De Blasio walks into Trump Homestead for rally

Anyone been to New York City lately? The last time I went, we stayed downtown and walked everywhere or took the subway. I kept looking over at the angry faces of drivers who were crawling along at roughly the pace we were walking. Liberal Socialists like Deblahzeeo talk a good game but deliver NOTHING.
Anyone been to New York City lately? The last time I went, we stayed downtown and walked everywhere or took the subway. I kept looking over at the angry faces of drivers who were crawling along at roughly the pace we were walking. Liberal Socialists like Deblahzeeo talk a good game but deliver NOTHING.

Could have been worse, could have been like San Francisco.
What is this, some kind of reverse boycott? Show your opposition by spending money at Donald's businesses?
What is this, some kind of reverse boycott? Show your opposition by spending money at Donald's businesses?

The people did hear about the outstanding Taco Bowls they serve in the Trump Tower and the fact that our President really like to have them for Cinco Del Mayo.
Total fail for "Big Bird" as he is referred in the NY Metro area. :p

respect your fellow new yorkers WOT
oh jesus fuck the lazy idiot dork
ya basically went into the lobby of the mans home and threaten to fine him 2.1 million a year. but lets respect our fellow new yorkers?
he'll be in the white house for another 6 years but its still the mans home

....yes its a public lobby BUT STILL ..its his ...go back to park slope bill and take a nap

:auiqs.jpg:he threw in an NPC chant is it just me or does the crowd behind his dishonor look like they got out of some adult special ed day care early ?
theyre gonna lead alright ...theyre gonna lead the whole city off a progressive hipster trust fund kid cliff

the whole speech was pretty much bullshit we gotta save the world ...with socialism

i couldnt hear what they were yelling in the background but goddamn I should of been there yelling obscenities to

so jealous right now

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