Deal or no deal? Repeal or no repeal?

What do you want to happen re Healthcare Reform? Repeal or no repeal?

  • No repeal. Leave it alone.

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Yes, get the signatures and repeal now.

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • Repeal, but wait until after the next election.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Other. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
So what do you think? Will they put their signature where their mouth is? And how do you want this to go down? Deal or no deal? Repeal or no repeal?

According to the Red State update today:

Are They Liars or Telling the Truth?
by Erick Erickson
Thursday, June 24th

There’s this thing in the United States House of Representatives called a “discharge petition.” In a nutshell, a congressman can write a bill and, when the leaders in charge of the House refuse to do anything with it, the congressman can file a discharge petition. The petition, if personally signed by 218 congressmen, forces the House Speaker to put the matter up for a vote by the House.

Why is this important?

Well, every Republican in the House of Representatives and a bunch of Democrats say if a vote were held tomorrow, they would vote to repeal Obamacare. In fact, if you add up all the Blue Dogs, the Republicans, and the Democrats now scrambling for political cover saying they’d vote to repeal, you arrive at the magic number of 218, which also happens to be the total number of votes needed to pass a piece of legislation in the House of Representatives.

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) has filed a discharge petition on legislation he has drafted to repeal Obamacare. He needs 218 signatures.
Are They Liars or Telling the Truth? | RedState

Now the question is whether he'll get them. And do you want him to?

According to some of the underground scuttlebutt, some fully expect the legislation to be repealed, but don't want to repeal before the 2012 election so that everybody will stay as mad as possible as irresponsible Democrats.

And there are those who say we are already losing parts of our healthcare system and can't afford to wait.

And I suppose there are still some of you who are crazy away about this healthcare stuff and don't want anybody to mess with it.
I thought one of the 95 congressional reforms the Republicans put in when they one was that discharge petitions are public records. Am i mistaken here, or was that changed back by Pelosi and crew or what?
I thought one of the 95 congressional reforms the Republicans put in when they one was that discharge petitions are public records. Am i mistaken here, or was that changed back by Pelosi and crew or what?

Dunno. I'll check it out when I get a bit of time and encourage others to do the same though.
This is too funny...

You actually think they have the votes to repeal the Healthcare Bill?

You guys tried that one before and got your heads handed to you. Better question.....are Republicans willing to run in 2010 on repealing healthcare?

Better think about that one
This is too funny...

You actually think they have the votes to repeal the Healthcare Bill?

You guys tried that one before and got your heads handed to you. Better question.....are Republicans willing to run in 2010 on repealing healthcare?

Better think about that one

I didn't ask if they have the votes to repeal it. Obviously they don't since it would require 2/3rds in both houses to override a Presidential veto.

I asked if you want them to do it. If they get all 218 Republicans and Blue Dogs, they have enough votes to do it in the house and force everybody's hand.

Do you want them to do that if they can? If so why? Or if not, why?
Well, seeing as they recently lost a vote to repeal the individual mandate (which I assume is the single most unpopular piece of the law), I'm not sure what the point would be. Just rehashing the same vote over and over. The vote was 230-187:

06/15/10 05:46 PM ET

The House on Tuesday shot down legislation to repeal one of the most controversial elements of the Democrats' healthcare reform law: the requirement that most Americans purchase healthcare coverage.

Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), who offered the bill as an amendment to a larger tax bill for small businesses, said the insurance mandate "violates basic principles of freedom and individual choice."

"No American should be forced to purchase health insurance they don’t want and can’t afford," Camp, the senior Republican on the Ways and Means Committee, said just before the vote.

He wasn't persuasive enough. The vote was 230 to 187 to kill the amendment, with 21 Democrats and one Republican crossing party lines.​

Repeal and replace is a gimmick.
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The way the bill was passed was a farce and the results of the thing are a tragedy already.

The reality that it was passed on bogus numbers and outright lies makes the heat intense.
The way the bill was passed was a farce and the results of the thing are a tragedy already.

The reality that it was passed on bogus numbers and outright lies makes the heat intense.

Evidence, please. Oh, I mean real evidence. This is what I mean by the losers' trying to pretend that time is marching on. The HCR is a done deal, forever. It will be expanded in the future. Watch it happen.
This is too funny...

You actually think they have the votes to repeal the Healthcare Bill?

You guys tried that one before and got your heads handed to you. Better question.....are Republicans willing to run in 2010 on repealing healthcare?

Better think about that one

I didn't ask if they have the votes to repeal it. Obviously they don't since it would require 2/3rds in both houses to override a Presidential veto.

I asked if you want them to do it. If they get all 218 Republicans and Blue Dogs, they have enough votes to do it in the house and force everybody's hand.

Do you want them to do that if they can? If so why? Or if not, why?

The Bill is now law.

Does the GOP have the balls to tell 40 million Americans that they want to take away their healthcare? Do they want to throw people back into the uninsured?

Go for it GOP...Run in 2010 telling people you want to take away their healthcare
So, RW, how did you vote in the poll?

I'm guessing that those people who will be losing their jobs or won't be hired because of hiring freezes due to the healthcare overhaul would prefer they repeal it now and remove the uncertainty from the equation.

I'm guessing those who will have to rein business plans due to higher taxes going into effect immediately would like to have it repealed now.

Repealing the legislation won't much affect anybody's healthcare if they do it now because most of it won't go into effect until after the 2012 election. I'm sure that was carefully calculated to keep the great unwashed and poorly read in the dark about the more unpleasant consequences of the legislation once it does go into effect.

