Criminal returns stolen camera


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
About a month ago my wife leaves her car unlocked. The next day the car looks like someone has sorted through it all, and her camera is missing from the glove box.

Just now she discovers the camera is back in the glove box.


My guess - criminal was a kid, his mommie found the camera, and told him he'd better bring it back before she whopped his ass.

And on another note I need to do something about my wife leaving her car unlocked.
What if the camera was in the glove box all along, only went out of scope, temporarily. Lots of things disappear and we think we lost them, only to find them again at a random moment in the future.
About a month ago my wife leaves her car unlocked. The next day the car looks like someone has sorted through it all, and her camera is missing from the glove box.

Just now she discovers the camera is back in the glove box.


My guess - criminal was a kid, his mommie found the camera, and told him he'd better bring it back before she whopped his ass.

And on another note I need to do something about my wife leaving her car unlocked.

Interesting question: if the only reason you got the camera out is the parent opened up a can of whoop-ass on the kid to get em to tell them where they got the camera from, do you still want it back?
Reminds me of that guy Steven Wright:

"I came home from work one day to find that everything in my house was stolen... and replaced with exact duplicates!"
Maybe they felt bad.

I stole underwear in junior high, and I never wore it because I always felt guilty about it.
About a month ago my wife leaves her car unlocked. The next day the car looks like someone has sorted through it all, and her camera is missing from the glove box.

Just now she discovers the camera is back in the glove box.


My guess - criminal was a kid, his mommie found the camera, and told him he'd better bring it back before she whopped his ass.

And on another note I need to do something about my wife leaving her car unlocked.

My guess is you borrowed the camera and then returned it after you deleted all the pictures of you and your boyfriend.
Umm. Okay. I'll ask it. Did the perp take any pictures with it? If so, of what?

(surprise at being the first to ask)
About a month ago my wife leaves her car unlocked. The next day the car looks like someone has sorted through it all, and her camera is missing from the glove box.

Just now she discovers the camera is back in the glove box.


My guess - criminal was a kid, his mommie found the camera, and told him he'd better bring it back before she whopped his ass.

And on another note I need to do something about my wife leaving her car unlocked.

My guess is you borrowed the camera and then returned it after you deleted all the pictures of you and your boyfriend.

^^^ This ^^^
Umm. Okay. I'll ask it. Did the perp take any pictures with it? If so, of what?

(surprise at being the first to ask)

I might have asked if I actually believed the camera was stolen and not misplaced.

Perhaps, but I will generally take things at face value when there is humorous potential.

I took it at face value, I assumed that someone went though his wife's car and borrowed the camera, and then returned it, I then jumped to the reasonable conclusion that only one person could do it, and the ridiculous one where I assumed a really insulting motive.

Then I pointed out he deleted the pictures he took with it. If I am wrong we might be seeing another thread about the dimension hopping camera real soon.
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About a month ago my wife leaves her car unlocked. The next day the car looks like someone has sorted through it all, and her camera is missing from the glove box.

Just now she discovers the camera is back in the glove box.


My guess - criminal was a kid, his mommie found the camera, and told him he'd better bring it back before she whopped his ass.

And on another note I need to do something about my wife leaving her car unlocked.

Reminded me of another story of 'the criminal returns!'

Seems a guy finds his car missing one morn.....reports it to the police,
But the next morn, the car is back where he left it....with the following note: "So very sorry, my wife had a medical emergency....and I took your vehicle. Please forgive, and accept these tickets to a Broadway play this eve...."

He and his wife go to the play....return home, and find everything in the house missing.
Life in the big city.

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