Daisy, Queen of the House

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt



She turned two years old on Saturday. When I left home for work this morning, she was in bed, under the quilt with her head on a pillow.
LOL Sounds like she's got it goin on.

She's a little cutie and I know she's the real boss in your house.

She probably has you pretty well trained too.
LOL Sounds like she's got it goin on.

She's a little cutie and I know she's the real boss in your house.

She probably has you pretty well trained too.
I taught her to ring a 'jingle bell' I tied to the doorknob whenever she needs to go out. 2:00 AM and I hear a little ting-a-ling!

Yep! She has me throughly trained!
Mom and Pop had a poodle mutt. Buddy was a little bigger than Daisy is. Daisy goes out at a whopping 12 pounds (her fighting weight) and Buddy was a healthy 22 pounds. Buddy was 17 when Mom and Pop had to put him down in the summer of 2007.

Pop passed away in April of 2008.

By January 2009, Mom was really pining for some companionship. I saw a hand lettered sign outside a house that read "Toys and Minis" and a phone number. I thought it would be a great thing to get Mom her own little puppy to love. I phoned the number and the lady on the other end of the line explained that near the end of January, she would have a litter of toy poodles and a litter of miniatures. "What are you asking for these puppies?" I asked.

"$275!" she told me.

Great! I can get Mom one of these pups and she will just love it!

Then, in February, Mom developed a herniated disc. She was in terrible pain. She consulted with a surgeon and had an appointment to be operated on in early April.

Mom's birthday is February 13. My brother and I took her to lunch that day and, since we were in the neighborhood of the poodle breeder, I suggested we stop by to look at the puppies.

The lady brought out two big wicker baskets. Six pups in one, four in the other. All the pups were marked like Dobermans or Rotweillers; black coffee black with tan on their front legs and over their brows. One puppy was apricot, but predominately white in color. She was also the only female out of both litters. She was also the runt.

That was the dog Mom fell for! She scooped her up in her hands and cooed and smiled.

"That puppy is $400." said the lady.

Mom's heart was broken! "I can't afford $400 for a dog!" she cried.

A week went by and I called the breeder. "Are you firm on that female at $400?" I asked.

"Well..." she answered.

"Okay. this is what we're going to do. I'll give you $150 cash. Don't say anything about that to my Mom. Call her up in a few days and spin this yarn. Tell her you work with pet shops in the area and, as the economy has tanked, they have canceled their puppy orders. Tell her you're desperate to get rid of these puppies and you're willing to sell the female for $150. That way, you'll get $300 for the pup. Mom will think she's getting the big deal of the day and everyone's happy."

Three days later, Mom called. "I can't believe it! There ARE angels watching out for me! That lady called and said I could have Daisy for $150!"

"Great, Mom!" I said knowing what was arraigned.

Mom's back was still giving her fits the day I was to bring Daisy home from the breeder. Surgery was still three weeks off and she was in a panic.

"I can't take her" she said "You'll have to call the breeder and cancel!"

The breeder had a non-refundable $150 of mine.

"Mom, you're not going to feel lousy like this forever. You'll have the operation, have some time to heal up and then Daisy will be with you to love and play." I said. "Would it make any difference if I told you I already paid half for the dog?"

Twenty minutes later, Mom called back. "I thought about it and you're right. Come on out and pick up the $75 I owe the breeder for the pup." mom is still under the impression the breeder's story was true! I paid $225 and Mom thinks she's getting the dog for $75! Mom wins again!

As it turns out, a miniature poodle puppy and a 77 year old convalescent just ain't the marriage made in heaven I thought it would be. Daisy was a terror as a puppy and Mom called din August saying "If you don't take this dog, I'm going to get rid of her! I can't take care of this lively puppy on my own!"

And that's how I came to own a papered pure bred miniature poodle.
I didn't think poodles were supposed to be parti-colored...

But she is a cutie pie. My mom also has poodles; we've had them off and on for decades. The two she has now are getting up in years (they aren't super long-lived) and she will be heart broken when they go....they are her constant companions.
Hey, found stuff on poodle colors that I didn't know:

"Blue Poodles

Is a dilute of black. It carries the fading gene.Blue poodle puppies are born black and turn blue by two years of age.

This poodle color takes the longest time to clear.

Puppies at a young age will have brown highlights showing they are a blue not black puppy. By 2 years of age the dog will turn a dark color metal gray.There are varying shades of blue as in any color.

Blue poodles should have black points and dark brown eyes. "

Go figure!

She's a beautiful dog !!
Do you spoil her rotten?
Lemme put it this way: in the winter, when she goes out in the yard, I put a large terrycloth bath towel (one of four designated Daisy towels) on the floor in front of the fireplace. this heats up the towel nicely so when Daisy comes back inside, she can be wrapped in a warm towel and have the balls of snow that formed on her paws melted and she can get warm!

So, no, I treat that animal like dirt!:lol:
Daisy has always been a popular visitor to my family and friends. She is very sociable and everyone seems to get a big kick out of watching her play and her antics to get further attention (as if she lacks attention).

But Friday night, Daisy went to game night with me. Each Friday, I get together with my brother and friends to play board games. Daisy occasionally goes along to play with my brother's Golden Retriever, Cosmo.

I let Daisy run around and do her business in my brother's back yard. I keep an eye on her and she always comes back inside when called. But, last Friday night, something caught her attention and off she went! Up behind the house, into the alley in the rear and then off into the neighborhood. I called. Nothing. I slipped and slid up to the alley where I saw her trotting alongside a neighbor's home. Again, I called. She glanced back over her shoulder and then went back to sniffing the snow in pursuit of God knows what.

I got in the car. I called for her to come. Nothing! I started the car and put it into drive. she saw the car rolling and NOTHING! She would not come!

Finally, twenty minutes later, with my brother and friends helping to corral her, she finally jumped into the car. I drove directly back to the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, opened the front door and put her inside. I then drove back to my brothers home.

I did not shout or smack her when she jumped into the car. This particular jumping behavior I'm in favor of. But, when I returned home, I found Daisy had chewed up a paper towel I had next to my armchair. This gave me the excuse to punish her. For chewing paper. Not for not coming when I called.

Daisy has lost her visitation privileges for a while.

Incidentally, I took her to the vet on Saturday morning. $91 later, I heard she has a yeast infection in her right ear and she has medicine to apply twice daily for the next two weeks.

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