Cyclonus & Yera: Christian TrumpUSA (Dianetics Censorship)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-politics vignette inspired by Broadcast News.

Signing off (Happy Halloween),


CYCLONUS: It seems consumerism USA is all about candy.
YERA: Facebook and eTrade are 'toys' and create frivolity.
CYCLONUS: Where is the Christian Coalition stamped?
YERA: Philosophy-groups work as 'wandering messengers.'
CYCLONUS: Is TrumpUSA a fast-food joint?
YERA: Democracy is convenience, but capitalism creates gluttony.
CYCLONUS: What about alternative beliefs (e.g., Scientology)?
YERA: Celebrities like Tom Cruise endorse Dianetics/Scientology in media.
CYCLONUS: Should we consider censorship as a way to create control?
YERA: Media is all about unlimited dialogue.
CYCLONUS: Who are the appropriate regulators?
YERA: It's a 'peer-edited system.'
CYCLONUS: I propose martial law...
YERA: I prefer moderate socialism.

After Yera (a sorceress from the planet Venus) and Cyclonus (an A.I. warrior-robot from the planet Cybertron) concluded their discussion/evaluation about TrumpUSA as they observed the behaviors of human civilization from their special spy-station built on Earth's moon, they decided that consumerism and capitalism was simultaneously conducive to democracy and a a challenge to temperance. Cyclonus believed martial law and forms of fascism may at times be desirable on Earth, while Yera insisted that 'moderate' forms of socialism-oriented governance could, in theory, create the kind of temperance that could balance democracy and capitalism. They both agreed that TrumpUSA was a challenge to praise.

Yera and Cyclonus decided to use their spy-beams to watch an intriguing Yale University symposium on the direction of geopolitical capitalism in the new millennium. Since the new millennium was marked by media-intrigue such as Enron, New England Patriots NFL sports-marketing, TrumpUSA scandals/protests, and Wall Street exuberance, the speakers at the Yale symposium talked about the need for neutral international bodies that would serve as monitors and commentators of capitalist developments and trade-pact 'events' such as the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics which saw a vital alliance between North and South Korea. Yera and Cyclonus remarked to themselves that all this 'advertising chatter' just might create some fresh perspectives on the dangers of censorship in the media age of Dianetics and EWTN (Catholic-TV).


{Yera & Cyclonus}


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