Daily trivia Tournament

Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 8 / 10
You took 92 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 708

You earned 8 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set)


But seriously - Davy Jones was one of the Monkees? I was trying to solve that one by process of elimination, I thought "davy jones' locker," pirate/sailor term, must not be him. But apparently he is.

He was the 'cute' English one.
Questions correct: 8 / 10
You took 94 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 706

pretty stupid today - the wife gave me aerosmith singer or i wudda been 7/10
[SIZE=+1]Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 113 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 887

You earned 10 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set) [/SIZE]
Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 78 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 922

You earned 10 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set)

*Is there somewhere where I can get more challenging questions on there?
Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 78 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 922

You earned 10 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set)

*Is there somewhere where I can get more challenging questions on there?
The biggest challenge is the time factor.
That's where the points are.

But, hey, if all of you are in agreement, considering everybody was 10/10.
I can go into Admin tools and tweek it.

Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 78 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 922

You earned 10 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set)

*Is there somewhere where I can get more challenging questions on there?
The biggest challenge is the time factor.
That's where the points are.

But, hey, if all of you are in agreement, considering everybody was 10/10.
I can go into Admin tools and tweek it.


Yea I have no problem making the questions a little bit harder.
The one I have it set for is "Default mixed bag".
There's no 'easy', 'medium', or 'difficult' settings for it.

There is a General Knowledge category that has
"very easy"
and "difficult"

What say we start with "Average"??
The questions where a little more challenging.

Calculating your score..

Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 62 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 838

You earned 9 FunTrivia Bucks! (will be awarded tonight when final scores are set)

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