Cycle of National Destruction

nakedemperor said:
I'm still a student, and have not yet paid my own taxes, nor had a full time taxable job, so I have no perception of what the tax rate is or how fair it might be...I'll call you back after grad school.

By then youll be a republican
nakedemperor said:
I'm still a student, and have not yet paid my own taxes, nor had a full time taxable job, so I have no perception of what the tax rate is or how fair it might be...I'll call you back after grad school.

Yes that explains things.....I understand better now. ;)
Freedom Lover said:
The following is something some of you may have read before. Given Kerry and the Dem Party's philosophy of ever expanding government, where do you think this country will be after four years of Kerry/Dem rule?

Cycle Of National Destruction

Alexander Tytler, Scottish Jurist and Historian, formulated this cycle, except for item 9. [Item 9 is added for more detail.]

On this cycle, where would you place the United States today?

"The average life of the world's great civilizations has been 200 years. During this period each has progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith.
2. From spiritual faith to great courage.
3. From courage to liberty.
4. From liberty to abundance.
5. From abundance to selfishness.
6. From selfishness to complacency.
7. From complacency to apathy.
8. From apathy to dependency.
[9. From dependency to crisis.]
10. From crisis back to bondage."

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Again i know of the information, but for those that dont, can you provide a :link: . It helps tremendously when your trying to make a point.
Bonnie said:
Or even English, Spanish, and French Monarchies. Each had about a 200 year run, all had although not exclusively periods of bondage, freedom, glutony, apathy, crisis as exemplified by people turning against their rulers and sending them to the chopping block, only to be ressurected by another monarchy promising more and delivering nothing all the while muzzling true freedom.......And so the cycle goes. We are imprisioned, we seek freedom, we get freedom, we revel in freedom, we start to take freedom for granted, with rules and over regulation, absolute power corrupts absolutely..........We get complacent, apathetic, head into crisis/revolution mode.....New people come in etc........Maybe it's just human nature needing a good spanking to jar us back to reality............Is that why those that don't remember History are doomed to repeat it??

I would say that's a pretty good paradigm. Sounds like a child that just never grows up because it not constantly reminded that freedom isn't free. We get lazy and expect others to do the work necessary to maintain the living style we are accustomed to. Pleasure never gets connected to self-responsibilty and the work ethic atrophies like a muscle never used. Weak people are easy to force into submission. THAT is the reality that doesn't seem be taught from generation to generation long enough to ever get ingrained .
dilloduck said:
I would say that's a pretty good paradigm. Sounds like a child that just never grows up because it not constantly reminded that freedom isn't free. We get lazy and expect others to do the work necessary to maintain the living style we are accustomed to. Pleasure never gets connected to self-responsibilty and the work ethic atrophies like a muscle never used. Weak people are easy to force into submission. THAT is the reality that doesn't seem be taught from generation to generation long enough to ever get ingrained .

Ain't it the truth? History is nothing but a chronicle of stupid humans, making the same mistakes over and over again.
nakedemperor said:
Wanna make a bet? :dev1:
NE - I had the same point of view as you when I was a student. I looked upon the conservative ideology as the wrong way to go. Maybe I was just too stoned to know better, who knows. But when I started making money and I became a Dad with a mortgage things came into focus. Perhaps there is some correlation between responsibility and conservatism.

Looking at Tytler's model, I believe we are at step 9.
dilloduck said:
I would say that's a pretty good paradigm. Sounds like a child that just never grows up because it not constantly reminded that freedom isn't free. We get lazy and expect others to do the work necessary to maintain the living style we are accustomed to. Pleasure never gets connected to self-responsibilty and the work ethic atrophies like a muscle never used. Weak people are easy to force into submission. THAT is the reality that doesn't seem be taught from generation to generation long enough to ever get ingrained .

Weak people that are easily forced into submission.........I like the way you put that..........So dead on!
drowe said:
NE - I had the same point of view as you when I was a student. I looked upon the conservative ideology as the wrong way to go. Maybe I was just too stoned to know better, who knows. But when I started making money and I became a Dad with a mortgage things came into focus. Perhaps there is some correlation between responsibility and conservatism.

Maybe so-- but neither party now is (fiscally conservative). Conservatism calls for limited government, personal liberties, fiscal responsibility and accountability. Bush, the self-proclaimed conservative, is anything but. He's expanded government, repealed personal liberties, emptied the coffers and piled up a debt so big our children and grandchildren will be feeling its effects... the moralizer in chief might even be worse for hardline conservatives because when a party owns the house and the presidency, fiscal conservation goes out the window, historically. In which case, a divided executive and legislative would be more fiscally conservative, because they act to check and balance each other. As it is, bush has never vetoed anything, he's not repealed or contracted any federal agencies, and he may be forced to raise taxes on account of his own policies...

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