Cure for HIV, Ebola, Flu

I am going to play liberal for a minute....

I am horrified that scientists would have a patent for such a valuable medication. They should work for free and the universities should donate the equipment and offices for the betterment of human society.

How dare they!!
you children are so young....not me...i remember rh factor....go to a graveyard look at the babies graves who just lived one day.....early 1950's.....i remember polio...i assure you that mal was fast tracked....again go to the grave yards....the infant graves who lived for a year or two....i still remember the fuss over taking it or mother had no qualms....she stated she knew what polio did ...even if she wasnt sure what the vaccine would do...

in the early 50's people still died of conditions easily dealt with today....and there have been many medical advances over the decades....some small....some hopefully like this ljoo1....a giant leap

but then again, what happens if everyone lives foreve?

You are right about that. We have reached a day and age when people are less afraid of the disease (polio) than they are of the "cure" (vaccination) to the extent where people aren't getting their kids the polio vaccine.

I suppose iron lungs are going to have to make a comeback before some people are convinced.

iron lungs....i hadnt thought of them in a while...

and i agree people are too afraid of vaccines now..all this blah blah on them causing autism....if you look at the lifestyle changes ...etc...there is a reason kids are disconnecting....
Then why after 30 Years is New HIV Transmission 75% Homosexual Male and Homosexual Male IV Drug Users?...

And even with the Heterosexual Trasmission, the CDC Qualifies it with those who are having Sex with Men who have Sex with Men and IV Drug Users...

This Disease is Overwhelmingly a Homosexual Male thing in the First World, GENERATIONS in now.

Ignoring and or Denying this Fact is Costing the Homosexual Community Lives.

Acting like there is "Safe Sex" for Homosexuals is Killing them, but then again Liberals Assuming that Minorities "can't" has cost them Generations of Moving Foward in Society.

If I Hated Homosexuals, I would Applaud it and Insist they do More of it.

I don't...



Again, since you are obviously not understanding this, I have no desire to take the pathological basis of a disease and turn it into a platform to rail against a social issue that I am opposed too.

As I said before, sex with multiple partners is inherently risky regardless of orientation there are degree of risk, but it still exists.

However, if this Dr. does actually find a way to treat enveloped viruses, it should be a huge relief to you since you are concerned.
iron lungs....i hadnt thought of them in a while...

and i agree people are too afraid of vaccines now..all this blah blah on them causing autism....if you look at the lifestyle changes ...etc...there is a reason kids are disconnecting....

The autism propaganda is truly a testimony to our scientific illiteracy as a nation. As I said, we've done so well (we've basically eradicated polio in this nation) that people are more scared of the cure than the disease. It's ironic that the de facto spokesperson for the anti-vaccination crowd is a former Playboy model who became famous through fart jokes. How can a Doctor and all their boring "science" compete with that? Even when another actress, like Amanda Peet, calls them out for their stupidity (I believe Peet's sister and brother in law are both pediatricians), she get's crucified for it and has to apologize. Strange times.

You know, 90% of people who get polio (even before vaccination) had a sub clinical illness and cleared the virus with no problem. The other 10% were in various states of "screwed" based on how their body reacted. Hep B is the same way. Most people clear it and aren't chronic carriers (not so with Hep C). However, if an unvaccinated youngster get's Hep B (though the odds are rare), they will certainly get chronic Hep B and are going to have a drastically shortened life expectancy.

Viruses are strange things. It's hard enough to understand bacteria. Viruses are extremely hard.
Don't get too carried away. Viruses have a way of willing themselves past these temporary obstacles. Enjoy it while it lasts, but it's not permanent

Actually this is incorrect when dealing with viruses. When they develope a resistance to various vaccines it can be attributed modifications in it's genome aka mutation. When attacking a virus's envelope and damaging it you have effectively destroyed it as a virus is too simple, too primitive and has no mechanism in place to repair itself.

and to add one thing....the title of this thread is very misleading...the discovery by Mr. Lee is quite significant....but it is far from a cure for humans.

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