David Koch breaks from GOP on gay marriage


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
I agree with him on gay marriage. Tax increases would be okay with guaranteed spending cuts first. And not the cuts in increases which are considered cuts in Washington, I mean actual spending cuts.
More defections?

David Koch has been pro-gay marriage since at least 2003. In 2008 Obama said that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Grover Norquist supports gay marriage.

Sheldon Adelson is pro-choice.

Ruppert Murdoch is pro-amnesty (and mildly anti-gun)

The other strong political wing in the GOP, the Christian Right, is not libertarian. According to november exit polls, the public support for a tax hike on the rich was very similar in the Deep South and in New York and the North East (around 50%, and another 10-15% in favor of Clinton-era tax rates for everyone)
the big money is now turning on the tea party?


they finacned the tea party.

they tried to use it as a tool and now they are going to starve it to death becuase the tool went wonky.

Bye bye tea party tards
the money people who own the republican party have begun the Great heaving.

tea party fools meet curb
the big money is now turning on the tea party?


they finacned the tea party.

they tried to use it as a tool and now they are going to starve it to death becuase the tool went wonky.

Bye bye tea party tards

^^^ Gives Tea Partiers WAYYYYYYYYYY too much cred^^^

And you didn't read the story did you?
So, will the GOP continue to be Koch Suckers and also change on the issue?

Or are they going to keep going full retard?

they will get mad at him too and it will get them nowhere because he funds the party.

KOCH will heave them and NOT the other way arround
TAMPA, Fla. – Billionaire industrialist David Koch, who is helping steer millions of dollars to elect Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans, on Thursday told POLITICO he disagrees with the GOP’s stance on gay marriage and believes the U.S. needs to consider raising taxes to balance the budget.

David Koch breaks from GOP on gay marriage, taxes, defense cuts - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Do you all think that Gay marriage is somehow representative of true love in this nation or is it just representative of yet another pair of leeches getting ready to suck off the "governments tit" in everyway that they can, just like all the other leeches who are using the social issues or many other issues to now set themselves up in this nation in order to do the same ? Draining power from the government is also another type of drain on the government, so it's not always just about the entitlements or wrongful usage of monies that we are getting when government is used wrongfully in America now, but rather I think these issues fall under a moral power drain from our government, in which causes the whole world to sit back and laugh at us because of all of this sort of stuff now.

Just wondering is all....Think about how all of this is impacting the government by way of what is perceived as our government moral upstanding in the world, and it's perceived power, and this unfortunately when it keeps becoming so entangled in these issues in which it should not be entangled in like it is these days... How much more can the government afford to involve itself in, and how much more can it afford to lose in morals and values by involving itself so deeply in these social issues like it keeps doing to date ?
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More defections?

David Koch has been pro-gay marriage since at least 2003. In 2008 Obama said that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Grover Norquist supports gay marriage.

Sheldon Adelson is pro-choice.

Ruppert Murdoch is pro-amnesty (and mildly anti-gun)

The other strong political wing in the GOP, the Christian Right, is not libertarian. According to november exit polls, the public support for a tax hike on the rich was very similar in the Deep South and in New York and the North East (around 50%, and another 10-15% in favor of Clinton-era tax rates for everyone)

Libertarian does not mean libertine. Neither is libertarianism anti-Christian in nature.

The tax the rich nonsense is merely pandering to the idiot block of voters. They don't seem to understand that it's a harbinger of higher taxes for themselves.
TAMPA, Fla. – Billionaire industrialist David Koch, who is helping steer millions of dollars to elect Mitt Romney and congressional Republicans, on Thursday told POLITICO he disagrees with the GOP’s stance on gay marriage and believes the U.S. needs to consider raising taxes to balance the budget.

David Koch breaks from GOP on gay marriage, taxes, defense cuts - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Do you all think that Gay marriage is somehow representative of true love in this nation or is it just representative of yet another pair of leeches getting ready to suck off the "governments tit" in everyway that they can, just like all the other leeches who are using the social issues or many other issues to now set themselves up in this nation in order to do the same ?

Just wondering is all....Think about how all of this is impacting the government and it's generosity by way of taxpayers moneys, and this when it keeps becoming so entangled in these issues in which it should not be entangled in like it is these days... How much more can the government afford to involve itself in, and how much more can it afford to lose in morals and values by involving itself so deeply in these social issues like it keeps doing to date ?

Same-sex families pay thousands of dollars more in taxes - Dec. 26, 2011

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