Crops Rot In California Fields As Feds Block Immigrant Workers


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

Cheap produce has a price tag. Having millions of illegals here is one of those costs. Even Cesar Chavez knew that and fought against it. It's cheaper in the long run to pay more for produce, and not have to build schools and prisons for the illegal population. But of course, the big growers won't make as much profit, boo hoo.
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So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

Pay them a living wage

So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

Now those rich corporations will have to pay people legit wages to get them to work instead of importing illegals to do the work. Yes, the prices will go up, but shouldn't people be paid an honest wage for an honest days work? What the fuck, you want slavery to come back?
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost
Cry me a river you motherfucking whiny bitch... lol
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost
Move west young man. Pick those crops. Most people would be thankful for a job.
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

Now those rich corporations will have to pay people legit wages to get them to work instead of importing illegals to do the work. Yes, the prices will go up, but shouldn't people be paid an honest wage for an honest days work? What the fuck, you want slavery to come back?

Ahhh you know what the problem is?
It's the lefty vegans who want cheap rabbit food and is so against us meat eaters because they are programed to believe cow farts is ruining the planet

Got to uphold the Paris accord.

So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

Heaven forbid we have a president who tries to enforce the law. Enough to make an extreme far left demorat cry and cry.
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost


So you progressives are willing to demand $15 an hour for someone to work in a air conditioned environment flipping burgers and making your cappuccino but are unwilling to pay someone the same wage or more to harvest your produce.

Best start working on inventing those automatic harvesters to replace that slave labor you want or expect to see the price of food increase while you lose your slave labor and big corporation subsidies to the small entrepreneur.


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So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

This is the biggest hypocracy for you clowns. You piss and whine about a living wage day in and day out, but when it comes to who is going to pick the vegetables you support illegal slave labor for brown people. Apparently a living wage is only for white guys like you, huh?
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

Boot all the illegal

When we're done, if we need workers to pick our produce, we can set up a temporary visa program.
Come here, work a couple of months, take your earnings back to Mexico.
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost


So you progressives are willing to demand $15 an hour for someone to work in a air conditioned environment flipping burgers and making your cappuccino but are unwilling to pay someone the same wage or more to harvest your produce.

Best start working on inventing those automatic harvesters to replace that slave labor you want or expect to see the price of food increase while you lose your slave labor and big corporation subsidies to the small entrepreneur.



So you progressives are willing to demand $15 an hour for someone to work in a air conditioned environment flipping burgers and making your cappuccino but unwilling to pay someone the same wage or more to harvest your produce.

Ya think they want to eat what they serve you? Nope they want cheap rabbit food , harvested by under the table paid Mexicans at 15 cent a busshel

So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost

Now those rich corporations will have to pay people legit wages to get them to work instead of importing illegals to do the work. Yes, the prices will go up, but shouldn't people be paid an honest wage for an honest days work? What the fuck, you want slavery to come back?
It's going to be a great opportunity for legal citizens in that community.
So, the OP is in favor of exploiting Mexicans? Now we know why they don't want the wall.
So much for the lie that undocumented workers are stealing Americans jobs.

Now the price of fruits and vegetables will skyrocket. Thanks again Donald Trump.

Arrests of undocumented immigrants have surged in the first few months of President Donald Trump’s administration, with arrests of immigrants without criminal records more than doubling nationwide over the beginning of 2016, according to The Washington Post. To make matters worse, even before the crackdown, the number of agricultural workers in California — overwhelmingly Mexican — had decreased as Mexico’s economy improved, keeping more workers at home.

The empty slots don’t translate into more jobs for Americans because Americans don’t want them, according to farmers, even though farmworker pay in many areas is well above minimum wage, paying close to $30,000 in certain areas for full-time work, reports the Los Angeles Times. But the labor is back-breaking, involves long hours, and is seasonal, leaving stretches of time with no pay for many workers.

Immigration Crackdown Expected To Increase Crops Left Unharvested In California Fields | HuffPost
Move west young man. Pick those crops. Most people would be thankful for a job.
R U kidding he's 65, a cucumber would break his back...

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