ideology and if black people serve their purpose, fine, but if they don't, forget them.
You have to wonder how long it will be before they pull the plug on Dean. Apparently the strategy is, from what I can tell, let Dean make an ass of himself so Hillary Clinton can come out and look like the voice of reason.

It can't be a good idea to constantly have your leading presidential candidate distancing herself from the party chairman, and when even people like Barney Frank are running in the other direction it could end up harming lots of people in the party. To top it off, the main reason Dean was named chairman was for fundraising, and that's not working out all that great either.

Looks like another brilliant idea blowing up in the Dems faces.
Jimmyeatworld said:
You have to wonder how long it will be before they pull the plug on Dean. Apparently the strategy is, from what I can tell, let Dean make an ass of himself so Hillary Clinton can come out and look like the voice of reason.

It can't be a good idea to constantly have your leading presidential candidate distancing herself from the party chairman, and when even people like Barney Frank are running in the other direction it could end up harming lots of people in the party. To top it off, the main reason Dean was named chairman was for fundraising, and that's not working out all that great either.

Looks like another brilliant idea blowing up in the Dems faces.

Washington Outlook
Edited by Lee Walczak

Howard Dean's Raised Voice Isn't Raising Cash

One hundred days into his tenure as the high-energy, higher-decibel chairman of the Democratic Party, Howard Dean is in trouble with party moneybags. The former Vermont governor seems to be doing a better job flaying the Republicans than bridging the cash chasm between the parties. Given Dean's 2004 run as a populist crusader, moderates were never wild about his takeover of the Democratic National Committee. So some big donors are sitting on their wallets.

Dean wowed the faithful in '04 with his Web-based fund-raising magic. But major business donors still count, and in his new role as party honcho, the feisty doctor seems to be struggling to connect. After achieving money parity with the GOP in 2004, Democrats have fallen far behind. According to the Federal Election Commission, the DNC raised $14.1 million in the first quarter of 2005, vs. the Republican National Committee's $32.3 million. Dean drew about 20,000 new donors, while his rivals picked up 68,200. The bottom line: Republicans have $26.2 million in the bank vs. $7.2 million for the Dems.

Why the yawning gap? For starters, Dean is not a natural fit for the "stroke and joke" style that traditional party chiefs use to extract cash from well-heeled contributors. "It appears that the chairman has come to the conclusion that he doesn't need major donors," sniffs one fat cat. "He hasn't made any effort to reach out."

Personality factors aside, Dean's business-bashing '04 campaign makes him a hard sell in corporate circles. "There's a wait-and-see attitude from business and major contributors," says Nathan Landow, a Maryland developer and big-time donor. "This guy has some work to do to get the comfort level up." William W. Batoff, a Philadelphia real estate developer and longtime Democratic fund-raiser who backed President Bush in 2000 and 2004, is less diplomatic. "Howard Dean is the wrong person to be chair," says Batoff, who claims he will help fund the Dems' congressional efforts but will boycott the national committee while Dean reigns.

"Kind of a Dustpan"
Recent evidence of big-donor discomfort: A DNC event scheduled for May 25 at Manhattan's cavernous Jacob K. Javits Convention Center was scaled back to a smaller venue at the Essex House hotel. Bridget Siegel, the DNC's New York finance chair, says the event was moved because the new room "just worked better."
Funny how a guy who has no experience in racial issues is criticizing anyone for not accepting race. Honestly, I don't think as many people think about race much anymore. The look at a person and judge them by their character and values. Of course thats racism to Democrats because no one could possibly reject them for their ideas. its all the color of their skin.

Seriously though, scary how this guy could have been President.
I wasn't into politics when Dean ran for pres. Was he this crazy then? Somehow I doubt it. Whoever voiced the opinion that he is doing this to make Hillary look moderate for '08, I think that's right on the money.
mom4 said:
I wasn't into politics when Dean ran for pres. Was he this crazy then? Somehow I doubt it. Whoever voiced the opinion that he is doing this to make Hillary look moderate for '08, I think that's right on the money.

Well, yes he was just as big of a whack job when he ran for Prez. Was, is, and always will be a whack job, rabid, fringe leftist, liberal, assbag.

And I can't help but agree with Screaming Eagle also. I think the dems might just be letting him go for awhile just to make hitlery look good. But those who have a BRAIN, they'll realize that hitlery is no different than dean. Birds of a feather flock togther.
mom4 said:
I wasn't into politics when Dean ran for pres. Was he this crazy then? Somehow I doubt it. Whoever voiced the opinion that he is doing this to make Hillary look moderate for '08, I think that's right on the money.

Probably is, Hillary is opening her mouth too. And saying the exact same things!
Pale Rider said:
Well, yes he was just as big of a whack job when he ran for Prez. Was, is, and always will be a whack job, rabid, fringe leftist, liberal, assbag.

And I can't help but agree with Screaming Eagle also. I think the dems might just be letting him go for awhile just to make hitlery look good. But those who have a BRAIN, they'll realize that hitlery is no different than dean. Birds of a feather flock togther.

I don't disagree that he wasnt as big a wack job. However, i think he may have cracked alittle more. Lately it seems that Democrats who lose elections go nuts. Al Gore is a prime example. and we can add Dean to that list as well. Makes me wonder what Kerry will be doing shortly.
Anyone in here aware of the fact that his brother was killed in South Vietnam...
He was not a soldier mind you...he was a wannabee journalist...who wandered into South Vietnam and was executed by the Viet cong....even they did not believe the ilk of this family....I am not being cruel here just making a point....when one plays they must pay....a lesson Dean has yet to learn! :splat:
The democrats need to accept this : they lost.

So name calling - as they should know by now - does not work.

They cannot accept the fact that religion did play a role in the election...and the more they refuse to listen to what Americans want - the more seats they lose. I for one encourage them to babble on ... and on ... and on ...

This is why I haven't voted for a democrat - EVER - even when I was one.

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