Cruel June for Obama, Dems _ and could get worse


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Cruel June for Obama, Dems _ and could get worse | Political Headlines | Comcast

Just one week old, June already is proving a cruel month for President Barack Obama and the Democrats — and it could get a lot worse.

The political blows from Tuesday's bitter loss in Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall and from last week's abysmal unemployment numbers, bad as they were, could multiply before the month is out.

The Supreme Court will pass judgment shortly on the president's signature legislative achievement — the 2010 law overhauling the nation's health care system — and also will decide on his administration's challenge to Arizona's tough immigration law. If Chief Justice John Roberts and the court strike down all or part of the health care law, it could demoralize Democrats who invested more than a year — and quite a few political careers — to secure the bill's passage

I like , good times coming:eusa_whistle:

Cruel June for Obama, Dems _ and could get worse | Political Headlines | Comcast

Just one week old, June already is proving a cruel month for President Barack Obama and the Democrats — and it could get a lot worse.

The political blows from Tuesday's bitter loss in Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall and from last week's abysmal unemployment numbers, bad as they were, could multiply before the month is out.

The Supreme Court will pass judgment shortly on the president's signature legislative achievement — the 2010 law overhauling the nation's health care system — and also will decide on his administration's challenge to Arizona's tough immigration law. If Chief Justice John Roberts and the court strike down all or part of the health care law, it could demoralize Democrats who invested more than a year — and quite a few political careers — to secure the bill's passage

Appearances can be deceiving. There's a stealth issue that going to be used against the Reps this fall. Despite their constantly decrying the gender gap, they voted to widen it!
The vultures are circling...................

Pretty red ones, pretty blue ones.

As noted, two Supreme decisions coming down.

News yesterday from the Fast n Furious investigation suggesting emails prove beyond doubt that the top echelon indeed did know what the situation was. Holder again on the hot seat today. Will the hammer fall just before the election?

The FBI initiating an investigation of possible WH national security leaks involving details of the Iran viruses, Israel's involvement, etc. Diane Feinstein along with other Dems and Pubs very concerned about this situation. The suggestion being made by McCain that these leaks came directly out of the WH and that they were made for the sole purpose of jacking up Obama's creds ahead of the election. Possibly the most dangerous situation for Obama to date. And what tidbits might be revealed just before the election?

More Dems waiting their turn to heap more criticism on O? A steady stream from now to election?

And how can one not luv Bill Clinton's love & affection for the O? I can't wait for the book!
Yeah I'm sure Romney will come in and straighten all this out. :rolleyes:

If you think the President is in charge of this country you're fooling yourself. Obama is doing what he's told. Romney will do what he's told.

As soon as Americans wake up to the fact that their gov't has been hijacked, things will start to get better. Until then we can put any asshole we want in there but it won't make any difference.
News yesterday from the Fast n Furious investigation suggesting emails prove beyond doubt that the top echelon indeed did know what the situation was. Holder again on the hot seat today. Will the hammer fall just before the election?
I'm not defending Fast and Furious but just so you know, George Bush Jr. had the same program going on while HE was Prez. It was just smaller and under a different name: "Gun Walker".

Holder, who isn't stupid, knows this and will reveal all during any Congressional proceedings against him.

If it goes as I think it will, and Holder doesn't shoot himself in the back of the head, this will unearth more corruption that his country has ever seen.

Or our "elected representatives" will make backroom deals and we'll never hear about this again.
I think you might want to consider getting back on your anti-depression meds.

And maybe join CTA - Conspiracy Theorists Anonymous.

Just sayin' :)
News yesterday from the Fast n Furious investigation suggesting emails prove beyond doubt that the top echelon indeed did know what the situation was. Holder again on the hot seat today. Will the hammer fall just before the election?
I'm not defending Fast and Furious but just so you know, George Bush Jr. had the same program going on while HE was Prez. It was just smaller and under a different name: "Gun Walker".

Holder, who isn't stupid, knows this and will reveal all during any Congressional proceedings against him.

If it goes as I think it will, and Holder doesn't shoot himself in the back of the head, this will unearth more corruption that his country has ever seen.

Or our "elected representatives" will make backroom deals and we'll never hear about this again.

people died under holders watch you may not care but many americans do.
News yesterday from the Fast n Furious investigation suggesting emails prove beyond doubt that the top echelon indeed did know what the situation was. Holder again on the hot seat today. Will the hammer fall just before the election?
I'm not defending Fast and Furious but just so you know, George Bush Jr. had the same program going on while HE was Prez. It was just smaller and under a different name: "Gun Walker".

Holder, who isn't stupid, knows this and will reveal all during any Congressional proceedings against him.

If it goes as I think it will, and Holder doesn't shoot himself in the back of the head, this will unearth more corruption that his country has ever seen.

Or our "elected representatives" will make backroom deals and we'll never hear about this again.

The difference between the program that was operational during the Bush Administration and Fast & Furious is that in the original program, ATF was attempting to trace weapons sold with the intent of arresting those involved...a program in which they had the full cooperation of the Mexican authorities. What they discovered however is that even with the help of Mexico, they couldn't keep track of where the weapons were going and the program was halted. Fast & Furious was a completely different animal. First of all the Mexican authorities were kept in the dark about the entire operation. Secondly, the intent wasn't to trace weapons and arrest those smuggling them but rather to flood Mexico with weapons from the US and then use that as a reason for tougher gun control laws in the US. Eric Holder was perfectly willing to endanger the lives of Mexicans and US citizens along our southern border to further a political agenda.

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