I personally voted YES, repeal it now knowing full well the Senate will fillibuster it to death and, if there was any chance, it actually got to the President's desk he would veto the repeal.

But at least it would put it back into the news and have it fresh in people's minds as the November election approaches. They've done a good job keeping other stuff on the front pages lately. I want healthcare back on there so that we can head off the worst of it and pave the way for real healthcare reform.
No, foxfyre, the dems will ram the argument down the pubs throats. Your topic is simply fail.
So, RW, how did you vote in the poll?

I'm guessing that those people who will be losing their jobs or won't be hired because of hiring freezes due to the healthcare overhaul would prefer they repeal it now and remove the uncertainty from the equation.

I'm guessing those who will have to rein business plans due to higher taxes going into effect immediately would like to have it repealed now.

Repealing the legislation won't much affect anybody's healthcare if they do it now because most of it won't go into effect until after the 2012 election. I'm sure that was carefully calculated to keep the great unwashed and poorly read in the dark about the more unpleasant consequences of the legislation once it does go into effect.

I personally voted YES, repeal it now knowing full well the Senate will fillibuster it to death and, if there was any chance, it actually got to the President's desk he would veto the repeal.

But at least it would put it back into the news and have it fresh in people's minds as the November election approaches. They've done a good job keeping other stuff on the front pages lately. I want healthcare back on there so that we can head off the worst of it and pave the way for real healthcare reform.

No... I didn't vote in it because I did not think it was a legitimate poll.

The Healthcare Bill is here. It won't be repealed now and it will not be repealed while a Democrat is President. So you are looking at at least six years before you can hope to repeal.

Fact is we need healthcare reform. The bill that was passed did not do nearly enough to fix our healthcare problems.......but it was a start

Still remaining:
A legitimate public option to gain insurance
Significant reductions in costs
Increased competition
Reduction in overhead (management, billing, advertising, lobbying)
This is too funny...

You actually think they have the votes to repeal the Healthcare Bill?

You guys tried that one before and got your heads handed to you. Better question.....are Republicans willing to run in 2010 on repealing healthcare?

Better think about that one

I didn't ask if they have the votes to repeal it. Obviously they don't since it would require 2/3rds in both houses to override a Presidential veto.

I asked if you want them to do it. If they get all 218 Republicans and Blue Dogs, they have enough votes to do it in the house and force everybody's hand.

Do you want them to do that if they can? If so why? Or if not, why?

The Bill is now law.

Does the GOP have the balls to tell 40 million Americans that they want to take away their healthcare? Do they want to throw people back into the uninsured?

Go for it GOP...Run in 2010 telling people you want to take away their healthcare

There is no taking away. the back up insurance isn't available yet.

None of the supposed benifits kick in until 2012. All we have now are the taxes
Four years before a benefit is delivered. Meanwhile they will be taxing the crap outta us.. There is time for repeal. it should be a priority.
The Bill is now law.

Does the GOP have the balls to tell 40 million Americans that they want to take away their healthcare? Do they want to throw people back into the uninsured?

They aren't taking anybody's health care away because the legislation doesn't kick in until 2013. You can't take away something from someone that they don't have. But even if they already were receiving it, they'd be telling them to be responsible for themselves and get their own insurance like the remaining 85% of Americans that managed to do so.

Perhaps you've been living in a bubble, but we have a $13 trillion dollar debt on our backs and creating a brand new entitlement welfare program when we can't pay our existing bills was nothing less than reckless and irresponsible.

Go for it GOP...Run in 2010 telling people you want to take away their healthcare

I agree. Considering the majority of the country wants it repealed, that's exactly what they should do.
Four years before a benefit is delivered. Meanwhile they will be taxing the crap outta us.. There is time for repeal. it should be a priority.

Is WillowTree and I the only ones here who think OweBamaCare is a pile of horsehocky? I say REPEAL. That gets my vote.
So, RW, how did you vote in the poll?

I'm guessing that those people who will be losing their jobs or won't be hired because of hiring freezes due to the healthcare overhaul would prefer they repeal it now and remove the uncertainty from the equation.

I'm guessing those who will have to rein business plans due to higher taxes going into effect immediately would like to have it repealed now.

Repealing the legislation won't much affect anybody's healthcare if they do it now because most of it won't go into effect until after the 2012 election. I'm sure that was carefully calculated to keep the great unwashed and poorly read in the dark about the more unpleasant consequences of the legislation once it does go into effect.

I personally voted YES, repeal it now knowing full well the Senate will fillibuster it to death and, if there was any chance, it actually got to the President's desk he would veto the repeal.

But at least it would put it back into the news and have it fresh in people's minds as the November election approaches. They've done a good job keeping other stuff on the front pages lately. I want healthcare back on there so that we can head off the worst of it and pave the way for real healthcare reform.

No... I didn't vote in it because I did not think it was a legitimate poll.

The Healthcare Bill is here. It won't be repealed now and it will not be repealed while a Democrat is President. So you are looking at at least six years before you can hope to repeal.

Fact is we need healthcare reform. The bill that was passed did not do nearly enough to fix our healthcare problems.......but it was a start

Still remaining:
A legitimate public option to gain insurance
Significant reductions in costs
Increased competition
Reduction in overhead (management, billing, advertising, lobbying)
In other words, you voted "present", Obama would be proud......:cuckoo:

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