Dastardly Dave Chapelle to perform shows in support of Acerbic Andrew Yang's presidential race!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
does this make you get on the Yang Gang?

Andrew Yang receives endorsement from comedian Dave Chappelle - CNNPolitics

It seems that Dave Chapelle's net worth is around 50 million. Does he like loser Yang enough to risk his fortune? Crazy stuff happens on the left these days.
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some politicians flip flop on the issues. others duck the issues. but not Yang. you know where he stands!

some politicians flip flop on the issues. others duck the issues. but not Yang. you know where he stands!

Compared to the rest of the clown car it might seems that Yang is viable but alas he is just another liberal democrat.
Dave can endorse whomever he wishes, doesn't make him any less funny.

He is still perhaps the funniest comedian working today. Hands down.
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Do you think Chappelle will try his hand at a Yang impersonation?
It seems that Dave Chapelle's net worth is around 50 million. Does he like loser Yang enough to risk his fortune? Crazy stuff happens on the left these days.
I dont think Chapelle is risking squat.

If a comedian could sway my vote Chapelle would do as well as anyone.

But Yang?

Supporting Yang is like supporting a 3rd Party. It's main purpose is Virtue Signalling.

Although I don't agree with his politics, I will say that Chappelle has gained my respect after offending Leftists with his last comedy bit on Netflix. The dude seems to have some common sense, which is why his candidate is doomed.

All of the Progressive types who love FDR would probably like to lock him up in a concentration camp somewhere cuz he has squinty eyes.

Also notice how Progressives disdain Asians in Hollywood. There are no major Asian stars there and never will be. Or look to Universities who would rather turn down a perfect 4.0 Asian student in favor of a black who has a GPA o 2.0.
It seems that Dave Chapelle's net worth is around 50 million. Does he like loser Yang enough to risk his fortune? Crazy stuff happens on the left these days.
I dont think Chapelle is risking squat.

If a comedian could sway my vote Chapelle would do as well as anyone.

But Yang?

Supporting Yang is like supporting a 3rd Party. It's main purpose is Virtue Signalling.
Curious, why you think that. If you like him and his platform why can't you support him?
Curious, why you think that. If you like him and his platform why can't you support him?
I think that because I have 0.000001% less chance at the DNC nomination as Yang. Voting for a 3rd party candidate or a Major Party candidate that can only be nominated if all others are assassinated is Virtue Signaling. Nothing more.

And I don't like his platform, it's just less destructive than the rest.

Universal income is stupid as dirt. It'll crater the economy and destroy jobs by the 100,000s. Inflation will spike leaving SS recipients and other fixed income people in the lurch.

Soviet Medicare for All will completely destroy our medical industry and ration care away from the elderly.

I'm not sure if guys immigration plans, but he's already unqualified.

Aborting 9th month unborn children without a medical necessity is evil and teaches our citizens that innocent life is unimportant and shooting up schools can't be that bad.
It seems that Dave Chapelle's net worth is around 50 million. Does he like loser Yang enough to risk his fortune? Crazy stuff happens on the left these days.
He isnt risking his fortune. Hes probably more liked by the right than the left. He seems like a conservative, given his stance on guns, trans people, and the 1st Amendment. He was brainwashed into thinking hes one thing, when hes really another.
Curious, why you think that. If you like him and his platform why can't you support him?
I think that because I have 0.000001% less chance at the DNC nomination as Yang. Voting for a 3rd party candidate or a Major Party candidate that can only be nominated if all others are assassinated is Virtue Signaling. Nothing more.

And I don't like his platform, it's just less destructive than the rest.

Universal income is stupid as dirt. It'll crater the economy and destroy jobs by the 100,000s. Inflation will spike leaving SS recipients and other fixed income people in the lurch.

Soviet Medicare for All will completely destroy our medical industry and ration care away from the elderly.

I'm not sure if guys immigration plans, but he's already unqualified.

Aborting 9th month unborn children without a medical necessity is evil and teaches our citizens that innocent life is unimportant and shooting up schools can't be that bad.
That attitude is why we get sh*tty candidates IMO. You are saying don't vote for or back who you support just vote for whoever is leading in the polls. Fvck that. That's why nothing ever changes.
That attitude is why we get sh*tty candidates IMO. You are saying don't vote for or back who you support just vote for whoever is leading in the polls. Fvck that. That's why nothing ever changes.
No, we get shitty candidates because most voters want a shitty candidate.

Leftists have run most education and most MSM for most of a century. Is it really any surprise so many people make shitty choices?
That attitude is why we get sh*tty candidates IMO. You are saying don't vote for or back who you support just vote for whoever is leading in the polls. Fvck that. That's why nothing ever changes.
No, we get shitty candidates because most voters want a shitty candidate.

Leftists have run most education and most MSM for most of a century. Is it really any surprise so many people make shitty choices?
So then why is it virtue signaling to not vote for sh*tty candidates?

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