Current Presidential Approval Ratings


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
It must so be the pits to be a deadender now..... on the other hand, maybe in 30 years, people will forget how awful Baby Bush was.

Current Presidential Approval Ratings

64 percent approve of how Carter handled his job as president."

The elder Bush had a low 34 percent approval rating shortly before losing the 1992 election.

But his poll ratings started climbing up against after his electoral defeat and by January 1993, 56 percent of Americans approved of his performance while president.

Bill Clinton enjoyed solid ratings as he finished his second term in 2001, with 66 percent approving how he handled the job. In the latest poll, Clinton received a slightly higher 69 percent rating.

The outgoing US president, however, will be stepping down on January 20 with a rock-bottom approval rating of 27 percent.

"The current occupant of the White House probably hopes history will treat him as kindly as it did his predecessors," Holland said of George W. Bush.

Obama has enjoyed sky-high poll numbers since his election victory in November, with ratings as high as 82 percent before he takes over at the White House on January 20.

Ex-presidents Carter, Bush get high marks in poll | ABS-CBN News Online Beta
Hindsight is 20/20. When the truth starts coming out (sometimes decades or even centuries later) and the heated rhetoric has faded, folks tend to view past actions and circumstance with a more objective eye.

I agree that's part of the equation. But what I suspect is also true is that the ex-presidents sometimes are better ex-presidents than they ever were as president. For example, Jimmy Carter and Habitat for Humanity (as long as he keeps his mouth shut on the middle east, he's fine); Bill Clinton and Daddy Bush on Tsunami relief, etc.; Bill Clinton with his foundation. If they rise above politics and do great humanitarian things, then I think people respond.

The question is, in baby bush's case, does he have enough depth of character to actually do good once he leaves office. My money is on Laura doing far more than he does. Of course, I could be wrong.
We won't have any idea how Bush's policies in the Middle East will play out over time. People like to think of Bush as some lying fool who was in way over his head. What people don't understand is that Bush's goals from the beginning were long term. He has always felt that spreading democracy is the way to bring long term peace to the world.

Now, everything he has done could turn out to be a useless effort, making Iraq the debacle that it currently looks like. However, if Iraq does come out of this as a long term workable democracy, not necessarily the way we view democracy, but a workable democracy that gradually increases everyone's rights, that could well spill over into Iran and other Muslim countries over time. The younger generation of Iranians are already fed up with the theocratic dictators who run that country. It's only a matter of time before they move to a more democratic and transparent form of government. Success in Iraq could lead to this taking place sooner rather than later.

I'm not saying that this will happen, but if it does, the long term legacy of GW Bush will be much different than many now think.
Once again, Obama hasnt been in office a day. He cant have a job approval rating. He hasnt done anything. He wont do anything until January 20th. So please dont try to feed me nonsense that Obama has a 82% job approval rating when he hasnt even started work.
Once again, Obama hasnt been in office a day. He cant have a job approval rating. He hasnt done anything. He wont do anything until January 20th. So please dont try to feed me nonsense that Obama has a 82% job approval rating when he hasnt even started work.

As I recall, GW had a 92% approval rating at one point.
Hindsight is 20/20. When the truth starts coming out (sometimes decades or even centuries later) and the heated rhetoric has faded, folks tend to view past actions and circumstance with a more objective eye.

How true... With the press and media the way it is in this country is it's amazing Bush's approval rating is THAT high... If the media continues their liberal butt kisssing Republicans will never get another favorable rating....ever.

It's funny that it's never talked about how well the economy was doing the first 7 years of his Presidency...
When the truth starts coming out (sometimes decades or even centuries later) and the heated rhetoric has faded, folks tend to view past actions and circumstance with a more objective eye.

Then it wasn't the 'truth,' or are memories shortlived, does truth change. I am wondering what 'truth' can be looked back on centuries from now. Maybe some day dictators won't look so bad, you think?
Yeah that massive social spending increase, was very much Reagan like.


What an idiot.

I see no reason to eliminate defense spending from the category of government spending. It is, afterall, money spent by the government and collected from tax payers.

The growth in spending under Reagan was on a par with most post-world war two presidents, and far greater than the spending under clinton.

In addition, Reagan signed one of the largest tax increases in history, to keep social security funded. So he wasn't averse to social spending at all, if an important political constiuency was involved. Cutting food stamps and school lunches was a tad easier, because poor people don't constitute a powerful voting block.

In short, Baby Bush was just following Reagan's footsteps. More defense spending, less taxes for the rich, less regulations for corporations, a more hawkish foreign policy, and privitization where possible of the nation's treasury resources.
I see no reason to eliminate defense spending from the category of government spending. It is, afterall, money spent by the government and collected from tax payers.

The growth in spending under Reagan was on a par with most post-world war two presidents, and far greater than the spending under clinton.

In addition, Reagan signed one of the largest tax increases in history, to keep social security funded. So he wasn't averse to social spending at all, if an important political constiuency was involved. Cutting food stamps and school lunches was a tad easier, because poor people don't constitute a powerful voting block.

In short, Baby Bush was just following Reagan's footsteps. More defense spending, less taxes for the rich, less regulations for corporations, a more hawkish foreign policy, and privitization where possible of the nation's treasury resources.

Then it wasn't the 'truth,' or are memories shortlived, does truth change. I am wondering what 'truth' can be looked back on centuries from now. Maybe some day dictators won't look so bad, you think?

Well you guys are trying to claim Kim Jong Il, Castro, and Chavez are all good right now. So you could be right.

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