Cruz unloads on Trump, and it is beautiful, it is accurate, it is to the point

What happened to Marco Rubio after he unloaded on Trump?

Marco who?

Marco " I've got 172 delegates in my pocket" Rubio

I guess you didn't get the joke. When TCL said to look what happened to Rubio after going after Trump, I said Marco who? to illustrate that he'd already faded into the background.

I got it ... but did you get my joke ?

Marco has some weight now that he never had... he's become relevant in the process
Looking at the front runners, and the incumbent, the american people like pathological liars and prefer narcissistic assholes like 0bama, Clinton and Trump. I am coming to terms with that
During the Vietnam War Trump says his personal Vietnam was his battles with VD, not VC. Now that is funny no matter who you are.
Find one lie Cruz has spoken. Find one atom of truth spoken by Trump. You can't find either

I posted Cruz lies yesterday ... really want em?

we can all agree Rafael isnt stupid, so that leaves liar ..

  • Cruz said ISIS is “right now crucifying Christians in Iraq, literally nailing Christians to trees.” It wasn’t, and Cruz wasn’t able to offer any evidence.
  • Cruz described a “strong bipartisan majority” in the House that voted to repeal Obamacare. Two Democrats joined the Republicans.
  • He bluntly claimed that “the jurisdictions with the strictest gun control laws, almost without exception … have the highest crime rates and the highest murder rates.” This is not true.
  • In recent weeks, Cruz has been using some variation of this line: “There are 110,000 agents at the IRS. We need to put a padlock on that building and take every one of those 110,000 agents and put them on our southern border.” The IRS doesn’t have 110,000 employees, let alone agents. (There are 14,000).
Find one lie Cruz has spoken. Find one atom of truth spoken by Trump. You can't find either

I posted Cruz lies yesterday ... really want em?

we can all agree Rafael isnt stupid, so that leaves liar ..

  • Cruz said ISIS is “right now crucifying Christians in Iraq, literally nailing Christians to trees.” It wasn’t, and Cruz wasn’t able to offer any evidence.
  • Cruz described a “strong bipartisan majority” in the House that voted to repeal Obamacare. Two Democrats joined the Republicans.
  • He bluntly claimed that “the jurisdictions with the strictest gun control laws, almost without exception … have the highest crime rates and the highest murder rates.” This is not true.
  • In recent weeks, Cruz has been using some variation of this line: “There are 110,000 agents at the IRS. We need to put a padlock on that building and take every one of those 110,000 agents and put them on our southern border.” The IRS doesn’t have 110,000 employees, let alone agents. (There are 14,000).
Cruz tells standard stock Republican lies. Trump tells whoppers. Trump's lies are more interesting than Cruz lies. Both are scum bags, but Cruz seems like a slimy kind of dude and Trump is better dressed. He uses more bells and whistles.

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